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Author Topic: Dimension 1 Chairman reflection collection  (Read 3781 times)


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Dimension 1 Chairman reflection collection
« on: July 02, 2013, 08:20:27 am »
 I almost purchased a D-1 Chairman after doing the wet test yesterday in Orlando. He gave me a good deal for a new 2013 @ $10,750.00 + some freebies, crystal fx interior lights, cover lifter, upgraded pine exterior panels, 6 mo chemicals.  This price  is not a floor model.

I've called other stores and they indicated 15k.  Anyway my wife and I really enjoyed the tub. I only had one disappointment, the lounge foot jets seemed to be very weak even with pumps on full speed & both foot jets fully opened. They are the larger foot jets & my question is if two smaller jets were interchanged would they be more powerful? 

Does anyone else have this model or have any additional information that I should know about this model. I know this model has the UV light however this replacement cost is very reasonable. 

I have been very interested in Hot Springs line as well as D-1. I think there top notch tubes, do you agree?

I had to step back for a second yesterday b-4 I pulled out the credit card & said to myself Talk to the Pro's on this web site first :)   

Thanks, Mike

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Dimension 1 Chairman reflection collection
« on: July 02, 2013, 08:20:27 am »

Hot Spring Ace

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Re: Dimension 1 Chairman reflection collection
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2013, 11:03:28 am »
I almost purchased a D-1 Chairman after doing the wet test yesterday in Orlando. He gave me a good deal for a new 2013 @ $10,750.00 + some freebies, crystal fx interior lights, cover lifter, upgraded pine exterior panels, 6 mo chemicals.  This price  is not a floor model.

I've called other stores and they indicated 15k.  Anyway my wife and I really enjoyed the tub. I only had one disappointment, the lounge foot jets seemed to be very weak even with pumps on full speed & both foot jets fully opened. They are the larger foot jets & my question is if two smaller jets were interchanged would they be more powerful? 

Does anyone else have this model or have any additional information that I should know about this model. I know this model has the UV light however this replacement cost is very reasonable. 

I have been very interested in Hot Springs line as well as D-1. I think there top notch tubes, do you agree?

I had to step back for a second yesterday b-4 I pulled out the credit card & said to myself Talk to the Pro's on this web site first :)   

Thanks, Mike

Did you ask the salespereson where you wet tested? They might be able to give you further insight. You could look at another D1 dealer in the area or even drive a bit and retest on a second model to see if you expereince the same thing so you know if this is the way its going to be. Hot Spring and D1 are both top notch brands and you are smart to be wet testing so that you're comfortable that what you get is going to work well for your needs.


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Re: Dimension 1 Chairman reflection collection
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2013, 11:03:39 pm »
H.S.A. Thanks for getting back to me with the information so quickly :)

I did ask the D-1 sales person about the lounge foot jets and he felt it with his hand & thought it would be more powerful with smaller ones instead however that seemed to be a guess to me. I was actually shocked cause the foot jets were so large & It felt like a water hose on the bottom of my feet. All the other jets were good.  Hopefully I'll here somebody else out there that owns one of these tubs? I might call the dealer tomorrow in Orlando & have him call D-1 direct and get some feed back on this issue. We do like the chairmen but whats the use of having a lounger if the foot message jets suck :(

Have another problem now LOL, we went & wet tested a Hot springs vanguard this evening that is close to where we live and really loved that double Moto-massage jet & other jets as well however the floor area seemed to be a little small. Now were going to look into a H.S. Grandee it appears to have a lot more floor room in the brochure ++ w/two double Moto-massage jets :) :) We have to try and locate one some where to view or wet test? The dealer in Ocala Fl doesn't have one in stock & only had the vanguard to w/test.  He informed us a new 2013 H.S. Grandee would be 10k  Wow that sounds like a really good price to me? I'm sure I can get some free extra's lifter etc?   The Envoy lounger was 9500.00 but seems like it would be difficult to get in & out of the tub due to the seating arrangement as the sales person indicated.

I don't think I would go with the ace filtration system on the H.S. spa due to H.S. site reviews however that my opinion what would you recommend? 

We really thought we wanted a lounge but it's Ok now if we don't. Note, D-1 still in the running but back to making a choice again H.S. verses Dimension 1 ?
The d-1 filtration system on the Chairman seemed awesome to me (Ultra-Pure).
 I'm not sure if the H.S. Grandee & other similar models filtration system is as good or comparable to D-1?  maybe you can give me some in site on that too please.

Thanks for all your help & info on both of these brands much Appreciated

Hot Spring Ace

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Re: Dimension 1 Chairman reflection collection
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2013, 10:59:26 am »
Hot Spring is known for its 100% no bypass filtration system so that every drop of water that comes through the jets has to pass though the filters fiirst, no other system does that. Additionally all the spas in the highlife collection (includes Grandee, Vanguard, Envoy...) come with a CD ozonator factory installed. IMHO you won't find a better filtration system out there.

Having said that, $10k for a Grandee is beyond just being a good price, its a great price. Hopefully you can find one to wet test because I think you'll love it especially since you had such a positive response to the Vanguard because the Grandee is basically just a bigger/deeper version but with two double motos as you'd mentioned. 


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Re: Dimension 1 Chairman reflection collection
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2013, 11:34:25 pm »
Thanks so much for that information on the cd filtration system, D-1 is out of the running & I'm going to order the H.S. next Friday. Can't wait.  That Bella Fontana water light show really looks kool in the brochure. I'm going to try & view a Grandee & Envoy early next week in Orlando just to make sure however If n/a I'll buy the Grandee, like you mentioned it's just like the Vanguard but bigger. We liked it but foot well area was to small etc. 
Actually I called the store today they are making store order for next Friday & said the Grandee was $9,500.00 Your right that is a sweet deal. Hopefully I can get them to throw in a easy lift cover arm?  Not sure if the steeps in the brochure come with the tub but there really sweet.

T/C Thanks again, Mike 


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Re: Dimension 1 Chairman reflection collection
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2013, 01:54:09 am »
If a foot massage is what your after go to beachcomber. They have a reflex foot massage system where you can divert all the power of one of the pumps to your feet. I just climbed out of my tub 30 minutes ago and the soles of my feet are still tingling. Its heavenly  ;D


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Re: Dimension 1 Chairman reflection collection
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2013, 09:35:49 am »
Thanks Matt, but I already made a decision to purchase the grandee h.s. spa.
Enjoy your beachcomber  8)

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Dimension 1 Chairman reflection collection
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2013, 09:35:49 am »


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