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Author Topic: Chlorine / MPS only...eliminating silver  (Read 2803 times)


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Chlorine / MPS only...eliminating silver
« on: June 24, 2013, 03:53:48 pm »
Have had my HS Pulse for about 8 months now.
For the initial fill and second, I've been using the recommended SilverAG stick with chlorine / MPS.  Also have an ozonator.
Coming up on my second time to change the water around July 4th.

Since I've had the tub, I've had the dreaded itch behind my knees to varying degrees over time, but still there nonetheless.
I've tried using only chlorine.  I've tried using only MPS.  Either way...same problem with the itch.

So my question has to do with the silver stick.  With the upcoming water change, I'd like to try eliminating the silver to see if that could be the itch culprit.
If I eliminate the stick, what sort of levels should I be looking to maintain in the area of chlorine?

Please don't refer me to the bleach method.   I've read through that before and it seems too much trouble.  What I'd like to know is how to SIMPLY maintain the water using only chlorine / MPS along with the ozone.  I suppose if this doesn't work I'll try disabling the ozone next.

I have a Taylor kit so I can test the water as needed.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hot Tub Forum

Chlorine / MPS only...eliminating silver
« on: June 24, 2013, 03:53:48 pm »


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Re: Chlorine / MPS only...eliminating silver
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2013, 04:10:32 pm »
since you have a Taylor kit I assume your also checking your pH and Alk levels regularly? I mention it because mis-balanced pH and Alk can lead to skin irritation as well...Otherwise for a "standard" chlorine system you can follow the general rule which is 1.5 tsp per person/per 20 min. of usage along with shocking w/ MPS once per week.  This seems to work well assuming your using the tub on a regular basis and adding the product AFTER you soak of course


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Re: Chlorine / MPS only...eliminating silver
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2013, 04:55:12 pm »
With chlorine and an ozone generator, you need to maintain 1-3 ppm of chlorine at all times for the water to be sanitized.  I would shoot for that and shock once per week with MPS. 

I would be surprised if the silver stick was the itch culprit.  As noted above, ph not being in the proper range can cause skin irritation.  If your water has not been properly sanitized, bacteria can accumulate that may cause an itch.  Was the water ever cloudy or funky smelling?

Many people experience itch when using hot tub due to the hot water and massage causing the body to release histamine.  I don't truly understand the mechanism that occurs but it is similar to when you use one of those electric massagers on your back and it itches afterward.

Good luck figuring this out.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Chlorine / MPS only...eliminating silver
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2013, 04:55:12 pm »


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