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Author Topic: 2007 Sundance Sweetwater Bahi-What is the PVC part called that controls water  (Read 2204 times)


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I have a 2007 Sundance Sweetwater Bahia 5 person spa.  We got it from our in-laws who got it on a house purchase.  Previous owners left it sit out over a couple winters empty and no antifreeze.  Needless to say I have had to replace the pump impeller that was cracked and leaking.  After fixing it the leaking continued and I traced it to the footwell.  After digging out a couple garbage bags of insulation, I uncovered the pipe into the single exit point of the footwell.  As I was feeling for cracks the pipe just separated in two.   Its not a standard PVC pipe but appears to be some type of backflow device.  Anyone here know what its called, approx price, and where it can be ordered?

Also, the insulation I pulled out is much lighter and less rigid than the usual insulation in a can you buy. Anyone know what brand name that is?


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I will "assume" you are referring to a ½" check valve coming from the foot well suction fitting to pump 1, first confirm it is ½", or is it 2".  Check valves should be available from any spa store, plumbing supply etc.  When the spa was emptied, the check valve continued to hold water and subsequently froze causing the fracture.

Secondly, I would suggest keeping the insulation you dug out, putting it into plastic grocery "Tee Shirt bags", and stuff them back into the cavity created minimizing the need and cost for a large amounts of "new sprayed in foam".

Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.

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