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Author Topic: Please help a newbie balance his water  (Read 3329 times)


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Please help a newbie balance his water
« on: October 17, 2013, 01:49:14 pm »
Hi I just bought a used bullfrog 662 from 2009, I love it :)

We set it up last week, and I've been trying to balance it with bromine pucks and chemicals as needed.

On monday I tested and my bromine was low and my alkalinity was low, so I added zap, some part a and part b type bromine, some bromine pucks in the brominator and some alk+.

Now I just got my water digitally tested by the dealer.  It says:

My bromine is at .2ppm and it should be between 3-5 ppm
My alk is at 189 ppm and it should be between 100-150
My ph is at 8.3 and it should be between 7.4 and 7..6

The instructions from the dealer were to add:
250ml of alk -  (did that)
1 pouch of zap (did that)
9 g of easy brome (I told her I was using pucks, so what I did was top off my bromine pucks in the brominator and added the suggested amount of part a and part b bromine -- 80 ml of part a and 80 grams of part b )

I added the above, ran the hot tub for 30 minutes to mix the stuff up, and now I am noticing it a little bit of bubbles foaming on the edge of the tub.

-is my water safe to use tonight?  (should I worry that is has a little bit of bubbles and it had low bromine?  Water is about 6 days old)
-why does the sheet from the dealer say to put in zap because my bromine is low, I thought zap doesn't effect bromine levels?  (I have added two pouches of zap now this week).
-is what i am doing with the brominator and the Part A Part B bromine mix sufficient?  Should I try something else?   My friends tell me once the brominator is going it is an easy way to regulate the chemicals...

Thanks for your replies!
« Last Edit: October 17, 2013, 02:22:21 pm by hanexs »

Hot Tub Forum

Please help a newbie balance his water
« on: October 17, 2013, 01:49:14 pm »


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Re: Please help a newbie balance his water
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2013, 03:55:56 am »
I'm far from an expert, i'm still learning, and still have a lot to learn.

No doubt a water expert will be along shortly to say that I don't have anywhere near enough chemicals, but i don't mind changing the water if i have to.

I'm not so sure what zap is, but here is my arsenal.

Bromine tablets (pucks?)
Bromine Granules
Bicarbinate of Soda
MPS, Non Chlorine Shock
And recently experimenting with Calcium Chloride, and silicone spray.

On a fresh 350 gallon fill i will normally add a tablespoon of MPS and leave it for an hour with the pumps running..(may skip this step if we are eager to jump in)

Then add 2 tablespoons of Bromine granules.
Leave it for 30 mins with the pumps running then test with test strips.
Ordinarily, this is OK for me.

I may have to do a little tweaking with alc, so I add 2 tablespoons of Bicrab, and test again. Keep doing this until alc is OK. (always with the circ pump running)

If PH is high or low, then PH+ or PH- would be used, but again for me, this is infrequent.

I only use the floating pucks while the tub is not in use (during the week) to save me from having to perform daily checks.

About two hours before jumping in, check and adjust as above.
Every weekend, I add a tablespoon of MPS (non chlorine shock)

My experiments with Calcium Chloride and silicone spray are to combat the foaming.
I've increased my water hardness to 200 with Calcium Chloride.
A very light blast of silicone spray, seems to kill the foam dead in it's tracks, which then collects on my scum bugs.


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Re: Please help a newbie balance his water
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2013, 01:33:22 pm »
Bromine 3-5ppm
Ph 7.2- 7.8
Total Alkalinity  80-120

If your Bromine is .2ppm no it is not safe to use. No one can tell you differently.
Your Ph and Alk were both high I did not see a Ph Down suggestion from the dealer?

You need to get the Ph and Alk into range and make sure your Bromine is in the proper range.  The foaming is likely due to low sanitizer levels and high Ph and Alk.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 03:56:01 pm by kporter »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Please help a newbie balance his water
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2013, 01:33:22 pm »


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