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Author Topic: hot tub motor got wet. help please.  (Read 1994 times)


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hot tub motor got wet. help please.
« on: December 14, 2013, 06:39:45 pm »
OK I'll start off by saying I'm a idiot sometimes and I messed up. OK here is my brief story. Last night I went out to my tub and was checking the chemicals and after a little looking I decided to drain the water and put new in. So I hooked my garden hose up to the drain valve located by the heater and turned it on. A hour later and after consuming a few adult beverages I went back to check on the drain progress and discovered that the hose was not tight to the valve and I flooded underneath the tub. One of my 2 motors got wet. Outside and 30° weather I should add. So this morning I fill the tub up and turn it on and everything is fine for about 30 seconds then the breaker flips. I unplug the motor that got wet and turn it on and everything is fine. So I pull the motor put and set it on the end with the plastic cover off of the back of the motor itself for about 2 hours in my heated basement to let it dry out, it spins fine and appears to be dry inside. To test it out I just pluged it in next to the tub without hooking it to water and try to turn it on.  So I turn it on and instantly it sparks from the back of the motor and flips the breaker. Question is this did I ruin the whole motor or is this just some part in the motor I can replace?

Hot Tub Forum

hot tub motor got wet. help please.
« on: December 14, 2013, 06:39:45 pm »


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Re: hot tub motor got wet. help please.
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2013, 04:34:02 am »
Probably still wet.
I'd sit it on the top of your boiler, or in an airing cupboard for at least 48 hours.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: hot tub motor got wet. help please.
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2013, 04:34:02 am »


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