Original > Show us your Hot Tub.
Artesian Grand Bahama - My first hot tub
--- Quote from: Tman122 on June 03, 2014, 06:08:12 pm ---Wrap the bases of those post's with some 2x6 chunks.
--- End quote ---
Chunks is the word - I think it will look too chunky at the bottom, plus the canvas won't fit over them properly.
How are you all enjoying the tub?? Looks great! Do you like the lounger? I'm trying to decide if we want one in the tub we get…many people seem to float. Thanks for sharing the photos!
Love the lounger, it's the one I use most.
Apparently women float out of them more often than men and my wife does have a problem staying down if the water level is too high. Maybe because she has big airbags ;D
Hope that helps a little.
I've been wet testing different hot tubs and found that I float out of the loungers too. I'm well blessed which is part of the problem. The Jacuzzi dealer gave me a spa booster cushion to wet test with and that worked. It elevated me enough and is was able to comfortably stay on the lounger.
That tub is on my short list how are you enjoying it?
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