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http://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov/I believe this is what you are asking about. Â And it says in there something about not billing until 150 pages are accumulated, IIRC.
Check your spam folder especially if you used an AOL account.
Speaking of, .........I visited his bb this morning, and apparently he's "On the Road" in California right now.Hmmmmmmm................
He's been on the road to California a few times lately. Maybe he was lucky enough to sell a spa to someone in the state so they could pay for his gas to get to the courtroom. I still think he should just settle with Cal Spas and as part of the plea agreement he goes to work for them creating Super Custom Cal Spas. He could hold seminars for their dealers such as:"Save on delivery expenses, offload a spa from the truck with a couple 2x4s and have the owner help move it.""How to wrap a spa for under $1 with plastic grocery bags and duct tape.""Having image problems? No need to change, just post pictures of your family and pets on your website." "Past issues, change your name."
If you at a later date you are required to appear with your attourney and fail to appear, do you really think that it requires a third date or does the judge say "judgement for the plaintiff"? Just wonderin.