I went to my dealer and told him that I have been having some issues with the chlorine method. I add a teaspoon after each time I go in the hot tub but the next day the water smell funky. It sometimes has a green tinge to it. I shock every week and the problem still occurs. I go in it almost every day. He told me to buy a dispenser and add three tablets of Spaguard Smart Tabs to the dispenser/floater and that should take care of my problems once I get the flow right. I went on the Spaguard site and it gave these instructions for using this in my spa:
http://www.spaguard.ca/mp/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=a9a4c13566d2c110VgnVCM100000f0d7010aRCRD&vgnextfmt=defaultI am worried however because everywhere I have read including my manul it says not to use Tri-Chlor but this is what this stuff is.
Its says on the bottle tricholor-s-triazinetrione.
It says on the bottle that its for spas and hot tubs. Says it easy on equipment and has minimal affect on PH. Should I use this stuff in my hot tub. I just want an easy way to sanitize my hot tub without it smelling green or going green on me.