Hey guys, i'm new here, this is the best place on the web were we could find customer reviews. So like i said we are new here and in the hunt for our first spa, we started with Costco Evolution Spas Montego Bay 100-jet, i tough, the more the merrier, but i guess i was wrong about the more jet option.
Next we went to a local store for an Hydropool 6000, it was in special but add 0 option with 40 Jet.
So now we are going to take a 5 hour drive next week to go see the Jacuzzi J-275 (45 jets) and Maax Elite Spas 3600 (49 Jets ), without seeing any of those 2, we are pulling for the Jacuzzi but the salesman seem more in the Elite Spas, he said it was more isolated and quieter then the Jacuzzi.
Does any of you guys have feedback on those model, even the Hydropool? It would be really appreciated.
PS : Sorry for my english i'm french