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Author Topic: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use  (Read 42668 times)


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My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« on: June 17, 2013, 11:38:50 am »
Hey everyone,
My first post here as I'm new to hot tubs.

My wife and I had a new  jacuzzi  tub delivered  a little over a week ago. It is one of the 300 series tubs. I'm not sure which one as I am at work now.

We used it about 4 times and everything was great. Last time we used it was a Wednesday.

Two nights later on Friday my wife decides to go outside and get in. Unfortunately the water is about 2/3s gone and leaking from the base of the tub. The remaining water in the tub is so hot that I can't put my hand in it. The control panel was not lit at this point. Some of the larger jets in the tub appeared to have blown out and were sitting on the seats of the tub.

I turned the tub off at the main electrical panel inside the house and called the store where we purchased it. We are still waiting for the service people to come and look at this thing.

The sales man that we spoke with said that we should remove the panel and take a look inside the tub. I did that and immediately could see 2 places where there were leaks at hose connections. There are probably other locations that are leaking as well if I were to remove some more cover panels.

I was hoping to get more than 4 uses out of my tub. This sounds like a serious issue. The fact that the water was so hot and that 4 or 5 if the jets were dislodged leads me to worry about what kind of damage I am going to have to get repaired.  :'(

Any thoughts from you fellow hot tubbers?

Hot Tub Forum

My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« on: June 17, 2013, 11:38:50 am »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 01:53:02 pm »
 So is this a 2013 spa or a used one you bought from a dealer?    Pretty odd for what you are explaining to happen to a "brand new" spa, heck even an older spa but I could see that more than a new one..


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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 02:35:22 pm »
So is this a 2013 spa or a used one you bought from a dealer?    Pretty odd for what you are explaining to happen to a "brand new" spa, heck even an older spa but I could see that more than a new one..

Yes, brand spanking new 2013 purchased from a dealer. I had briefly considered buying something used, but decided to buy new to minimize any problems or repairs.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 03:00:10 pm by antlese »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2013, 06:10:00 pm »
 Like I said thats pretty odd for that to happen, try not to stress over it to much.  Give your dealer a chance to take care of it, but be persistant with them and finding out when they will be there.    If it is new warranty will/should cover everything, a jet popping out is an easy fix for those jets, the leak is hard to say without me seeing where it's at.      Have you heard from them yet, if not call them and bug them again!     


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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2013, 09:05:24 pm »
The good news is jacuzzi has a great warranty. It is kind of a weird thing that happened but hopefully it's not as bad as you fear


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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2013, 12:56:27 am »
Wait and see what they say, but you should get someone out there within 24 hours if it hasn't been under a week since delivery.  I'd ask for a complete replacement if it's multiple issues and the dealer isn't able to fix it within a week or so.  Hopefully it's just some minor issues, but i'd be worried if that much water was in the bottom of my hot tub after spending money to buy a brand new model.  Jacuzzi does have a great warrantee, sometime it takes quick email to them directly to speed things up.

If the dealer is unresponsive or unable to send a tech out to see what's wrong and order parts to fix it within a week, you should go to Jacuzzi website and fill out a online complaint about what's happened to get things rolling.  I'd go online and file a complaint anyways to let them know your disappointed and the problems you've encountered.   Join the facebook page and let them know you hope this gets resolved quickly.  Take pictures...Hopefully your dealer has a good relationship with the company and honors a replacement if it's a major fix.  I wouldn't let them start working on anything extensive since it's a brand new 2013 Jacuzzi. 

I had two of my jet covers and spinners on my J-480 longe pop out in the first month, although the main assembly did not fail and I did not lose any water.  My dealer was able to fix it pretty easily without any hassels minus ordering the wrong parts 3 times.  I was still able to use the hot tub for the month without any issues.  Apparently, 2011 and 2012 jets are different on the J-480 lounges, so ordering parts can be complicated (not sure why).  How hot was the water and what was it set at?   

If all else fails, hopefully you purchased it on your credit card and you can deny charged if the dealer and/or Jacuzzi can't get it fixed very quickly as it's a lemon or they give you the run around on replacing it with a identical new one.  That would be an easy case for the bank investigators.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 01:03:25 am by Jacuzzi_Kirra »


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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2013, 03:17:25 am »
Hey everyone,
My first post here as I'm new to hot tubs.

My wife and I had a new  jacuzzi  tub delivered  a little over a week ago. It is one of the 300 series tubs. I'm not sure which one as I am at work now....

Well, whatever happened to your jacuzzi usually not occured, we can only gives you advice once we see the real picture of your damage jacuzzi but you can follow this maintenance guide once you solve your issue ((http://voices.yahoo.com/complete-hot-tub-maintenance-guide-6278128.html)) so that you will never see this type of damage again. Hope this helps! :)


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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2013, 04:40:56 pm »
Wait and see what they say, but you should get someone out there within 24 hours if it hasn't been under a week since delivery.  I'd ask for a complete replacement if it's multiple issues and the dealer isn't able to fix it within a week or so.  Hopefully it's just some minor issues, but i'd be worried if that much water was in the bottom of my hot tub after spending money to buy a brand new model.  Jacuzzi does have a great warrantee, sometime it takes quick email to them directly to speed things up.

If the dealer is unresponsive or unable to send a tech out to see what's wrong and order parts to fix it within a week, you should go to Jacuzzi website and fill out a online complaint about what's happened to get things rolling.  I'd go online and file a complaint anyways to let them know your disappointed and the problems you've encountered.   Join the facebook page and let them know you hope this gets resolved quickly.  Take pictures...Hopefully your dealer has a good relationship with the company and honors a replacement if it's a major fix.  I wouldn't let them start working on anything extensive since it's a brand new 2013 Jacuzzi. 

I had two of my jet covers and spinners on my J-480 longe pop out in the first month, although the main assembly did not fail and I did not lose any water.  My dealer was able to fix it pretty easily without any hassels minus ordering the wrong parts 3 times.  I was still able to use the hot tub for the month without any issues.  Apparently, 2011 and 2012 jets are different on the J-480 lounges, so ordering parts can be complicated (not sure why).  How hot was the water and what was it set at?   

If all else fails, hopefully you purchased it on your credit card and you can deny charged if the dealer and/or Jacuzzi can't get it fixed very quickly as it's a lemon or they give you the run around on replacing it with a identical new one.  That would be an easy case for the bank investigators.

there not going to just offer up a replacement tub...repairs will be attempted under warranty before a tub will be replaced


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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2013, 09:40:18 pm »
I am sorry to hear about your problems, but first of all, I would have told the dealer in a polite way, to get out there immediately to access the situation. You have spent a lot of money and for problems that soon on new tub, service for that dealer should be top priority on the service call list. He should have not asked you to open the sides up to see, what is wrong, he should have given you a definitive time, on when he would be there to take care of it. That is not a cheap tub and I am sure, he does not have hundreds of service calls on brand new tubs, he has sold. In my opinion, your tub should be his very first service call. The first impression a customer gets, is the most important. I know, I have been a engineer all my life and even I would have not opened up the shells, I would be saying, I will expect you in the morning sometime.


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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2013, 09:49:35 pm »
Has your dealer sent a tech out or personally come out to your house to assess the situation yet? 


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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2013, 10:39:52 am »
I have a bit of an update for you all. The service guy did show up yesterday and spent a couple of hours fixing the tub. I was not able to be at home, but my wife took a day off from work to be there.
It seems that there was problems with gaskets on the circulation pump. These were not installed properly at the factory and were leaking. So he replaced these gaskets.

He then assured my wife that the pump would be ok and left because he had another service call, and did not have time to wait for the tub to completely fill with water. He did not turn the pump on.

I will finish filling the tub tonight and then turn on the pump at the breaker and see what happens. Fingers crossed!


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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2013, 11:00:58 pm »
Hope everything works out.  If this was one of my tubs I sold I would not have left until it was filled and running with no leaks. Keep us updated curious t see how this turns out


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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2013, 08:10:53 am »
It's not going so good with the tub. We finished filling it last night. Turned on the breaker inside the house and at the GFI outside near the hot tub. The control panel on the tub flashed for a second with what I understand is a software version. Then nothing. The control panel remains dark and no pumps come on.

So now we have a tub full of ice water. At least it is not leaking.

My wife called the dealer again. Someone is coming today to have another look at it.

Needless to say that we are not very impressed with this product at all.  :(
Will keep you updated.


Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2013, 09:01:03 am »
It sucks with what you are going through but give them another chance to fix it, and not leave till it's up and running.   Call the dealer and talk to them about it as well or better yet go in.     Sounds like your circuit board possibly,  I don't know what the gasket on the circ pump is they replaced but in 12 years I have never seen that type of repair, let alone a couple of hours to do a repair unless it was something like a pump seal?      How long these guys been around? 


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Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2013, 07:04:15 pm »
3 days gone by so far. Around here we are going to get to mediocre service soon. So far we are still at good service.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: My New Jacuzzi is seriously broken after 1 week of use
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2013, 07:04:15 pm »


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