I think I've finally convinced the husband to get a hot tub. Mainly for medical reasons, I have a bad hip, migraines, and fibromyalgia, so a hot tub will definitely help with all my aches and pains. Contrary to what it sounds like I'm only in my 30s, I just feel like an old fart!

Anyway, we've been checking out tubs at The Great Escape. Unfortunately, we live in the boonies and this is the only place we can really look at tubs without driving over an hour. We know we want something that will comfortably fit 4 people. For the most part it will just be the 2 of us and the kids, but if we want to have a couple friends over we don't want to have to sit in each other's laps. We're just not that kind of people!
So far we've narrowed it down to the Sundance Chelsee or the Jacuzzi 365. Mainly because we both like the size of the tubs and the dome with the jets in the middle of the foot well. Price for the Chelsee is listed at $8,469. The J-365 is $10,167. The 365 includes the stereo, which we both couldn't care less about. Both prices include delivery, covers, and cover lifters. Are these decent prices? Or should we be able to get a better deal on either of them?
I'd much prefer the price point of the Chelsee, so tell me, is the 365 worth the extra $$$? We also like the 345, which is listed for $8,579, no stereo. Again, decent price? Since we'd rather keep the price around $8,500, would we be better with the 345 than the Chelsee? How much wiggle room is there on prices at places like this?
We've dry tested all of the tubs that were at the store and like the feel of these 3 best. The 365 felt great, but I'm not sure I like it better than the Chelsee or 345 enough to justify the extra cost! I haven't convinced my husband that wet testing is necessary, as he puts it "He's never met a hot tub he hasn't liked!" So not sure if/when that will happen. From reading these forums, it sounds like I can't go wrong with either of these tubs, but I'm looking for price advice and thoughts from anyone who owns either of these tubs.
Thanks for any wisdom you can share!