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Author Topic: New Tub just installed... have a care question....  (Read 3189 times)


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New Tub just installed... have a care question....
« on: August 15, 2013, 12:30:02 pm »
Hi Everyone...

Just had my Hotspot SX delivered and installed yesterday.  Got it with all the bells and whistles, ozonator, circ pump, cover lifter, etc.  It looks great and the delivery and setup was superb.  No damage to the tub, no leaks and everything works as it is supposed to.  Call me "Happy, Happy". 

Now for the care questions:
1)  They gave me a years worth of free chemicals.  A silver Ionizer stick (will receive one every three months), SpaGuard oxidizer enhanced shock, and silk balance.  Since it is only 285 gallons, the instructions were one cap full of shock, and 3 ounces of silk balance per week.  That's all, no other chemicals.  Just clean the filter once a week and then add the chemicals.  Is this all I need to do?  The tub will be used by two of us most nights for about 30 minutes.
2)  The setup guy told me to keep the vinyl cover clean to make it last.  My tub is under a lot of pecan trees and during the late summer, they sprinkle "sap" everywhere and make everything "sticky".  Also, during pecan season, the pecans drop like crazy as well as leaves and their little pod twigs.  He told me that saddle soap works well, but I don't think it will help with the sticky sap problem.  I found a product called "303 Aerospace Protectant" to be used on vinyl, etc. and specifically mentioned spa covers.  Is this a good product and do any of you use it?  It has great online reviews.
3)  It came with a "scum sponge".  Do these work and how often do you have to buy a new one?
4)  The setup guy also told me to buy a "magic eraser" to remove any marks or buildup on the outer part of the acrylic shell.  Not the abrasive one, just the original "magic eraser".  Is this okay, or, do you guys have a better way?

Any other maintenance hints will be welcome...  Thanks       

Hot Tub Forum

New Tub just installed... have a care question....
« on: August 15, 2013, 12:30:02 pm »


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Re: New Tub just installed... have a care question....
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2013, 02:07:37 pm »
Congrats on the new tub!  Sounds like you got a good one.  I'm not very familiar with silk balance or the magic eraser, but I do use 303 protectant.  It is great stuff and regular use will add years to the life of your cover.  I'm not sure that it will work for removing sap though.  Goo Gone works great for that kind of stuff.


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Re: New Tub just installed... have a care question....
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2013, 03:58:16 pm »

Thanks for the info on the 303 products.  I ordered both the vinyl/fabric cleaner and protectant, and, also ordered the fabric protectant for all my outdoor cushions.  Sure hope these products are as good as their online reviews.  The type of sap that falls from Pecan trees is like a "mist".  It actually washes off with dish soap and water, so I'm pretty sure the cleaner will work and the protectant should protect from stains between cleanings. 

As for the spa, we've been in it everyday since it was installed and it's been fantastic.   


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Re: New Tub just installed... have a care question....
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2013, 04:11:12 pm »
303 protectant is as good as advertised.  I use it on my car's dashboard and controls.  It makes it look like the day it came off the assembly line.  It also protects the dash from cracking due to sun exposure.  I haven't used the cleaner before and would love to hear what you think of it.

As to your original post #3, those things work great.  Oils and scum tend to float on the surface of the water and ultimately deposit as a scum line around the tub.  The sponges absorb those oils and help prevent the scum line.  You can tell when they need replaced.  They get nasty.  You can try to rinse them out, but after awhile it doesn't really work.


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Re: New Tub just installed... have a care question....
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2013, 09:37:38 am »
You really need to make sure your water is balanced.  Once balanced, you should also use some MPS or your Enhanced Shock each time you use the tub.  Finally, silver ion should be changed with drain and refill every 4 months, not 3.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: New Tub just installed... have a care question....
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2013, 09:37:38 am »


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