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Author Topic: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please  (Read 20013 times)


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Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« on: September 09, 2013, 02:45:16 pm »

I'm really just after some advice. I'm not sure if there are many people here from the U.K but just after some advice.

This year we decided to holiday in the U.K - Thankfully a very good summer.

We stayed in a lodge in the lake district and also in Yorkshire. Both had hot tubs and I'll be honest I've fell in love with them !

I'm now looking into a hot tub purchase and a local dealer stocks a brand called passion spas. The model I'm interested in is called The Pleasure.

Can anyone offer any comments or experience of this brand or model ?

USA site is http://www.passionspasusa.com/signature-collection/passion-spa-pleasure/



(A total novice !)

Hot Tub Forum

Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« on: September 09, 2013, 02:45:16 pm »


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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2013, 03:49:27 pm »
Hi Anne.
How much is this tub here in the UK ?
You'll find that most manufacturers build their own shell and then use off the shelf parts, so by enlarge a lot of them share the same workings.
There may be cheaper alternatives, although I think that I'd steer clear of Chinese tubs.


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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2013, 04:44:54 pm »

Thanks for the reply. The quotes I'm seeing are £4,999 delivered. From what I see this seems to be the going price here for this tub.

I have not found any reviews of this model so far.

Thanks again.

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2013, 07:46:00 pm »
There's no such (real) brand as Passion Spas. It might be a private label, or a retailer's brand name. If you go to the website above, put the address into Google maps, and look at the street view, the business is in an office above a Cold Stone Creamery.

A whois on the website above shows the domain registered to Skyberate Internet Services in the Netherlands.

Found the following in an industry journal (Aqua);

Spa/Sauna Partnership Announced
by Scott Webb    March 14, 2013 9:50 AM   

Passion Spas, the largest spa brand in Europe, and Almost Heaven Saunas, a US-based manufacturer of saunas, have announced a partnership to begin distribution of Passion Spas and swim spas in America early in 2013. The companies have formed a USA division that will be headquartered in Holland, Michigan, coordinating sales and distribution of Passion products.

Passion Spas manufactures an extensive line of fully featured portable spas and swim spas in the European market, says Dolf Nieland of Passion Spas. “We have an exceptional product story that makes our spas very easy for the dealer to sell. We stock up to 1000 spas in our European warehouse which allows us to offer very aggressive prices to our dealers. Dealers are very, very successful with Passion Spas all over Europe, and we wish to duplicate this success in America.”

“We believe the American market is ready for something new,” adds Dolf. “Our high-value, fully-featured spa line brings new and unique European styling and features to the market. All of our spas come standard with filtration pumps, ozone system, ultraviolet sanitation, LED, waterfalls, formed bottom trays, stainless accents, aromatherapy, and more.”

Passion Spas will be partnering with Almost Heaven Saunas, a nearly 40-year old USA manufacturer of steam saunas. “Our distribution network and reputation for quality and service will be ideal avenues for distribution of Passion Spas,” states Rick Mouw, of Almost Heaven Saunas. “We will also be offering exceptional dealership opportunities for dealers wanting to offer both Passion Spas and Almost Heaven Saunas.”

Passion Spas has been distributing large quantities of Almost Heaven Saunas in Europe for many years, and the partners felt this new distribution agreement bringing spas to the US was the next step.

“Passion Spas seeks a US partner, and Almost Heaven Saunas can grow their dealer network with Passion Spas. It is the perfect partnership opportunity,” said Dolf.

Almost Heaven seems to confirm this is a blog post on their website';

If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2013, 03:44:04 am »
Hi Anne

I have an Artisan Island Antigua, which was purchased from Artisan UK in Doncaster about 5 years ago.
I'm the second owner, the previous owner (a family friend) telling me that they have had no problems with it what so ever.
I've owned it now for about two months, so still early days, but i'm impressed.


My particular version contains widely available Gekko parts, so should be fairly simple to repair in the event something goes wrong (it's now out of warranty)
I replaced two jet nozzle backs last month, purchased on ebay for the pricely sum of £4.00 each.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 03:46:26 am by keat63 »


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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2013, 08:05:03 am »
Dr Spa,

Thanks for taking the time to write a most detailed reply. I guess I'm now very uncertain if a passion spa purchase is wise.

I'm still researching but really don't know enough to make a confident purchase yet. My budget is around the £5K max.

My worry is not getting spare parts easy if anything goes faulty. The brochure's all seem to sell a good story of features.

I'm visiting this week to see the Spa so I'm trying to collect a list of questions to ask them.

Keat63. Your spa looks lovely. If you are in the UK can I ask how often you use it. Would you purchase one again ?




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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2013, 09:18:35 am »
Hi Anne.

The link I sent you is the later incarnation of mine.
With mine being about 5 years old, it's slightly different.
It doesn't have as many jets for a start, and mines in a green/blue colour, however, we do love it.

Before this, we had one of those inflatable spas, for about 3 months, but the bug got us, and when we were offered the Artisan at a silly price, we just had to buy it.

As for usage.
In the first two weeks, we used it everyday like you would (being giddy and excited and all that)
Then it's tailed off a little.
I tend to turn the temperature up on Friday morning before I leave for work, we then use it on Friday and Saturday night, With a quick dip on Sunday evening.
I leave the temperature up just in case we might get a chance on Monday (but unlikely) and then turn the temperature down until Friday, where it all starts again.
We've had a few late nighters with friends and family, and my daughters had a party while the wife and myself were on Holiday for two weeks.
Hot tubbing is relatively new to us, having really only started around April/May this year with the soft tub.
No doubt the novelty will wear off, however, I am looking forward to the winter ..


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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2013, 10:09:21 am »

Thanks again for the description. I'm sure like most people we are also going through the thoughts of will we use it enough to justify the purchase and more importantly will the electric bill be huge !

To be honest when I've mentioned to people about getting a Spa they all say how much the running costs are. But saying that they don't have them so it's just what they have heard.

Last year we paid for a Gym membership. (Familiy). We used it for a month or so before the novelty wore off. I couldn't stand going inside on sunny day or evening. I'm thinking a few cut backs would cover a months electric easy.

Even a trip to Pizza hut or eating out less a month for one meal would pay for it. I have two daughters who love the water so I know they will love it.

We have a detached garage that's exactly 1 metre from the house, It would just about squeeze a tub down so even access to where we want it might not be bad, at first I was thinking a crane would be required :(

Any comments on the bills or running costs ?

Thanks again.



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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2013, 10:28:52 am »
We have solar roof panels, and being a tight Yorkshire man, have learnt how to extract as much of the free electricity out them as feasibly possible.
On the evening's that it's not in use, I turn the temperature down, until the panels are generating again in the morning.
My electricity bill is paid on a fixed monthly installment, so i've not really noticed if i'm in defecit.
I really ought to take a look !!!

If you're worried about paying £5 - £6k and then not using it, you could always consider a pre loved one. ?


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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2013, 01:31:29 pm »

Before you commit, it might be worth asking the store for the make and model of the control box, pumps and jets etc, then post them on the forum, to see if these are widely available items.


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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2013, 01:57:00 pm »
Thanks again, good feedback.  I will certainly ask about the system parts. I think they mentioned Balboa for the controls ? - Need to check this. I'll find out Thursday and post here.

I do like your idea on the Electric costs. A true Yorkshireman  ;D

Actually we stayed in the Ribble Valley area. Lovely place.....

I hope you don't mind the list of questions but from a treatment perspective, Chemicals etc. Is this easy enough ? - (I'm a true blonde !)




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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2013, 05:43:44 am »

Back again. Unfortunately we didn't get to visit the showroom this week. (My husband was at work).
I'm now wondering if we should get the winter out of the way before purchase. Maybe some 2014 models will come along ?

The winters in the UK have been worse than normal recently so I'm wondering how much use I'd get out of it in the winter.

I still find myself researching the models and really didn't appreciate what a minefield it is. So many to choose from but so far I've been advised :-

Don't buy a plug and play model. (Are they really not good enough ?)
No chinese models.



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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2013, 03:09:13 am »
My concern about the chinese ones is the availability of parts a few years down the line.
If you do buy one, then the chemical side of things can be a mine field to start with, but does get easier over time.
Although, about 4 months in and i'm still learning.


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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2014, 09:50:27 am »
We have solar panels, and being a tight Yorkshire man, have learnt how to extract as much of the free electricity out them as feasibly possible.
On the evening's that it's not in use, I turn the temperature down, until the panels are generating again in the morning.
My electricity bill is paid on a fixed monthly installment, so i've not really noticed if i'm in defecit.
I really ought to take a look !!!

If you're worried about paying £5 - £6k and then not using it, you could always consider a pre loved one. ?

Nice way to cut down the electricity bill. Even I am thinking of investing in these panels to reduce the bill now.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 10:13:18 am by LeeEvans »


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Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2014, 03:25:23 am »
Here in the UK, there are incentives where you can have them fitted for free.
The installation company benefit from the government payout, they get paid to put power back in to the grid, but i benefit from any energy they produce.

If you buy your own, you're looking at at least 10 years before you recoup your investment.
Something I wasn't prepared to do.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Passion Spas - Pleasure Model UK Purchase advise please
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2014, 03:25:23 am »


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