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Author Topic: What chemicals for getting started/maintaining?  (Read 4760 times)


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What chemicals for getting started/maintaining?
« on: November 16, 2013, 05:51:29 pm »
We bought a Hot Spring Vanguard today! Got a good deal on a used one, being delivered in a week.  Even though I had a Vanguard in the past, I've forgotten what chemicals I'll need to get it started.  I plan to buy all new Tri-X filters, but what else is "must-have"?  There seem to be so many opinions online about the "best" way to keep the water clean and safe......can someone here tell me a relatively easy way to do it? FYI, this one doesn't have an ozonator.

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What chemicals for getting started/maintaining?
« on: November 16, 2013, 05:51:29 pm »


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Re: What chemicals for getting started/maintaining?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2013, 06:04:50 pm »
Woohooo! Grats on your new tub.  It's a good one.

I find good old chlorine to be an easy and inexpensive way to do it.  You'll need a test kit (or test strips), granular chlorine (di-chlor), and ph up and down (depending upon your source water), and possibly calcium booster.  Most hot tub stores do free water testing.  Take a sample to a reputable dealer.  I believe there is a post on here somewhere about the dichlor/bleach method.  It makes good sense in theory, though I have never tried it.  Everyone who uses it seems to report positive results.

The Spa Frog system is a pretty easy system with 2 cartridges that you replace periodically.  It's basically a bromine floater and a mineral stick.  It will cost a little more than chlorine.

There are a lot of alternative treatment systems, but none are EPA approved by themselves and still require chlorine or bromine.  I would probably avoid most of them.

Since it is a used tub, I would absolutely do a system flush.  It will clean all of the nasty stuff out of the plumbing.  You have no idea how the previous owner treated the water, but gross things happen in hot tubs  :o

Grats again!


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Re: What chemicals for getting started/maintaining?
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2013, 11:00:18 am »
I'd say Chlorine or Bromine. (for sanitation)
PH+ and PH- (for ph balance)
MPS Shock (weekly or after heavy use shock)
And test strips as  bare minimum requirements.

Calcium Chloride if you need to increase water hardness, although having experimented myself, i'm struggling to see any long term benefit.
Bicarbonate of Soda is a cheap solution to increase the TA (total alkalinity).

Then the extra's like Water Clarifier (not sure if this actually works myself), and Anti Foam.

I've been experimenting with different substances for Anti Foam, one of which i found worked a treat, however, i'm not sure i should publicize it for fear of being ridiculed. :-)


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Re: What chemicals for getting started/maintaining?
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2013, 11:17:03 am »

I've been experimenting with different substances for Anti Foam, one of which i found worked a treat, however, i'm not sure i should publicize it for fear of being ridiculed. :-)

Do tell!  Why would you be ridiculed?  I think it's awesome that you are taking such an active interest in this to the point of experimenting.  You've offered some sound advice.


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Re: What chemicals for getting started/maintaining?
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2013, 08:04:58 am »
ive been experimenting with various household substances.

Chitosan which is apparently one of the main ingredients in a well known USA anti foaming agent.
I tried various combinations of Chitosan and Acetic Acid, none of which worked.

I couldn't see any difference what so ever, so I purchased a small bottle of the particular anti foaming solution, which i finally managed to find in the UK at an over inflated price.
I wasn't impressed, to the point, I was rather dissapointed, as I was hoping this was the miracle cure people had said it was.

I next experimented with silicone spray (we sell this at work), this really worked to combat the foaming, but it was rather messy cleaning the skimmer area. So no better than the commercially avialable anti foams, other than really cost effective.

Having ran out of Silicone spray, and no official anti foam left last weekend, I had 2 choices.
Dump the water and refill or come up with an alternative. ( the foaming was that bad)

I scoured my chemicals cupboard, under the kitchen sink and in my garage, and came up with........

Cheap car polish.
Contains a blend of silicones, bees wax and nonionic surficants.
One small cap full and every bit of the foam vanished in an instant.
I was worried that it might smell, but no smells, no water discoloration, just a small amount of scum to clear from the Scum Bug sponges.
Nothing in the filters.
This stuff costs about £1.50 or $2.00 on the local sunday market.


Of course, I can't advocate using car polish, and to be truthful, I can't imagine that i'll be using it again, but i will continue with my experiments.
(thats just the way i am !!)


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Re: What chemicals for getting started/maintaining?
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2013, 06:50:02 pm »
That's awesome!  Let me know if you see any adverse effects or any other pertinent info.  Experimenting is fun  8)


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Re: What chemicals for getting started/maintaining?
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2013, 10:40:48 am »
My hair is shiney  ;D


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Re: What chemicals for getting started/maintaining?
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2013, 04:50:18 pm »
Thanks everyone! The hot tub was delivered yesterday, electrician is coming next week, and hopefully we'll be enjoying hot soaks very soon!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: What chemicals for getting started/maintaining?
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2013, 04:50:18 pm »


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