Had the tub for 3½ months now, it's used every day, chlorine added after use and shocked once a week.The water is tested every 2nd day. I have also cleaned the filters on time every month.
For the first 2½ months no problems, chlorine added every day, PH down when needed and non chlorine shock every saturday.
I ran dry of the original chlorine granules so changed over to another brand as I couldn't get the same, I noticed after a few days that now instead of PH rising, it keeps dropping so I have to use PH up.
Over the last week the water has started to go green, and as it has been over 3 months now is the time to change the water.
I changed the water yesterday and all was fine this morning, so I adjusted the PH, left it 30 mins and added a good dose of chlorine granules.
Came back to it 2 hours later and it's greener than ever!!
I am thinking maybe I haven't been adding enough chlorine over a long period and now have algae in the pipes.
Normally I add enough chlorine to get to 2ppm but if I test it 12 hours later it reads 0, I thought the ozone was breaking it down.
I have shocked it and added clarifier, so if the water clears up should I ditch it, refill and clean the filters?
Here's how it looks now