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Author Topic: Purchasing set of tri x filters to rotate with paper filters. Advice needed  (Read 2242 times)


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My Vanguard spa is pretty new and came with 5 paper filters.  I was thinking of purchasing a whole new set of filters so that I could swap out when I do the monthly cleaning or the quarterly draining.  I was thinking of going the tri-x route since they are more efficient.  Currently with my paper filters I rinse them every 2 weeks and do an overnight bathing with TSP every month.  Would I be doing the same with the tri-X filters?  Or would I simply wash them in the dishwasher every two weeks and do a handheld degreasing spray every month?  Is the dishwasher hot water cleansing more effective than my spraying them outside with a superstrong hose? I've heard that one should use NO detergent and no dry cycle but if I use TSP to bathe my regular paper filters overnight why can't I use TSP in the dishwasher when I clean the tri X?  Last point: Should I try to have a tri-x filter on the circulating pump at all times?

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When I upgrade my customers to Tri-X filters I usually only give them four, and one extra regular filter. I find that the regular filters are fine for the circ pump, and having one extra is a good way to extend their life.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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I went ahead and got the 5 tri-x filters and installed them on the spa.  I washed out the regular filters and intend to keep them as a backup.  Every few months I will wash the tri-x filters in the dishwasher and dry them out.  During this time I will use the regular filters just for that day.  I asked this on another posting but was unsure of the response: When washing the tri-X filters in the dishwasher it is recommended to use TSP at the same time?  I specifically bought TSP to soak my regular filters overnight because it was a non-foaming, degreasing agent.

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