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Author Topic: hot tub noobie with questions  (Read 4185 times)


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hot tub noobie with questions
« on: June 02, 2013, 05:51:01 pm »
  So we bought a house with a hot tub, worked great all winter, it's a coast spa tub says northwind series on it. I drained it and refilled it awhile ago and while it's working great i've noticed it stays running all the time, it was doing this before the drain though so i wasn't too concerned. I've got two pump buttons, normally i can hit button one and it starts to cycle, hit it again and the jets kick in. The second button kicks in the rest of the jets. Now what happens is that it's always cycling and the respective buttons turn their jets on. The jets that button one turn on are blowing water, then air then water. I can see air running through the hoses on the interior as well. I just wondering if there's an easy sort of fix for this or if i need to get my friendly neighbourhood spa guy over. I'm an electrician by trade and really mechanically inclined so don't be afraid to use fancy technical words as i'll probably know what your talking about. Any help you guys and gals can give i'd greatly appreciate, if you need more info don't hesitate to ask

Hot Tub Forum

hot tub noobie with questions
« on: June 02, 2013, 05:51:01 pm »


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Re: hot tub noobie with questions
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2013, 06:03:29 am »
What do you have it set to filter for. Most tubs without a circulation pump have a programmable filter cycle.


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Re: hot tub noobie with questions
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2013, 07:18:40 am »
What do you have it set to filter for. Most tubs without a circulation pump have a programmable filter cycle.

Welcome to the forum.  Tman got what I was thinking. I believe that model, and I'm no Coast expert, has 2 pumps and it uses on for filtration and how often is runs may be selectable via the main panel.  My old tub was similar and it was set in 2 hour increments.
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Re: hot tub noobie with questions
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2013, 07:36:36 am »
Yes its a two pump system. One pump does the filtration cycle and half the jets. I can set it to 3 different settings. Sleep, economy, and standard. I generally have it set to economy. I'm assuming if I dig up the owners manual there's a way to access further settings. That doesn't solve the air problem though. I should mention that I cleaned the filter so that's not it. Also Wierd was yesterday I had it turned down to 93 and I went to turn it up to use it and it was at 106. It dropped fairly quick with the cover off bit still a curious glitch. It's not very old so seems Wierd to be having so many problems.


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Re: hot tub noobie with questions
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2013, 10:10:14 pm »
Just an update incase you were curious. I filled the hot tub up past the fill line a couple inches and my air problem went away. Stupid, I should have thought of that first. There's a code to punch in on startup to allow a change in filtration cycle and sure enough it was set to continuous. Thanks much, I would have never looked for the extended menu if not for the forum.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: hot tub noobie with questions
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2013, 10:10:14 pm »


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