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Author Topic: hot tub motor got wet. help please.  (Read 8430 times)


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hot tub motor got wet. help please.
« on: December 14, 2013, 05:47:57 pm »
OK I'll start off by saying I'm a idiot sometimes and I messed up. OK here is my brief story. Last night I went out to my tub and was checking the chemicals and after a little looking I decided to drain the water and put new in. So I hooked my garden hose up to the drain valve located by the heater and turned it on. A hour later and after consuming a few adult beverages I went back to check on the drain progress and discovered that the hose was not tight to the valve and I flooded underneath the tub. One of my 2 motors got wet. Outside and 30° weather I should add. So this morning I fill the tub up and turn it on and everything is fine for about 30 seconds then the breaker flips. I unplug the motor that got wet and turn it on and everything is fine. So I pull the motor put and set it on the end with the plastic cover off of the back of the motor itself for about 2 hours in my heated basement to let it dry out, it spins fine and appears to be dry inside. To test it out I just pluged it in next to the tub without hooking it to water and try to turn it on.  So I turn it on and instantly it sparks from the back of the motor and flips the breaker. Question is this did I ruin the whole motor or is this just some part in the motor I can replace?

Hot Tub Forum

hot tub motor got wet. help please.
« on: December 14, 2013, 05:47:57 pm »


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Re: hot tub motor got wet. help please.
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2013, 07:23:16 pm »
Guess I should add this is a century 2 speed. 2.0- 2.5 230v motor.

Ryan VSO

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Re: hot tub motor got wet. help please.
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2013, 02:00:59 pm »
If you ever need a replacement one , let me know .. I ll make you save at least 100 $


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Re: hot tub motor got wet. help please.
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2013, 05:34:25 pm »
OK I'll start off by saying I'm a idiot sometimes and I messed up. OK here is my brief story. Last night I went out to my tub and was checking the chemicals and after a little looking I decided to drain the water and put new in. So I hooked my garden hose up to the drain valve located by the heater and turned it on. A hour later and after consuming a few adult beverages I went back to check on the drain progress and discovered that the hose was not tight to the valve and I flooded underneath the tub. One of my 2 motors got wet. Outside and 30° weather I should add. So this morning I fill the tub up and turn it on and everything is fine for about 30 seconds then the breaker flips. I unplug the motor that got wet and turn it on and everything is fine. So I pull the motor put and set it on the end with the plastic cover off of the back of the motor itself for about 2 hours in my heated basement to let it dry out, it spins fine and appears to be dry inside. To test it out I just pluged it in next to the tub without hooking it to water and try to turn it on.  So I turn it on and instantly it sparks from the back of the motor and flips the breaker. Question is this did I ruin the whole motor or is this just some part in the motor I can replace?

Maybe shorted the field or rotor out. This will ruin it. There are numerous places to buy a new motor online that can save you money unless you can find a dealer close by with a bunch of motors used and otherwise on the shelf's.


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Re: hot tub motor got wet. help please.
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2013, 05:35:46 pm »
First, you have a potentially dangerous situation hear relating to electric and water, verify any electrical applications you are working with are GFCI protected.

Strongly suggest you have moisture still the motor switching.  it is not practical to open anything mechanical, but you need to use some blown heat source like a ceramic heater, or hair dryer, that will raise internal temperature of the motor to evaporate any moisture, room temperature is not going to do it.

Then I would also recommend drying out the equipment area as much as possible to improve the conditions.  Best recommendation in this season would be the a small ceramic heater you could pick up at your local hardware.  They are thermally controlled, it will dry out anything else that is still wet. 

Be sure your 110 -120 volt plugs are GFCI protected.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: hot tub motor got wet. help please.
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2013, 05:35:46 pm »


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