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Author Topic: DO NOT BUY FROM RHTUBS::---> CHEAP COVERS AND DISHTheresa  (Read 32481 times)


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It's pretty obvious that William is not a trustworthy individual who is well versed at telling half truths in an effort to defraud others. I say Doc has gone above and beyond in his offer.

Some people are always trying to screw others over.   >:(
If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.

It IS as bad as you think and they ARE out to get you.

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I've always given less credibility (deserved or not) to a poster who signs up just to complain and never comes back.  This forum is about the exchange of hot tub related information and some of that is going to be negative, but I tend to discredit the hit and run posters. I may invite him back via email to follow up. (haven't decided)
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Not coming back tells us he has decided to man up and realized his mistake and wishes he could take back his post.


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Not coming back tells us he has decided to man up and realized his mistake and wishes he could take back his post.

That definitely happens on public forums, if you don't get the support you thought you'd get.
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn."


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the hole is not in the cover....the stitching began to unravel after a few short weeks....HONEST!!!....and the pencil WAS NOT PUT INTO THE FABRIC....it was placed into the Styrofoam to prom up the tearing cover and to show the tear!!! What barrier....there is no "barrier between the cover and the Styrofoam. The cover slips over the Styrofoam....PERIOD!!

Pleased to hear that one or two of you have been dealing with this "non-customer service man"....sure , all goes fine until there is a problem, and then the true person is shown. I stand by my statement--- and what is is "collecting" my statement for legal action....yea right...intimidation really is not a customer service virtue.  I have already registered with the State of California BBB, Attorney General Office for the State of California, and the professional organization for spa sales and installation.

I stand by my original statement----> DO NOT BUY FROM THIS MANUFACTURER----there are many others to choose from!!!!

BTW---anyone can change---edit---fabricate---an email to their advantage!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 always write letters of commendation and compliment...and letters of dissatisfaction. This informative POST is the latter. I will paste exchanged emails and ask you to be the judge of this small time, cheap low grade spa cover supplier.

MY FIRST EMAIL TO RHTUBS ON JULY 12, 2013-->Dear Theresa;
You were very helpful during my loss of the spa cover after super storm sandy. Hopefully you can help me again with a similar spa cover loss.
I trust I have included the correct and complete information for your consideration to replace my spa cover, if not kindly write me.
June 19, 2012- I ordered a replacement spa cover.
October 28, 2012- Super Storm Sandy blew my cover away.
November 29, 2012- I ordered a second replacement spa cover, which arrived 4-6 weeks later and placed on top of spa about mid January, 2013.
July 9, 2013- Picture of spa cover where threads are unraveling. 
THERESA'S REPLY ON JULY 19, 2013---> Hello William, This could have been a very quick fix.... Let me see what I can do..

MY NEXT EMAIL ON JULY 29, 2013---> Dear Theresa;
I have not head from you since your initial email wherein you said you would see what you can do  to replace mt spa cover.regards .......william

Hey there, I'm working on this and should hear back from management tomorrow........Theresa

ANOTHER EMAIL TO THERESA ON AUGUST 7, 2013---> hi theresa;
any word on replacement of cover. honestly...i have purchased 3 covers over the years--- is this really a big expense to management?....william
AND SHE REPLIED ON AUGUST 7, 2013---> The problem is Robert is out of the country and whoever is running the show in production isn't able to approve any offers. This may take a while. HMMMMM ONE MAN OFFICE?????

THERESA REPLIED ON AUGUST 11, 2013---> Someone finally responded back to me and said we can remake the cover for a delivered cost of $250.00. Let me know what you want to do from here.

I REPLIED BACK---> that is what i paid for the last one. i had the cover for a couple of months and the threads began to unravel. why must i pay for a new one when it was the workmanship not old age of the cover


MY LAST EMAIL 0N AUGUST 26, 2013---> theresa;
was not one of my choices, when we spoke,  that you would send me the the outer cover at no charge because i did not accept paying for yet another one,


 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Modify message


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You can see the vapor barrier in the pictures that were posted. He offered to replace the vinyl what else are you expecting?  If you just replace the outer cover then I give that cover 6 months before it's completely water logged. Why not send it back and let them fix it for you as was offered according to dr spa


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you paid $250 for a new spa cover? I didn't even know a new cover was available for any spa for that cheap....classic case of you get what you pay for

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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the hole is not in the cover....the stitching began to unravel after a few short weeks....HONEST!!!....and the pencil WAS NOT PUT INTO THE FABRIC....it was placed into the Styrofoam to prom up the tearing cover and to show the tear!!! What barrier....there is no "barrier between the cover and the Styrofoam. The cover slips over the Styrofoam....PERIOD!!

Even hottubguy (post below yours) can see the polyethylene vapor barrier the pencil goes through in the picture.

BTW---anyone can change---edit---fabricate---an email to their advantage!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, they can also omit pertinent parts of the email as well

MY FIRST EMAIL TO RHTUBS ON JULY 12, 2013-->Dear Theresa;
You were very helpful during my loss of the spa cover after super storm sandy. Hopefully you can help me again with a similar spa cover loss.
I trust I have included the correct and complete information for your consideration to replace my spa cover, if not kindly write me.

June 19, 2012- I ordered a replacement spa cover.
October 28, 2012- Super Storm Sandy blew my cover away.
November 29, 2012- I ordered a second replacement spa cover, which arrived 4-6 weeks later and placed on top of spa about mid January, 2013.
July 9, 2013- Picture of spa cover where threads are unraveling. 

THERESA'S REPLY ON JULY 19, 2013---> Hello William, This could have been a very quick fix.... Let me see what I can do..

Actually, she responded on the 12th, and said, "Hello William, This could have been a very quick fix... Until you stabbed the foam core with a pencil breaking the water vapor barrier. Let me see what I can do.."

MY NEXT EMAIL ON JULY 29, 2013---> Dear Theresa;
I have not head from you since your initial email wherein you said you would see what you can do  to replace mt spa cover.regards .......william

Hey there, I'm working on this and should hear back from management tomorrow........Theresa

ANOTHER EMAIL TO THERESA ON AUGUST 7, 2013---> hi theresa;
any word on replacement of cover. honestly...i have purchased 3 covers over the years--- is this really a big expense to management?....william

AND SHE REPLIED ON AUGUST 7, 2013---> The problem is Robert is out of the country and whoever is running the show in production isn't able to approve any offers. This may take a while.

Don't forget your second email of Aug 7th;

Aug 7 - hi theresa;
thank you for taking the time for an explanation. i can wait...but the thread is unraveling a bit at a time. don't want to do anything for it may just exasperate the damage.
regards william

THERESA REPLIED ON AUGUST 11, 2013---> Someone finally responded back to me and said we can remake the cover for a delivered cost of $250.00. Let me know what you want to do from here.

Actually, this email was from AUGUST 8th (August 11th was a SUNDAY, and we're closed on Sundays)

If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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I REPLIED BACK---> that is what i paid for the last one. i had the cover for a couple of months and the threads began to unravel. why must i pay for a new one when it was the workmanship not old age of the cover

If this is the case, you didn't get the cover from us. The last cover you got from us was $319.95...and we've never offered a cover for less than $299.95, and that was back in 1999


ahhhhhh, she actually responded back to you  the SAME day, Aug 8th, with;

When and if a vinyl were to be considered under warranty we would replace the vinyl jacket only , this quote was for a complete cover since the foam core was punctured I figured the foam isn't going to last much longer so I asked for a complete cover with discount considering the threading problem noted. If you just want a vinyl for now I can ask if er can just cover that part and send a remake vinyl skin. You tell me?

And don't "forget" your response to that;

Aug 8 - Theresa;
i have been putting out so much money since "Sandy"...i need to get by as cheaply as possible for now. Please just send me the vinyl skin  and i will (hopefully) "stuff" the Styrofoam into it.
thank you for your help again.

MY LAST EMAIL 0N AUGUST 26, 2013---> theresa;
was not one of my choices, when we spoke,  that you would send me the the outer cover at no charge because i did not accept paying for yet another one,


Actually, she responded the very next day....;

Sorry William I mentioned that usually when something like this happens production offers a new vinyl. They seem to believe that the cover was either dropped or that someone was using the tiedown straps to lift the cover . I spoke with the owner and hes willing to repair the old vinyl at no charge but wants you to mail in the vinyl to them. It looks like my hands are tied on this one since my superiors are involved now and there is nothing i can personally do at this point but follow their orders.
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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This is so sad.  I am not here for either party to this issue, but with 29 years in the industry, I have seen this type of damage time and time again, and I tell every one of my customers, "do not lock down the back straps".  Invariably, someone is going to come along, flip open the cover, step into the water and push the cover back and off of the spa.

Ooops, when they forget to unlock the back strap, and they push that cover back; excessive stress is applied to the locked strap, resulting in damage that looks exactly like this.  Call it; "stitched close to the edge of the material" if you may, but stress takes its toll, and rips and tears occur.  Imagine that.  :o

Unfortunately, money is important to all of us, as well as, the two parties involved.  On one hand, you have the owner of a new cover, implying, "I didn't do that, it just happened", in spite of the frayed material, and the maker of the cover saying, "Why is it my fault".

Except here, they both become losers; one with self inflicted damage that should be someone else's fault, and the other, suffering the fault of selling to consumers, especially when they want to inflict pain associated with their loss that should be someone else's responsibility, like under the "warranty" covering materials and workmanship.

There are reasons, covers cost different amounts of money, going from $300 to $500.  They differ in grades of quality and mil thickness of materials, double stitching, reinforcements, double heat seal wraps, and the list goes on, but the price goes up. 

When you buy on price, you typically get what you are paying for, making you not the “wiser one”, but the more frugal one. 

My customers may choose to buy off the internet, and you know it when you see the cover as you approach.  This is only because we know the differences, while the consumer sees only the price. 

We, as Dealers, can only apologize for the quality standards in what we deliver, when the cost is more.  Those who buy, either or, soon learn the difference, and then buy the next one from the dealer they trust. ;)
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.

bob snader

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Yeah, it wasn't the wisest thing in the world to stab the vapor barrier with a pencil, but either way it's really not such a big deal.... a $5 fix. Take a trip to your home builders store and buy a roll of TUCK (not duct) tape (that's the red tape used to seal household vapor barrier)


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I would never buy another product from RHTUBS.  The worst customer service I have ever dealt with.  It took over six months to get my cover.  Theresa is often not responsive.  She even got the address wrong.  Stay away from this company. 

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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And you are? I'd like to respond, but without knowing who you are.......
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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And you are? I'd like to respond, but without knowing who you are.......

Looks like it might be "wfs1wfs" with a new screen name... Just saying. 
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Hey Dr. there is another thread on a different forum saying your covers are made in Mexico, aren't they made in California?

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