We've narrowed it down to these 2 hot tubs. Finally! Does anyone know the difference in size between the footwells of these 2 tubs? I'm guessing the 365's is bigger since it's got the dome, but how much bigger? I'm just wondering how much feet will be getting tangled when we have that first hot tub party!
Also, when we were looking at the dealer, the price for the 365 included the BlueTooth stereo while the 345's price did not. We don't care about the stereo so plan to leave it off of whichever model we buy. What's the difference in price between the 2 models if we don't go with the stereo? $1,000? $500? With the dealer's "pricing" sheet it was a little confusing and we happened to be there at a busy time so the salesman was busy with other customers, which was fine with us. This was not our first, or even third visit and we'd gotten most of our questions answered on our previous visits. This was just a quick pop in visit to check out a couple last minute features.
Now, just need to get our electrical in place then off to buy a tub! Hoping to have my first soak within the month.