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Author Topic: VORTEX Spas from Canada  (Read 150056 times)


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #150 on: December 24, 2013, 10:06:44 pm »
To Montana and Vortex. You picked a public forum to spew your BS. If you want a private forum go make your own. I have been around this and other forums for 15 years helping people. I get more PM's in a week asking for help than most people including you guys will get in your life. Good luck trying to sell your product here, but guess what? Until now the only insults flying have been from you two bozo's. There's one back at ya.

Again go make your own forum if you don't want a differing, more experienced opinion. I know more about all the components of a Vortex spa than you Montana girl. And I have likely seen the insides of more tubs than Vortex unless he has been doing this for more than 25-30 years.

Ooops sorry 2 insults. And the only reason I threw them is because they were thrown at me and I don't usually pick up and throw back the spears that idiots throw at me.

Not sure if Vortex said meaningless or meanness but either way. If he doesn't want to listen to me and my opinion find a different forum that's not public.

And no Montana girl your not a first time poster with a mediocre review. You have 5

Ooops again 3 insults.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2013, 10:10:17 pm by Tman122 »

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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #150 on: December 24, 2013, 10:06:44 pm »

Ryan VSO

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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #151 on: December 24, 2013, 10:09:06 pm »
Merry christmas Tom .


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #152 on: December 24, 2013, 10:59:02 pm »
So in other words your opinion is the only one that matters. Better stay off all the forums because you'll find that a lot of other folks are going to have differing opinions. The moderators here do a great job at categorizing the threads just like they need to be categorized. Dead Horse, just like hundreds of others in the past. One or two guys with stout opinions like yours are always dead horses. How about we agree that you think it's the best spa in the world and I think it's just like hundreds of other Chinese built spas. And your opinion of it is as valid as my OPINION of it.

I promise not to throw anymore insults at you unless you keep throwing them at me. I fixed 2 spas today, and it was 5 degrees outside. I had -26 last night. What was the temp like in more moderate Montana?


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #153 on: December 25, 2013, 07:23:22 am »
They use Gecko controls. I worked on a Gecko and a Hydroquip control yesterday. And both tubs used PVC so does Vorx. Does that qualify? Look at their web site. They claim to be like a whole bunch of spas that I have worked on.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #154 on: December 25, 2013, 04:55:39 pm »
  Merry Christmas Montana!  But you really have no clue what he does for a living?      The basis of any spa is primarily for the most part the same and built the same to a point, some do it better than others some do it cheaper than others, why do you think yours comes from China it's cheap to build there,same reason some are built in Mexico.   So yes he could probably work on a Vortex spa blind folded..    Point in case, you think a Ford or Chevy mechanic doesn't know how to work on a Dodge?

  I use to work on spa's and have probably forgotten more than you will ever know, and I am confident enough that if I came to work on your spa it wouldn't be hard to figure out whats wrong with it!   



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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #155 on: December 25, 2013, 06:16:40 pm »
Vortex, Smortex. I can work on any spa. And any hot water heating control/delivery system. Including a paper mill, power plant, refinery, mining. I forgot more about plumbing than most people will ever know.

But Montana he's the man, he's smarter than all of us put together. That's why he chose the tub he did. Cause he knew we would know nothing about it.


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #156 on: December 26, 2013, 06:48:33 am »
Don't leave we want ya here. Just don't be a know it all ass amd understand that your opinion is ONE. Not necessarily unjust but just one.


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #157 on: December 26, 2013, 08:51:20 am »
Ok, guys..

I for one don't doubt Tman's ability to work on Spas. (I wouldn't let him change my oil, however, but that is another story..:)).   And I am sure that Montana is a smart, self-reliant type person.
Montana saved upfront cash with his tub purchase, and from what I have read here, he really likes his tub, so he wants to talk about it.    He also seems like a guy that will call a spade a spade, and was brutally honest in his criticism of Vortex's delivery, if you can call it that, process.    It remains to be seen if Montana's upfront savings will cost him down the road, but he seems like the type of person ready to take that gamble.   Hopefully he will share any problems he may encounter with the Vortex, in the future.
Imo, I believe Montana could learn a lot from Tman, if we could get the rhetoric directed back to a fact based discussion (on parts, insulation, design, etc.).   Maybe a holiday truce for both of you guys is in order?   


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #158 on: December 26, 2013, 09:42:42 am »
I suspect someone is calling customers and asking them to post reviews. Or making up users and posting himself. It's a good thing every sales guy on here doesn't do that. Just imagine if it wasn't in beating a dead horse. I am sure Bill will keep an eye on it now. Check the IP's

That's what I'm thinking after seeing these positive vortex spa reviews showing up like house flies on a dog turd. One time posters for a guy that keeps getting his chair pulled out from under him by the old time spa dealers and technicians seems rather suspicious.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 02:39:36 pm by Spoiledrotten »
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn."


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #159 on: December 26, 2013, 01:05:39 pm »
at least Vortex constantly defends his brand..maybe its not the "best spa" or maybe it is.but if i was looking to buy a vortex i can now find plenty of info on one and can even speak directly to them...


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #160 on: December 26, 2013, 01:47:09 pm »
at least Vortex constantly defends his brand..maybe its not the "best spa" or maybe it is.but if i was looking to buy a vortex i can now find plenty of info on one and can even speak directly to them...

I don't know jack about vortex so I don't know if it's a good or bad spa. Where is all this info you speak of?  One guys review is hardly going to influence any bodies buying decision. I looked on their website and can't even figure out their warranty. Any spa brand you should be able to speak with directly. All I can find about them is they are a somewhat popular brand in New Zealand/Australia who is trying to break into the North American market. Maybe they succeed maybe they won't but until they have more tubs out in the field then it will be nearly impossible to get unbiased reviews on them


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #161 on: December 26, 2013, 02:44:49 pm »
from reading the entire thread tman has brought up many aspects and vortex has responded..(i knew id get ripped for saying something)


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #162 on: December 26, 2013, 02:51:58 pm »
from reading the entire thread tman has brought up many aspects and vortex has responded..(i knew id get ripped for saying something)

Not if you'd say something with merit.   8)
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn."

Ryan VSO

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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #163 on: December 26, 2013, 02:59:33 pm »
from reading the entire thread tman has brought up many aspects and vortex has responded..(i knew id get ripped for saying something)

Dont worry , I am used to it , no matter what you guys will say or do , whithin 10 years the over protected dealer network will be down . we have hundreds of reviews coming out this spring and this will blow you all , we have also video testimonials coming out soon .

Very soon you would not even have to use a tech when there will be an issue .

Vortex Spas will be the revolution in the spa industry .

If Any vortex spas custumer wish to add a review dont post it here , we just created a section for Vortex spas reviews


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Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #164 on: December 26, 2013, 05:41:15 pm »
from reading the entire thread tman has brought up many aspects and vortex has responded..(i knew id get ripped for saying something)

Dont worry , I am used to it , no matter what you guys will say or do , whithin 10 years the over protected dealer network will be down . we have hundreds of reviews coming out this spring and this will blow you all , we have also video testimonials coming out soon .

Very soon you would not even have to use a tech when there will be an issue .

Vortex Spas will be the revolution in the spa industry .

If Any vortex spas custumer wish to add a review dont post it here , we just created a section for Vortex spas reviews

I think the owner of Haven spas made those same type of silly predictions a decade ago on these pages. He used to also try to use the spa forums to get noticed and made claims about taking over the world. I also remember when I was a kid reading that cars would fly by the turn of the century and would not run on gas and people would live on the moon... 
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: VORTEX Spas from Canada
« Reply #164 on: December 26, 2013, 05:41:15 pm »


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