What's the Best Hot Tub

Author Topic: Hot Tub Silver. Use to reduce Chlorine, Bromine, UV and Ozone.  (Read 2208 times)


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Hey guys i have actually been a precious metals investor for a while now and when researching the industerial uses of silver, a very popular use is to use silver in water purification. Its used in hospital bed sheets to keep them clean, and in athletic clothing due minimize odors from sweating.

Most people don't know this but silver kills almost every kind of bacteria upon contact, it suffocates the cells and they die. Before the FDA and anti-biotics were introduced, silver was used as an antibiotic to fight infections, it was common for people to drop a silver dollar in their milk jugs to prevent spoiling. Silver has been making its way back into the alternative medicine field as of recently in the form of collodial silver.

Upon searching the net i have found silver solutions made for hot tubs to keep the bacterial levels low.  I have spoken to several reputable dealers in my city about this technique and to my surprise none of them have ever herd of it. My question is why?

Why has no hot tub manufacture woven silver fibers into their filters? Why are silver solutions not sold as chemical cleaners for your tubs at the dealers? Clearly it could be a superior element over using UV(cost), Ozone(health effects), and much easier on your skin and body that bromine and chlorine yet its virturally unheard of.

Clearly the cost cannot be a issue. Silver is roughly $20 a ounce and you could probably make an entire filter out of pure silver fibers for about $7 bucks.

Has anyone actually used silver solutions found online for their tubs? Since the dealers I have spoken to are ignorant of this as a possability, iv decided to come here to find out more.

Any experts here with some knowlage to share? or should I launch a silver filter hot tub company to manufacture filters for all the hot tub companies?


« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 03:51:21 pm by mattwelke »

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