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Author Topic: Oh No! What Have I done?  (Read 4156 times)

Mister Chuckles

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Oh No! What Have I done?
« on: July 07, 2013, 05:24:36 pm »
After looking for months and reading review after review, I finally decided to pull the trigger on a D1 Amore Bay.  First time owner and probably overkill for my family of four but after all of my searching I kept coming back to D1 and this tub. In my area there are limited dealers and brands so limited my search to those.  I looked at D1, Sundance, Jacuzzi, and Hot Springs.  Different dealer for each brand and only one dealer in the area for each.  Therefore no ability to shop around for the same model.  Did not consider master, cal, and several others that did not make it into the list of top tier manufacture typically called out in this forum.  The spas I considered included: Jacuzzi 470, Sundance Optima, HS Grandee, D1 Amore - Nautilus.

Here are some of my thoughts through the process:
  -  Could not wet test, considered the higher end spas from each of the providers and none of the dealers had those models available for wet test.  Sat in a lot of dry tubs, read reviews, and asked others opinions - even customers coming into dealer for supplies.  I know this is likely to spark the OMG how did you spend so much without testing but I had no options with any of the dealers.
  -  Ignored the stereos on the floor.  Didn't want one based on most reviews on this site.
  -  All dealers claimed best filtering through technology, filter size, ozone, etc.  I ended up considering this a wash across these brands as they are all top tier.  However, didn't really understand the Optima filter on the side and just wasn't sold on HS Ace system. In any case, none of these drove my decision.
  -  Looked at D1 early on in process.  The Amore looked awesome, felt great (dry) and was really, really big and expensive.  Nautilus also felt nice but was a little concerned at the 36inch height.  Left dealer and called back to talk about.  Felt like he tried to sell me on master over the phone.  Got discouraged and didnt look back for a long time.
  -  Eliminated Grandee pretty quick.  Beautiful tub, moto massage felt great on my arm.  But a corner seat was wasted by the filter.  Quoted approx $10k which I thought was good price.  Just couldnt get past the layout.  Dealer also played up the "we are the best" and "they aren't good because".  Moved on to other options.
  -  The Optima was a really nice tub.  Liked the jets, seats felt nice, most looked and felt pretty deep which could have been challenge for wife and kids.  Loved the easy access front panel and the foot jets (enuf for everyone).  Dealer with great rating, lots of positive history, and seemed pretty straight forward.  Quoted $9,600 which I thought was great price.  Really liked the tub, but it didnt wow me.  But at this price, I was pretty sure it would be my purchase.  Would have used the air scents feature one time and gotten over it. 
  -  I really liked the Jacuzzi 470 tub.  Thought it looked exceptional, seats all felt nice, looked to be great quality, controls looked simple, seating seemed to work for wife and Kids. The bottom pan seemed pretty nice.  Was quoted $11k for this tub.  Based on how similar it was to the Optima I just couldn't say yes and the dealer was not negotiating.  And I quote, "That is the price, take it or leave it".  I left it and I never looked back.  I was bummed too because I thought it was a nice tub.  I probably would have jumped in at $10k but dealer was playing hard ball.
  -  So feeling Optima was going to be my choice, I happened to stop back into D1 to look at Nautilus.  Quoted $12k.  UGGHHH - Too much for that tub!  But there was that amore bay, looking good right next to it listed at $16k - marked down to $13.6k.  Sat in the tub, love the seats, love the headrests, love the controls, bench seat is awesome, has a stereo.  I offered $13k thinking no way it gets accepted.  And to my surprise he says yes.  It is new, never used, on floor for 2 months, delivery, stairs, cover, and lifter.  Immediately feel bummed that I started too high and didn't go for add on filters or such at the start.  In any case, deal is done, sold sign attached, and wife & kids are smiling.

So now I am a D1 owner, soon to be user, looking for an electician for this monster of a tub. 

A few q's:
  -  What are the tips for delivery day to ensure all goes smooth and everything is working?
  -  What lifter do others use for the Amore Bay?  I have the EZ Lifter included but have focused so much on spa i have no idea if better option on lifter available.
  -  What future pain have i caused myself due to the unique shape of the tub?
  -  Any concerns regarding the sale of D1 to Jacuzzi?  Everyone I talk to and all I read say it will continue to run as separate company under Jacuzzi ownership.
  -  I feel really good at the $13k price - didn't really want the stereo, but couldnt pass up the tub.  Thoughts on price?

Thanks for listening!

Hot Tub Forum

Oh No! What Have I done?
« on: July 07, 2013, 05:24:36 pm »


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Re: Oh No! What Have I done?
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2013, 06:09:54 pm »
$13K spa with an EZ Lifter?  Makes no sense.  EZ Lifter is a functional, but (in most people's opinion) ugly lifter.  Dose not give much help on a large, older, heavy, waterlogged cover.
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Re: Oh No! What Have I done?
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2013, 08:02:42 pm »
The  Nautilus  was on my list as well as the Optima. I went with the Optima but I was very impressed with D1's in general and would probably have been very happy with the Nautilus. I liked the feel of the white shell( ultra life) but the dealer could not guaranty it couldn't be stained by my well water. What shell/ colors did you get?

Mister Chuckles

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Re: Oh No! What Have I done?
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2013, 08:16:04 pm »
$13K spa with an EZ Lifter?  Makes no sense.  EZ Lifter is a functional, but (in most people's opinion) ugly lifter.  Dose not give much help on a large, older, heavy, waterlogged cover.

Hence my question of what other options are there for lifters given the shape of the tub?

Mister Chuckles

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Re: Oh No! What Have I done?
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2013, 08:26:23 pm »
The  Nautilus  was on my list as well as the Optima. I went with the Optima but I was very impressed with D1's in general and would probably have been very happy with the Nautilus. I liked the feel of the white shell( ultra life) but the dealer could not guaranty it couldn't be stained by my well water. What shell/ colors did you get?

Colors are the Ultralife with terracina vintage cedar. 
Optima was a really nice tub, probably was the smart tub for me given the money.  But can't wait for the amore to arrive!

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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Re: Oh No! What Have I done?
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2013, 08:57:50 pm »
  -  What are the tips for delivery day to ensure all goes smooth and everything is working?

Don't watch... :-) Let the pros do their job and make a complete and through inspection before finally accepting delivery.

  -  What future pain have i caused myself due to the unique shape of the tub?

You may pay more than the average cost for replacement covers due to the size and unusual shape.

  -  Any concerns regarding the sale of D1 to Jacuzzi?  Everyone I talk to and all I read say it will continue to run as separate company under Jacuzzi ownership.

Personally, I think it VERY unlikely they will continue to operate as separate companies for long. The MOST profitable aspect of purchasing another company making the same thing is combining manufacturing, and absorbing administrative duties into existing operations, to cut down (frequently quite drastically) on fixed costs. This can usually make for a BETTER product as everything is housed under one roof, with combined quality control.
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals

Mister Chuckles

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Re: Oh No! What Have I done?
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2013, 08:07:50 pm »
Personally, I think it VERY unlikely they will continue to operate as separate companies for long. The MOST profitable aspect of purchasing another company making the same thing is combining manufacturing, and absorbing administrative duties into existing operations, to cut down (frequently quite drastically) on fixed costs. This can usually make for a BETTER product as everything is housed under one roof, with combined quality control.

what you say certainly makes sense.  I guess time will tell if I've created myself a mess. 


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Re: Oh No! What Have I done?
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2013, 08:31:29 pm »
Thats a great tub you will enjoy it very much. It will cost you more to operate because it's big. But it is a very nice tub.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Oh No! What Have I done?
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2013, 08:31:29 pm »


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