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Author Topic: Superchlorination on new fill. Dealer and Watkins disagree.  (Read 2282 times)


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My dealer specifically suggests that I superchlorinate my new 400 gallon Vanguard on every refill with "2-3 oz of dichlor".  The Hotsprings instruction manual for suggests that I use 0.4 oz for "superchlorination".  I find both suggestions surprising because 2-3oz of dichlor seems like an excessively large amount and 0.4 oz seems quite small.  In fact, I use 0.5 oz on a daily basis after I use the tub.  Therefore, my question is what constitutes "superchlorination"?  My tub has an ozonator and a silver ion stick so I generally aim for FCL levels of 1-3ppm. 

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Re: Superchlorination on new fill. Dealer and Watkins disagree.
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 10:07:02 pm »
I wouldn't spend too much energy on exact ppm on a fresh fill unless you are experiencing water quality issues.  Your normal .5 oz is most likely sufficient.


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Re: Superchlorination on new fill. Dealer and Watkins disagree.
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2013, 08:47:32 am »
Watkins urges dealers to superchlorinate with at least two ounces when filling a new spa. They wet test 100% of their tubs, and even though they take steps to vac out as much water as possible, they can't get it all. During shipping, sometimes the remaining water gets a bit funky. Sorry, but your spa is only new once, the 2-3 ounces refers to that one-time first fill.

Water changes are very different, and a small amount of chlorine is usually fine: The tub most likely has good water left in it, and most tap water brings in it's own load of chlorine anyway.


Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Superchlorination on new fill. Dealer and Watkins disagree.
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2013, 08:47:32 am »


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