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Author Topic: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.  (Read 41407 times)


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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2013, 07:16:20 pm »
So from what I've been told, dealer cost is about $8,000 even for a J-480 if it's a high volume dealer.   With a Stereo which is completly worth it (and at first there was no way I was going to spend that much on the stereo, especially considering that they are only warranted for one year) dealer cost is still under $9,000.  I've looked everywhere, online  and in person in Northern California and Colorado.  At first, I wanted a Sundance and almost bought one for $11,000 out the door for a new Cameo with Stereo after serious negotiations.  Then I found a large dealer that had both Jacuzzi and Sundance in stock and both hot tubs filled for testing. After experiencing the J-480 jets, they were somewhat stronger than the Sundance Cameo or Maxxus which closed the deal for me because of my back pain.  Both Sundance had stronger foot jets if that more important to you.

As to my dealer search, I didn't buy local in town because 1. he only carried Sundance and wouldn't order Jacuzzi and 2.  he kept going back and forth with the price giving me all sorts of stories.  He was $1,200 more for the Cameo that a dealer 40 miles away and told me that I out to be supporting local in town businesses.  When I found the Jacuzzi dealer at a home and garden show and showed him my spreadsheet with cost, options, and out the door cost from over 15 dealers on Jacuzzi, Sundance, Hot Springs, Artic etc, and told him that I was in a position to pay cash (actually I put in on my credit card for cash back) and that I was offered $11,000 for the Sundance Cameo or $13,000 for the Sundance Maxxus (2013 models ordered to my specs), he told me that he was having a truck load event in two weeks.  He flat out told me his cost was $7,999 for J-480 and that he had received this one for free, so he would sell it to me for his normal cost.  He stated that he could order a new one w. out radio for $9,100 and still make $1,100 on the deal.

I'd be really careful with the dealers you visited, as they seem like unethical used car salesman.  Just be honest and offer them what you think your willing to live with and what's included in the deal.  Personally, there's no way cost has gone up between 2012 or 2013 models.  That's pure BS.  If it sounds stupid, it probably is... Most of these guys will do anything to get you to pay premium price.  If it was me, I'd have them "order" your specific shell and cabinet color you want w. radio and tell them you want the Covermate III, all taxes paid and delivered for $11,000.00 for the first pitch.  Raise it to no more than $12,000 and tell them you will walk and let everyone know how overpriced they are.  Be nice and firm, and make sure your talking to the owner and not a salesperson.  Don't get anything but the Covermate III for the J-480 unless you have it sitting in a deck.  They must make a specific bracket for the J-480 since it's so big.  Don't worry about the steps, they going to give you something that's plastic and worth about $50.00.  Just go buy your own on Amazon.  Basically, make it a very simple transaction for them and they just made some money for about an hour's time plus delivery cost. 

No one charges delivery cost if it's within 50 to 100 miles.  I paid a $300.00 delivery cost since I was over 100 miles.  Be warned, never pay with a check or cash.  Always use a credit card (not debit) in this industry so if you have a problem, your protected and can get your money back by the bank. Don't get pressured into anything.

Check Facebook webpages for both Sundance and Jacuzzi Corporate pages.  They list the truckload events on it and on the corporate websites.  I'd be more focused on the price that the "service" your going to get later on years down the line. 

Check out http://www.hottubworks.com/HotTubChemicals/ for your chemicals.  During sales, they are normally 50% cheaper than the local stores. 





There is so much wrong in this post......

Hot Tub Forum

Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2013, 07:16:20 pm »


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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #31 on: June 12, 2013, 01:22:52 am »
I'm all about American businesses staying in business and making a profit. But in a market where e consumer can not tell what a fair price is for a sale, there's this forum and our own research. Personally, I liked talking to many dealers, over 20 in fact w. most in person and I was quite honest that I'm shopping for the best price and did not want to waste their time if there were not interested in negotiating. Unlike buying a car where you can check with either your credit union or autozag.com to see what is a great price to horrible pure for the consumer along with seeing what the item sold for ip both locally, regionally or national in price, we the consumers must play this silly process if we don't want to get taken.

I knew some of these dealers wouldn't like my post, so it probably is a discussion with overhead, insurance, taxes etc, how much over invoice and dealer holdback or incentives we are not unaware of, is a good price.  Obviously, to be told "Sir, the MSRP for a 2013 J-480 is $18'000 to $19,000 is a joke when dealer cost is $8,000 to just under $10,000 most likely.  I stick with a high volume dealers who want to make $1,000 to $1,500 profit for a few hours of work.

This field needs some "confusions of a hot tub salesman" to shed the light on this practice and if your upset with that, then you don't really know how we Americans want to spend our hard earned income.
Like I said before, I had negotiated Sundance dealers to order a new 2012 in Feb to Apr 2013 Cameo's for $12,000 out the door or Maxxus for $13,000 out the door. I had prices for the J-480 from $8,000 to $12,500 from multiple dealers. Fortunately, I live in a area where 15 + dealers are within an hour drive of each other (multiple brands).

Personally, I liked the top of the line MAAX spa as one of the best, but they wouldn't come down below $14,000 or $15,000. And in dealing w. multiple dealers, I learned of the struggles many faced during the economic collapse, but I also listen to many dealers lies and distort facts about one brand to another. This industry needs to police up its self as there seem to be many unethical dealers so its harder form the consumer to find honest ethical hardworking dealers. Just read the last couple of new post and what newbies have been quoted for both new and 14 year old used spas.

one thing i learned myself, I had to look at Sundance's per-delivery guide to see at the Cameo fill rate was almost 150 to 200 gallons less than the J-480. Although if you read both brochures, they state it's about the same. No salesman was able to answer that question for me.

Buying a hot tub is no different than any other high dollar item. How many people went into best buy and paid full price for a 55 tv when they could get the same thing for 30% cheaper in Amazon.com or paid sticker price on a vehicle without researching the best price for their offer.

Sorry to offend a few salesman or small business owners who read this and disagree.

By the way, this was my second brand new J-480'that I've purchased since 2007 due to moving residence. Both were bought at different dealers when initial contact was made a home and garden shows where volume dealers where looking to move products. In 2006, it was $10,500 out the door with stereo.

Last,. Just to point out that all Jacuzzi's and Sundances are actually built in Mexico. Yes the corporate HQs is North of Sacramento, but to save cost Jacuzzi started to make them in Mexico a few years backs.  I'd think they would ship from Mexico to regions in the US vs warehousing in California. Who knows though, I'm not a "professional" in the industry.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 02:10:33 am by Kirra »


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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2013, 01:47:59 am »
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 01:57:37 am by Kirra »


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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2013, 11:10:07 am »
Dealers that sell for $1000 over invoice won't be around long.  The only way to make any money would be to sell 500 tubs a year.  Not to mention having to do any warranty work on the tub which you always lose money on.  I'm all about getting the best deal and if you only paid you $8k for that tub then you either got a once in a lifetime deal, the dealer is an idiot will be going out of business soon or he was so hard up for cash flow he just gave the thing away. Most dealers I know in my area are fair but we are also looking to feed are families, pay are employees and to make a little money.  Believe me we are not getting rich


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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #34 on: June 12, 2013, 12:42:33 pm »
Dealers that sell for $1000 over invoice won't be around long.  The only way to make any money would be to sell 500 tubs a year.  Not to mention having to do any warranty work on the tub which you always lose money on.  I'm all about getting the best deal and if you only paid you $8k for that tub then you either got a once in a lifetime deal, the dealer is an idiot will be going out of business soon or he was so hard up for cash flow he just gave the thing away. Most dealers I know in my area are fair but we are also looking to feed are families, pay are employees and to make a little money.  Believe me we are not getting rich

Also, you cannot say buying a hot tub is like any other big ticket item.  It most certainly is not.  Firstly, the pool of potential customers is significantly lower.  Everyone buys a car, tv, etc.  Not everyone will buy a hot tub.  The guy selling you the TV is also probably not as highly trained or knowledgeable about the different products. Every company that I have worked for flies their sales staff to the factory for sales training.  There are regular classes on water chemistry.  Sales and service staff are not only required to know every minor detail about their product, they also need to have a good understanding of all of their competitors products.  We do quite a bit of site consultations too.  Other big ticket items sellers don't need to send a service technician to your house to repair it if there is a warranty claim.  As stated above, warranty work does not make a company money, it costs money.  Having a technician who knows the ins and outs of hot tub repair, driving around in a truck that eats gas and needs to be insured is expensive.  Manufacturer reimbursement on warranty claims is laughable.  You said "I stick with a high volume dealers who want to make $1,000 to $1,500 profit for a few hours of work".  It's not just a few hours of work.  A delivery truck and crew is expensive.  Shipping a hot tub is expensive.  Paying a guy who can operate a forklift to handle it and then store it and the costs associated are higher than you would think.  They are big and heavy and easily damaged in a warehouse.  Again, this is not even remotely close to TV.

You act like every hot tub store is operated by shady people who want to rip you off.  While there may be a few of these, most companies that I have interacted with are family owned and operated, provide excellent service and have built their reputation doing the right things.  With customer reviews accessible from your phone, it should be pretty easy to determine the bad ones. 

I'm not trying to talk down to you or anything, I just want to make sure that customers who come here for information are not getting bad information. 

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2013, 01:18:00 pm »
" I just want to make sure that customers who come here for information are not getting bad information."

     Part of the problem here lately.   People post what they paid for said tub and all of a sudden everyone (well most everyone)  coming here thinks thats what they should pay.  There are a few other type of forums I go to where price talking is not allowed.     Might be needed here at somepoint?   


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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2013, 01:45:06 pm »
i woud think one of the most important points in thinking about buyng a tub (or anything else one buys) is the price..but if was a dealer i could understand y dicussing prices paid could be annoying..

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #37 on: June 12, 2013, 02:24:36 pm »
 We run into it with stove and firplace installs, couple of the companys around here use who ever they can to install a stove or fireplace. And of course their install prices are lower than ours and people always question it.     It's easy to explain what and how they do it, but some people just don't get it.  All I know is I wouldn't want someone not knowing what they are doing install a wood stove in my house..   


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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #38 on: June 12, 2013, 02:32:04 pm »
jim,now you are talking about 'you get what u pay for" but unfortunately thats far from the case here on long island whitch is what i think the original post was about..

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #39 on: June 12, 2013, 02:49:36 pm »
 True dat!     If that is their pricing and their selling spa's, they are doing very good..


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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #40 on: June 12, 2013, 03:18:37 pm »
i woud think one of the most important points in thinking about buyng a tub (or anything else one buys) is the price..but if was a dealer i could understand y dicussing prices paid could be annoying..

The problem is a that we don't always know if it was a wet floor model, blem, older model or other discount.  What exactly was included is not always clear  either.  Even when you do say what is included, different steps, cover lifters, etc, have different levels of quality and price.  Different parts of the country are also going to naturally have different prices.  You can certainly get a rough idea, but exact pricing is really hard to convey. 

Also, I certainly would place a value on service and integrity.  An unscrupulous company can very easily deny warranty claims based upon improper chemical balance, for example.  Warranties tend to leave a lot of room for that.  We will almost always warrant items even when the damage is due to chemical issues, though.  This is just one example of the value of a good reputable dealer.  Price certainly is important, but the free market tends to keep prices where they should be.  If you charge too much or too little, you probably won't last long.


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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #41 on: June 12, 2013, 03:24:43 pm »
Sorry posted twice
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 04:55:39 pm by Kirra »


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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #42 on: June 12, 2013, 03:51:49 pm »
At Jacuzzi_Jim, It's funny that when you post the prices you as a dealer has sold a new J-480 at $11,500 and 12,500 its part of the normal conversation. But when a consumer post he bought one cheaper and starts posing some real questions about dealer ethics, all of a sudden the dealers get upset and annoyed and suggest limiting free speech on forums like this that are well within the forum guidelines.  I'd say your still making a profit at your prices above. If that's the point to silence consumers, than this forum will be used by only dealers and industry insiders

It goes back to the first post and the dealer trying to screw him over.

Can't commit on dealers losing money on repairs, sounds like a bad business model to me. Hopefully certain high end manufactures are better with supporting and reimbursing the dealers for their time. I know I've had problems with my filters falling apart within 90 days after I purchase and install. Personally, I thought it would be easier to reach out directly to Jacuzzi Corporate HQs with my concerns and ask if their was a known issue with the filters. jacuzzi stated they were aware owners had problems with the J-480 filters and UPS me 4 new sets for free without asking for that.

Now, common sense would dictate that other cost would drive up a price, such as assisting in planning the backyard spot, crane fees, etc. but if a buyer wanted the best price and was willing to do that himself with easy access to the back yard, than cost could be kept minimal. Personally, buyers need to also plan on concrete slabs (that cost me $5,500)and electrical work ($2,500) to the purchase price, so cost always goes up significantly to just put one of these in our backyards.

I'd say people who are taking bids for inground pools go for the best price when you getting the same product and material for each quote, just as in what potential buyers who come to this forum are attempting to do.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 04:32:28 pm by Kirra »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #43 on: June 12, 2013, 04:33:13 pm »
 You can post all the prices you want, and if you read back I also said that guy is way high on his prices.    But when you start talking about something like dealer cost you have no idea..   I believe you also told the guy to walk in with 10 grand more or less take it or leave it.   I lived in Dutch Hbr Alaska for 12 plus years.   You know how much a gallon of milk cost there, it's not what it cost in Seattle.    The price I posted is what I have sold that spa for, the price you paid for your spa is crazy low, possibly a blem without you knowing I don't know, but the guy didn't make much.      My issue has been with you talking about something you don't know, you can speculate all you want but you don't know.    I could tell you what the actual dealer cost of the spa is, but then Id have to kill you.. 

  I don't agree with how that guy sells spa's and like I said, if he is getting that much for his spa's good for him. If he doesn't then he wont be around long if he doesn't budge.     Your guy on the other hand selling spa's at that price he won't be around for long either, but then I don't what his over head is, but I do know what he pays for his spa's.   Sorry to say you don't.   :'(   


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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #44 on: June 12, 2013, 05:40:20 pm »
Your right, I'm not privy to what dealer cost are. Although, I've spent enough time researching to have a pretty good ball park view of what dealer cost are for larger high volume businesses and that they receive a significant cost reduction when they purchase multiple tubs at once. Look back at my original post and you'll see that I recommended to offer only $500 less that what your stated you sold yours for. Again, I bought mine during a large truckload event and meet the owner during a home and garden show, so prices would be lower than smaller family stores afford to make a profit or get a better break on a special order for their clients than businesses that only sell a small number of spas a year.  Don't talk to me a about cost in your part of the country unless your business is in the San Francisco Bay Area or Manhattan Area where or costs are much greater than anything you would believe for property, workers salaries, insurance and taxes. BTW, I was a Soldier living in Alaska during the 1990s, so I know how outrageous a gallon of milk is in Alaska.

I'm done with this specific posting, as obviously I've upset a few of you with this string if posts, but you should loom at your own inaccurate and misleading statements trying to prove me wrong. I think I've been pretty accurate and honest with my postings.  Now maybe people we start to understand the potential problems that we consumers face dealing with you guys in person. I understand none of you are getting wealthy doing sales, but some of us are more concerned with the bottom line price than sending you on your vacations to trade shows etc.

Maybe we need a forum and ban all dealers and salesman from it so we can have honest discussions about what hot tubs we like and why, and how to get a great deal on the pricing for our hard earned money.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 05:51:31 pm by Kirra »

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Re: J480 2013 price on Long Island N.Y.
« Reply #44 on: June 12, 2013, 05:40:20 pm »


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