What's the Best Hot Tub

Author Topic: Brown water  (Read 2236 times)


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Brown water
« on: October 05, 2013, 05:49:10 pm »
Hey All..  Just got my hot tub up and running. It's awesome. Hot Springs Grandee. Family and I took our first soak last night..After the soak I placed a hot springs vanishing act pillow on the ozonater as per the dealer due to the hard water in my area. This morning went to flip the pillow so it can soak for another 12 hrs and my water was brown. Yikes!!! Does that mean the pillow is doing its job?  After the pillow is removed dealer said to add spa shock to tub..
     Question 2.. I would love to put some photos of my set up on the forum but having a hard time doing so.  I did pour a cement slab and cement walkway leading to the tub.  I tried a couple of times to post the photos from photobucket to the forum using my ipad and I am unable to do so. Do I need to use a window based computer?    Or will it work from a ipad? Thanks all and Happy tubbing..

Hot Tub Forum

Brown water
« on: October 05, 2013, 05:49:10 pm »


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