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Author Topic: Help/Advice Needed - Power Outage/Breaker Tripping/FL1 error Sundance Chelsee  (Read 6346 times)


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I've been browsing through the forums and learning a lot about chemistry since we bought our used hot tub about a year ago, and now I need some advice from the experts.

At the end of June we had a power outage and it tripped the breaker for the hot tub. We turned it back on and all was fine. More summer storms and another blackout later and the breaker tripped again and this time could not be re-set (kept tripping). It was time for a water change and we weren't really using the hot tub much in the summer, so we drained and let it sit empty for a few months.

We refilled the hot tub (through the filter area) last week and got an FL1 error. Thought it was an air lock from being empty/filling but no garden hose tricks or even opening up the lines to purge the air bubbles changed anything. Then remembered the power issues and now realising the circulation pump is not working? Should it be turning on even with an FL1 error (Sundance Chelsee 2008)? We can also see the flow switch is stuck open. My husband is quite handy and just wondering if anyone can advise on which avenue we should pursue first. Is it likely the circulation pump is fried? Or maybe just the flow switch? Do either of these things tend to happen with a power outage?

Thanks in advance for any advice you have.

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Your circulation pump should be turning on.  If it is not, that is most likely the culprit.


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Your circulation pump should be turning on.  If it is not, that is most likely the culprit.

Thanks, Pump #1 and #2 are clearly working - it is easy to see/hear them when we open the cover.
But don't hear anything from the circulation pump so that's what I was thinking. Just thought I may have read that the FL1 error on Sundance means the circulation pump won't function. So wanted to check with others.


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Re: Advice Needed - Power Outage/Breaker Tripping/FL1 error Sundance Chelsee
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2013, 01:51:55 pm »
Ok so maybe it's stupid question time, but how do I know if the circulation pump is working?
The pumps for the jet are very loud. I don't hear anything from the circulation pump. Water is not heating.


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, my Chelsee just died and I had to replace the fuse in the control box. Afterwards I got the FL1 error code and the circulating pump is not working. Seem to be facing the same dilemma. My flow switch also seems to be in the open position. I think my pump is broken but want to be sure before ordering another one on line. The manual seems to suggest that the error code causes the pump to shut down ..... Or is it the other way round and the broken pump is causing the error code?

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I have a Jacuzzi and just dealt with the FL1 error over the past week.  It was my circulation pump and after replacing it, everything is back in working order.  On mine, the circulation pump was the first pump to turn on when the breaker is turned on.  It is a low volume pump but will make some small bubbles upon start up.  You can also tell if the cirulation pump is working by putting your hand over the filter inlet with the grate or cover over it.  If there is no suction, then the pump isn't functional.  I read where some people were able to take their pump apart and had calcium deposits inside that they cleaned off and put it back in and it worked.  I didn't see any deposits with my pump so I just bought a new one.  Hope this helps. 

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