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Author Topic: color DILEMA!!!  (Read 4992 times)


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color DILEMA!!!
« on: June 17, 2004, 09:41:04 pm »
Well, we are real close to purchasing the HS Vangurard. I am however, disappointed in the color choices, actually, the lack of. We are considering the "Pearl". I am concerned about it showing rings marks though. Also this is a new color/product for HS I guess. We have well water with no water softener. Our water is somewhat on the hard side but not unbearibly bad. With this be worth it or should we go with the blue or green granite looking stuff(which my husband hates). I don't particularly need any extra headaches. Any help from anyone who knows about this product and color will be greatly appreciated. Thanks


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color DILEMA!!!
« on: June 17, 2004, 09:41:04 pm »


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Re: color DILEMA!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2004, 09:45:23 pm »
The pearl finish will dull over time if it is not waxed. It will also scratch very easily. I would suggest that if you buy a hot springs to get the endurall finish


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Re: color DILEMA!!!
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2004, 10:47:00 pm »
Looked at same finish. My suggestion is go for the pearl. It will look way better at night with the colored lights! ;D   actually when I spoke to HS dealer about scratches he advised that the new pearl color goes all the way through product and is not just a surface color. So if need be can be sanded down instead of trying to mix a color to match the existing. I was worried about water rings as well but the one in showroom didn't seem to show any and the dealer said he had same one at home with no problems. (I was talking to him about ordering one so choice of color wasn't an issue. I don't see any incentive for dealer not to be truthful on color since I wasn't taking one in stock. ) The lighter colors do look better with the lights!  
     My only complaint is do you want to give up a corner seat for the filtration unit? I didn't!


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Re: color DILEMA!!!
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2004, 11:11:40 pm »
In my experience as a person who until recently sold HotSpring Spas, I would agree that the Pearl color looks really sharp in the showroom. The Pearl color also reflects the lighting more effectively at night. It will be a little more work to keep it looking sharp though because the water spots will be more noticeable, but it's a quick wipe with a sponge or towel. I have never heard of having to "wax" the Pearl surface to keep it from looking dull, I think that advice is incorrect. I had several clients who got scatches in the material. It is quite easy to repair by sanding it down. Watkins, the manufacturer of HotSprings has step-by-step instructions on how to repair the surface if it gets scratched, but I would get the dealer to commit (in writing) to come out and repair it the first time so that you can see how it's done. The Pearl finish has been very popular for HotSprings since it was introduced last year and my clients who decided to go with it have been very happy with their decision. Hope this info helps.


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Re: color DILEMA!!!
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2004, 11:30:25 pm »
The Pearl looks great at night. Windex will work well to keep it clean.
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Re: color DILEMA!!!
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2004, 07:04:25 am »
I personally own a Vanguard with the Pearl color!

It is absolutely fabulous!  I love it, and glad I did not listen to the "doom and gloom" of showing scratches and water spots.  I wipe my water line down once a month, just for good measure, not that it really needs it.  I have noticed no scratches in the 9+ months I have had my tub.  Each water change I use a little windex or some clorox clean-up wipes and wipe it down good (which I would have done with the other colors).

Go with what YOU like!  It does reflect the lights better, and when the sky is cloudy, I turn the lights on to cycle through the colors and relax to the symphony of lights!

Good luck in your decision!  My hubby actually didn't like the pear at first, but has admitted it is a lot prettier than the blue (which would have been his choice).

Just my thoughts on the subject.  I am prejudiced!
Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me


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Re: color DILEMA!!!
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2004, 12:54:34 pm »
We went with the white endurol, but only because we liked the slightly rough texture, as it gave us a little more traction getting into and out of the tub.

Otherwise, the pearl finish really did look sharp! 8)



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Re: color DILEMA!!!
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2004, 03:09:01 pm »
We are close to buying a caldera niagra. At first we thought the blue was a good choice. But realizing unlike our pool these things are covered most of the time the white or pearl seemed the best choice for lights.

Saw a pearl in the show room that had a scratched area as if somebody rubbed it deliberately. It was in a circlular motion.  Dealer wasn't too happy, said he could fix it and was pissed somebody did it. Let's face it all surfaces are going to age over time.  If you use a nice cloth it should be fine. These people probably won't buy a pearl tub now because it scratches. Well brillo or sand paper will do that to a shinny surface. :P


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Re: color DILEMA!!!
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2004, 10:25:18 pm »
We are close to buying a caldera niagra. At first we thought the blue was a good choice. But realizing unlike our pool these things are covered most of the time the white or pearl seemed the best choice for lights.

Saw a pearl in the show room that had a scratched area as if somebody rubbed it deliberately. It was in a circlular motion.  Dealer wasn't too happy, said he could fix it and was pissed somebody did it. Let's face it all surfaces are going to age over time.  If you use a nice cloth it should be fine. These people probably won't buy a pearl tub now because it scratches. Well brillo or sand paper will do that to a shinny surface. :P

The pearl finish scratches MUCH more easily than the textured finishes. I have seen them scratched by someone sitting on them in jeans. Also seen them scratch because a small peice of dirt or sand got dragged across the spa as the cover was removed. It does not take sand paper to scratch that material.


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Re: color DILEMA!!!
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2004, 03:11:41 pm »
can I drag us all back to the topic for a moment, which was COLOUR !!LOL   Kay, without wanting to give you even more of a colour choice, have you seen the copper one???? I think it looks FABULOUS (darlin'!) and with the dark wood surround???? WOW  - it's the dogs dangley bits!!  That being said, personally,Ive decided to go with a pearl marquis reward, so what do I know!lol
« Last Edit: June 21, 2004, 03:14:30 pm by saz »


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Re: color DILEMA!!!
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2004, 03:55:42 pm »
can I drag us all back to the topic for a moment, which was COLOUR !!LOL   Kay, without wanting to give you even more of a colour choice, have you seen the copper one???? I think it looks FABULOUS (darlin'!) and with the dark wood surround???? WOW  - it's the dogs dangley bits!!  That being said, personally,Ive decided to go with a pearl marquis reward, so what do I know!lol

Great point saz.

I saw HS's new cooper as a floor model at a dealer near us (sound like a commercial?) :) WOW! does it ever look sharp. Even took a test soak in a room that could close the doors and make it dark to get the light effect going. Although not as bright as the lighter colours it did offer a very nice atmosphere.

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Re: color DILEMA!!!
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2004, 03:55:42 pm »


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