I would be happy to debate as to whether endurol is acrylic DR or not but as far as the material having a problem for about 6 months, come on, HotSpring has replaced more spas for shell material problems over the years than probably any other manufacture.
A debate would be worthless. Why would you want to spend that much time trying to trash a particular product? I sure didn't mean to attack you - the information was the focus of my post. If you have some form of proof other than your saying so, I would be interested. But - I will tell you that I sat in Jim McClure's office a number of years ago and he told me the same thing. The national sales manager repeated the information, and I began to believe it. These men firmly believed what they were saying as far as I could tell.
I went back to Watkins and asked, and they refuted it, and explained that for a period of time we formed tubs from Centrex (white DR acrylic) and had terrible problems. They ended up replacing more tubs during that time than many smaller companies have ever sold! I'm sorry, but I don't recall the length of time - I know I said that I didn't think it was more than six months, but that is a guess. It's not at all important to shoppers, since they can't buy a tub with those problems today, and we have learned a great deal from the whole process.
Put a sample of the two materials side by side and you can tell the difference. I'm not saying Centrex was the problem either! When WE used it, we handled it just like Rovel/Endurol, and it didn't work that way. Also, we let the product age too long from the time it was cast to the time it was "pulled." Once the product is formed, there is no more age issue.
I remember how many shells I had to fix over the years - late 80's to mid 90's it was more cracks around the step and light lens.
OK, but those cracks were because the tubs didn't have foam support around the light lens area. They were taken care of under warranty, by the way.
Mid 90's and early 2000 it was that in addition to full sized splits over the bar top.
That's a new one on me. I haven't had any splits over the bar top, nor have I seen service bulletins or letters about them. Yes, I'm sure they can and do happen, but on a very small percentage of tubs, and I would wager that it is a smaller percentage than other makers.
I not only have sold hundreds of Hotspring but I have personally delivered and serviced hundreds of them as well. I could just about fix them in my sleep,
Then you must know that this is a fine product, and that the company has stood behind it all along. Even the Centrex tubs were well backed under warranty. Yes, there was a letter explaining that they had to stop replacing tubs when the crazing was light surface stuff.
There was no real reason to replace the whole tub if all that happened was a bunch of little lines formed on the surface. Most people wouldn't have even known it was there - on their own tub. It looked light a bunch of light scratches. But I still saw Watkins replace tubs for people who needed it.
so by refuting what I said in my post as "not true"
re-read my post: I said "No - not really accurate. " You seem to be truly bothered by this, and I'm sorry. I am not calling you anything. I have heard this information spouted from many sources, and it is incorrect. That doesn't mean that you don't believe it, nor does it mean that you are intentionally perpetuating misinformation.
do you mean I'm misinformed, lying , must be a d1 dealer or all three!?
Please, why are you inflaming what I said? I would choose none of the above. How about - 'repeating something that you - and many others - seem to believe, but that simply isn't accurate?