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Author Topic: Jacuzzi Flow switch going bad again on J 465  (Read 7233 times)


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Jacuzzi Flow switch going bad again on J 465
« on: November 04, 2013, 03:16:50 pm »
My flow switch is starting to go bad again on my 2010 J 465 Jacuzzi. This will be the 2nd one. Is there a issue with these flow switches or am I just having bad luck? It is under warranty but getting warranty work done has been a bad experience.

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Jacuzzi Flow switch going bad again on J 465
« on: November 04, 2013, 03:16:50 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Jacuzzi Flow switch going bad again on J 465
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2013, 03:41:36 pm »
 Flow switches do not typically "start" going bad, they either work or they don't.     What makes you think it's going bad??


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Re: Jacuzzi Flow switch going bad again on J 465
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2013, 06:22:43 pm »
Flow switches do not typically "start" going bad, they either work or they don't.     What makes you think it's going bad??

When I raise the temp setpoint, The heater symbol will flash on and off sometimes. I disconnected the flow switch and checked the resistance in a flowing condition; The meter reads 1500 ohms where it should read Zero in a closed loop. It just a on off paddle switch.

Also, I have "bumped" the tee where the flow switch is with a rubber hammer and it starts heating.

Its the flow switch going bad. There is another test I do to prove this but would rather not discuss on the forum.  :) If you want, I will PM you or try and talk with you over the phone. I could change it in 5 minutes.

The last flow switch had no build up at all on it. This flow switch is acting the same way. I get the message on the j-1000 sometimes. I have reset my computer by turning the breaker on and off with no success. Everything else is working great.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 06:25:34 pm by smackman »

bob snader

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Re: Jacuzzi Flow switch going bad again on J 465
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2013, 08:23:03 am »
Could be just bad luck... could be a bad capacitor on the control board (I'm doing a bit of wild guessing here).

Because of the high resistance your getting the switch is "throwing" properly, there is just something on the switch contacts raising the resistance from what it should be to (near to zero) to what you're getting. Now... I *think* the type of switch you use is a magnetic reed type. It's a magnetic contact inside a sealed glass tube and when a magnet comes near it the contacts get pulled closed

Because it's a sealed glass tube it eliminates the possibility of humid air getting at that actual contacts and causing oxidation, the only other thing I can think of to cause it to wear prematurely is arcing (electricity jumping across a gap, much like a spark plug).... which is a common problem with switches. Again, I'm guessing here (I don't know the Jacuzzi control circuitry), but when an inductive circuit (these thing usually control a relay which is inductive) is switched off, the electricity just can't stop instantaneously so a small and quick arc is produced across the gap, which in time slowly destroys the contacts. They can build up a resistance from the burning metal and in some cases even weld the contacts together.

To try and control and eliminate arcing a "snubber circuit" is usually built in to protect the reed switch. In the case of a DC current this is a simple diode across the relay and in the case of AC current (which I *think* is the jacuzzi case) there is a capacitor and a resistor placed across the reed switch.

Long story short... if you're shooting through a lot of flow switches then quite possibly your "snubber curcuit" on the board is fried.... OR... it's just all plain bad luck!  :)


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Re: Jacuzzi Flow switch going bad again on J 465
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2013, 08:46:41 am »
This will be the 2nd flow switch since April 2010 purchase. I checked the switch with the wires off the circuit board; It was around 1400 - 1500 ohms in the closed position which is "high". It will make the circuit sometimes.

I am a OLD  :) Electronic Technician; I primarily have worked in Refinery's   and chemical plants for30+ years. I have been retired since 2003 due to a major back injury.

I am not a Hot Tub expert. I do understand what you are saying. The flow switch is the only problem I have ever had besides speakers going bad.

bob snader

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Re: Jacuzzi Flow switch going bad again on J 465
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2013, 06:19:53 pm »
This will be the 2nd flow switch since April 2010 purchase. I checked the switch with the wires off the circuit board; It was around 1400 - 1500 ohms in the closed position which is "high". It will make the circuit sometimes.

Yes... and that's the point I'm making. Because you are getting a "high" resistance (not infinite) the contacts are indeed making. If they weren't you would get an open circuit condition. The high resistance therefore can only be dirt in the contacts or contact damage due to arcing.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Jacuzzi Flow switch going bad again on J 465
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2013, 06:19:53 pm »


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