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Author Topic: Blower motor not working  (Read 6813 times)


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Blower motor not working
« on: September 17, 2013, 08:00:32 pm »
Noticed that  my blower motor is not running.  Removed the inspection cover to the spa and the cover to the control board.  I can activate the blower motor "button" and hear the relay clicking.  Got out my voltmeter and checked the terminals coming off of the control board to the side connector.  240vac was switching, removed the  motor connector and the 240vac was switching at the socket as well.  Now I am thinking the motor is shot??  Read the label on the motor and it says that there is a 5 amp fuse for over current protection but its location is so far is a mystery. Its got a purple plug on the cord.   Questions: Chances the cord is bad?? Where might the fuse be??   If its a blown fuse, normally they do not blow for the heck of it?  Is the fuse blowing because the motor is shot?  Maybe the fuse is good, are there any serviceable parts inside this motor like brushes etc.  This is off of 2005 Vita Alero, the blower motor is called "Ultra 9000 Air Blower, 1.0 hp 240volt 3.5 amps 50/60 cycle  Part # 3910200"  My motor is mounted vertical, vent holes up, some replacement ones have a rubber insulator pad for  mounting horizontal.  Does it make a difference on orientation?  Tx

« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 08:50:40 pm by watzup »

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Blower motor not working
« on: September 17, 2013, 08:00:32 pm »


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Re: Blower motor not working
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2013, 08:30:29 am »
The motor fuse it most likely inside the cover on the end where the power cord enters the motor. Also, I would think that the motor is in that position due to small space in the equipment compartment. It doesn't have to be standing on end. Mine was sitting on the side, but it was in a compartment all by itself so there was plenty of room. If you can get the motor out, I'd just play with it to see if you can figure out what's wrong. You don't have anything to loose, unless you don't like to mess with electricity.
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Re: Blower motor not working
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2013, 02:08:05 pm »
If you looked at the pics, you notice the hose connected to the blower motor sits on the floor under the tub.  So to troubleshoot this motor, looks like I have to drain the tub???   Not really sure what a blower motor does, seems to come on by itself every day @ 10am for about 30 seconds or so, or if you are in the tub, when turned on, creates a lot of "action" in the water.?  Tx again....


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Re: Blower motor not working
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2013, 02:32:30 pm »
If you looked at the pics, you notice the hose connected to the blower motor sits on the floor under the tub.  So to troubleshoot this motor, looks like I have to drain the tub???   Not really sure what a blower motor does, seems to come on by itself every day @ 10am for about 30 seconds or so, or if you are in the tub, when turned on, creates a lot of "action" in the water.?  Tx again....

It does just what you stated: it creates lots of turbulence in the water. I didn't like the blower motor on my "vintage" Vita Spa. If you were sitting in the spa with a drink, it got splashed with spa water. I put an inline voltage reducer on mine to control the amount of said turbulence.
The blower motor will also harbor some bacteria if it's not used often, which is a good thing that yours comes on daily, even for 30 seconds. If it's not used in a good period of time, the water becomes stagnant in the supply pipes of the blower motor. I was told that it's not a big deal for men, but with women's vulnerable anatomy, it could cause some infections. Just something to think about.
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Re: Blower motor not working
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2013, 12:23:28 pm »
Got the blower out this morning, disassembled,  Found the fuse, (circled in red)  it checked good.  Took motor to "bench", found out that one of the brushes was totally "used" up.   >:(    See pics, Ordered new blower.   ;D   The main hose must have had a check valve in line, no water

« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 12:31:16 pm by watzup »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Blower motor not working
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2013, 12:23:28 pm »


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