The traveling Master Spa show is back in town with a whole new set of lies. My sales guy went and heard the pitch. Apparently they have a store here in Denver but couldn't remember the name. They are the only hot tub made in america. Also, full foam hardens over time losing it's insulating value, so other hot tubs like HS and Sundance will be efficient at first but end up costing $50 per month after a year or so.
Oh yeah, you also only need to add 1 tsp of potassium once per month. Their patented design is 96% chemical free. Every other tub requires chlorine.
How do they sleep at night? Very shady. There were a couple of other good ones that he said which I can't recall. We got a bunch of sales from their advertising dollars and everyone came in saying it was a total joke. One guy said he called in asking if they had the HS jetsetter. They said that they had one for $3999 and to come on in. Once he got there, they said they had sold it. Unfreaking-believable!