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Author Topic: hot tub for the high desert?  (Read 3153 times)


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hot tub for the high desert?
« on: July 11, 2013, 02:35:30 pm »
Hi all,

Thanks for this great forum!  When I decided to buy a hot tub and found that consumer reports hasn't reviewed them, I had no idea where to turn.  Now, after much research and reading through many posts, I have a bunch of newbie questions for you before I buy my first hot tub.

First off, here is my situation:  I have a vacation house in the high desert (Joshua Tree, CA) that I visit about 2x/mo.  Sometimes I'm there every weekend, and sometimes it's empty for 3-4 weeks at a time.  I will be building a patio and pouring a concrete pad for my new hot tub.  The tub will have at least one side against either a retaining wall or dirt since I have a little hill going down from the house and I want to create an in-ground "look".

Here is what I'm looking/hoping for:
-room for ~6 people
-a simple, easy cleaning/filtration system ... more questions on this in a moment ...
-energy efficiency (I have 220V available that I can run to the new tub).
-NO fancy lighting, molded recliner lounge seats, waterfalls, etc.  i'm totally happy with simple bench seats and a few basic jets.  the only "bells and whistles" feature i'm potentially interested in is bluetooth stereo
-ability to keep it cold in the summer
-ability to turn the tub on/off remotely (I have wifi in the house)
-LOW maintenance and a comprehensive warranty.
-attractive exterior

Can you recommend any hot tubs based on my desires above?

And can you help me understand some of these topics that remain mysterious to me:

1. I have read about the following cleaning/filtering systems:  salt water, bromine, chlorine, minerals, and biguanide.  There are also the ozone and ionizers, but those seem to always be coupled with bromine or chlorine.  I am honestly leaning toward a salt water system, but can someone direct me to a comprehensive comparison of all of these methods?  I'm still a little confused about the benefits of all of them and the relative amount of maintenance needed.
2. Since at least one side of my hot tub will be against a retaining wall or dirt, is there anything I should worry about in terms of mice and insects getting in?  Should I keep a certain distance from my tub wall to the dirt and build a platform?
3. Are there any high-quality hot tubs (in terms of reliability, speed and efficiency of heating, R-value) that don't have a million fancy jets and lights and stuff?
4. Is there anything I should be looking out for in reviewing warranties?  What is considered a "good" warranty for a new hot tub?
5. Are there certain hot tubs that are better suited for the high desert?  We get very extreme temperatures (112 degrees F to 8 degrees F are the extremes I've experienced), very harsh sun, heavy winds, and almost no rain.
6. Lastly, is anyone familiar with any retailers near Joshua Tree/Palm Springs/Riverside?  A recommendation would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for any advice and help you can give!  This is quite a learning process!

Hot Tub Forum

hot tub for the high desert?
« on: July 11, 2013, 02:35:30 pm »


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Re: hot tub for the high desert?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2013, 07:03:00 pm »
I think your a great candidate for a big 7-8' round redwood or teak tub with a stand alone gas heater/pump away from the spa with a nice upper bench around the top lip and a second access from round built in steps. The gas heater will allow it to heat very quickly and yet maintain 40-50 degrees when you not there.


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Re: hot tub for the high desert?
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2013, 04:43:48 pm »
Hey Tman--I'm a newbie too and I am finding it difficult to sort out all of the available information on spas.  Don't think that Tman was too helpful.  Here's my thing--I don't mind spending big bucks (and I like the multi-jet and light features).  I'm interested in the construction, durability, and sanitation issues.  I'd like the salt water generator, but only a few manufacturers offer it.  Most of the posts on salt water on here are fairly old.  Interested in shell strength/durability and everyone has their angle.  The fully foam issue is driving me crazy.  Spa I like is fully foamed but concerned about future maintenance issues.  I live in a rural area and there are only 3 dealers who will service my area so I am going to choose a premium model from one of the following manufacturers: HotSpring, Artesian, Marquis, and PDC.

Any comments about these spas?


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Re: hot tub for the high desert?
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2013, 06:33:54 pm »
for the high desert spa the one that comes to mind for me is the caldera salina.  vacation home spas and frequent travellers have always posed a problem for sanitizing.  personally i am really sold on this inline frog system that caldera has integrated.  feedback has been very encouraging.
as far as the spa goes the salina has no lounge seat and looks huge inside. 


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Re: hot tub for the high desert?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2013, 12:32:46 pm »
Hot Spring model 'Grandee'...give it a look

room for 6....check
energy efficient...check
bluetooth stereo option...check
no recliner with an "open seat design"....check
can run it as low as 80 degrees for a "cool" tub...check
low maintenance and comprehensive warranty....best warranty in the industry...check
remote monitoring....its coming very soon, 2013's have the equipment already to handle the upcoming option...check
salt system option to keep the tub sanitized while your gone....check

Hot Tub Forum

Re: hot tub for the high desert?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2013, 12:32:46 pm »


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