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Author Topic: BullFrog vs Maax  (Read 40425 times)


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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2013, 04:58:27 pm »
I think Bullfrog and Maxx have exactly the reputation they deserve. It takes a long time to get a reputation. They have worked hard to get above POS
Have you ever even seen a Bullfrog spa in person?

In another thread you said they have wood and metal in their structure, neither is true their structure is molded plastic.  Here you imply they are just above POS.  Well then how did they win the 2012 Readers Choice Award for best spa?

Yes, they had a problem with the design in the beginning with lack of water movement behind the jet packs, as I said before, it was revolutionary.  No one had done it before so no one had worked out the bugs, no one knew what the problems would be.  They solved that issue years ago.

I own one so I know my opinion is biased.  I've searched the internet for other reviews.  I haven't found many that are bad.  Most are about service from the dealers as I find is the case with most spas even D1.

What exactly are you basing your opinion on?

Get your facts right. I have never said that Bullfrog was just above a POS. I said the jet pack idea was gimmicky, I said I didn't consider them high end. My opinion stands. I have only seen a couple and yes they were older. I never said what the Bullfrog frame was made of. I said there are frames made of several things and several levels of those same things.

In this case I base my opinion on those I have seen and the feedback received from service guys in the northern Minnesota area. They are a fine tub but, IN MY OPINION there are better choices if price is no object. And that's what the OP has led us to believe.

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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2013, 04:58:27 pm »


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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2013, 08:41:45 pm »
I think Bullfrog and Maxx have exactly the reputation they deserve. It takes a long time to get a reputation. They have worked hard to get above POS
Have you ever even seen a Bullfrog spa in person?

In another thread you said they have wood and metal in their structure, neither is true their structure is molded plastic.  Here you imply they are just above POS.  Well then how did they win the 2012 Readers Choice Award for best spa?

Yes, they had a problem with the design in the beginning with lack of water movement behind the jet packs, as I said before, it was revolutionary.  No one had done it before so no one had worked out the bugs, no one knew what the problems would be.  They solved that issue years ago.

I own one so I know my opinion is biased.  I've searched the internet for other reviews.  I haven't found many that are bad.  Most are about service from the dealers as I find is the case with most spas even D1.

What exactly are you basing your opinion on?

Get your facts right. I have never said that Bullfrog was just above a POS. I said the jet pack idea was gimmicky, I said I didn't consider them high end. My opinion stands. I have only seen a couple and yes they were older. I never said what the Bullfrog frame was made of. I said there are frames made of several things and several levels of those same things.

In this case I base my opinion on those I have seen and the feedback received from service guys in the northern Minnesota area. They are a fine tub but, IN MY OPINION there are better choices if price is no object. And that's what the OP has led us to believe.
We've had a similar discussion before, here:


I'm not disputing your opinion, I was just wondering if you have had any recent experience with Bullfrog.  Owning a Bullfrog, I wondered why someone of your experience with so many hot tubs didn't seem to value them very high.  You answered that above.  Thank you.

Since you are an independent repair person and not employed by any of the companies represented here specifically, I value your opinion quite highly, probably above most of the others here.  For instance, I've seen pictures of the D1 equipment compartments and to tell you the truth, they are a thing of beauty; very neatly laid out.  As an engineering designer, I can appreciate a well laid out machine room.


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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #32 on: May 21, 2013, 02:29:07 am »
5 years ago I tried BullFrog, Hot Springs, Sundance, Jacuzzi, Coast and Arctic. I really liked the Bullfrog but I am 6' tall with short legs. So I had trouble getting under the neck jets on the BullFrog. So I narrowed it down to Sundance and Jacuzzi. At that time Jacuzzi mixed air into the jets and Sundance did not. So we bought a Jacuzzi J-470 and now after sitting in it for 5 years I have never regretted our decision.

Also Jacuzzi Jim has been great on this forum and I didn't even buy the tub from him. But the best advice I got at the time was to wet test until I found one that felt right. For us it was a Jacuzzi hands down, with Sundance a close second. Our biggest disappointment was the Hot Springs. But they were a very high quality tub. There is no one brand that is right for everyone so enjoy the wet testing and don't listen to the sales people. Listen to your body. It will tell you what feels right.
2008 Jacuzzi J-470


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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #33 on: May 21, 2013, 06:12:46 am »
We've had a similar discussion before, here:


I'm not disputing your opinion, I was just wondering if you have had any recent experience with Bullfrog.  Owning a Bullfrog, I wondered why someone of your experience with so many hot tubs didn't seem to value them very high.  You answered that above.  Thank you.

Since you are an independent repair person and not employed by any of the companies represented here specifically, I value your opinion quite highly, probably above most of the others here.  For instance, I've seen pictures of the D1 equipment compartments and to tell you the truth, they are a thing of beauty; very neatly laid out.  As an engineering designer, I can appreciate a well laid out machine room.

Thank you.

The layout of the equipment area is one of the most important things to me. Several manufacturers do it very well. Others, even those with stellar reputations do it not so well. But the repair world has us spending 99% of our time with our heads stuck in there. Neatly laid out doesn't necessarily mean easy to work on but those that are easy to work on and neatly laid out get high scores in my mind.

I have only preference to D1 because it did something for me a long time ago when I soaked in one. It just felt right. To be honest I currently have a Cal Spa that seems to feel pretty dang good to. It's noisy and an energy hog and it's for sale (I got it for free in a disposal re-install for a customer). But my preference to D1 is simply because of that feel a long time ago and they meet most of what I consider to be all the criteria that make a great tub a great tub. We shall see if this sale to the group that owns Jacuzzi/Sundance changes that.

Keep in mind I have a real job with one of the largest mechanical contractors in the Midwest as their fleet/equipment manager and may have to rescind my independent repair tech status as I have only done one repair in May and 2 in April and I think 7-8 for the year.


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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #34 on: June 18, 2013, 01:39:11 am »
Yes but they all have different molds and processes still, are built in different factory's using different management and people. So they are all very different tubs.

Still searching for a tub, maax/coleman over priced, did a wet test on the bull frog not comfy on the neck/head area + 10k seem very high. 
I'm looking @ D-1 spas now a local pinch a penny sells them. I saw a brochure for the reflection collection however very expensive. the chairman was 15k Wow. Now looking into the home collection, latitude, wayfarer,meridian & sojourn more in my price range approx. 7-8k
 are these good quality tubs? I will visit the store again towards the end of week. I know that jaccuzzi bought them out but I agree there still made in Calf. to the best of my knowledge?  I was also interested in Sundance also owned by jaccuzzi in Mexico.

Thanks Mike


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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #35 on: June 18, 2013, 06:29:02 am »
keep in mine manufacturing facility in Mexico and corporate headquarters in the states does not make them a Mexican company.


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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #36 on: June 18, 2013, 09:03:46 am »
Any other choices in your area?

Yes there is. What Spa brand would you recommend and why? 

Thanks :)

I'm not an expert on either but think Maax and Bullfrog are probably about on par with each other. If you visited mutiple choices and these are you two finalists then I'd suggest you wet test each and go with whichever makes the most sense for you.

Since you didn't mention where your search started I can understand why Tman asked the question. If you haven't gone beyond these two I'd personally visit others that I think rate very high (assuming you have other good choices in your area). Its always best to review all options first and narrow it down to a few finalists to wet test. Being tall and considering a lounge you have 2 vitale reasons to wet test which you are seriously considering.

I originally was interested in Thermo spas I really liked the park ave model & enjoyed the t.v. adds  however I found out they moved out of Conn. & moved there plant to Mexico. I also read on line there customer service & company is not what it used to be?  This is information I read on line and I'm not certain if it is 100% correct?  This turned me away from the park ave model :(   That's when I did some local research in my area. People in the villages Florida were I know live said they were happy with these two local dealers and there spas. That doesn't mean I made up my mind @ this time.

The sales people on the other two brands didn't steer me into buying there tubs. I don't want to rush into 10k purchase w/o considering all my options first. I like both of these models and dealers are in my area that is a plus but the sale isn't final yet.
Please give me the upper end tubs that you would consider? I would appreciate that information and will do some some research as well. 

Thanks :) for all your help


They quoted you 10K for a Bullfrog? The dealer where I just bought my Hot Springs quoted me around 6500. for a Bullfrog. I still went with the 9500.00 HS Envoy. I was not impressed with the BF, but good luck with your choice. The BF just didn't look to inviting to the wife and I.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 09:09:43 am by Spoiledrotten »
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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #37 on: June 18, 2013, 07:33:15 pm »
Bullfrog has spas ranging in price from approximately $6k to $14k.  A $6500 model will not usually look as nice as a $9500 model. 


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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #38 on: June 18, 2013, 11:24:31 pm »
When we first started looking for a hot tub last year, I found and liked the MAAX Collection 781, it's the old Coleman series. I really like the design of the jets in the lounge, the foot jets have a bottom and top jets, the only hot tub with that design that Im aware of. You'd have to look at the actually brochure you can download to see the unique details.

We have a Maax tub in our main bathroom and are very happy with it. Maax is like Jacuzzi, as they have products in the higher end homebuilding market for showers, tubs, etc plus hot tubs.

Only problem with the 781, almost every dealer wanted $14,500 to $15,000 in my area for the 781 and no one had one I'm stock to wet test. And every dealer was a Hot tub and fireplace store. Personally, I'd been very happy with the 781 if it were to be purchased at a reasonable price. For that price you can custom order a Jacuzzi 470 or 495 and Sundance 880 Maxxus and still have a money left over. The Maax warrantee looks good comparable to Jacuzzi and Sundance, but I doubt it components compares to the top of the line Jacuzzi or Sundance models.  Jacuzzi and Sundance probably have a better support system than Maax. Interesting fact, both Jacuzzi and Sundance models role off the same assembly line in Mexico as Jacuzzi moved productions to save overhead cost. Maax collections spas are built onsite in Chandler, Arizona.

Be very caution in letting dealers float the bs about consumer digest model of the year or anything other consumer choice awards. Do your research online and you'll find none of them are a non-profit, unbiased, and purchased at full price and tested by engineers and scientist like our friends at consumer reports.  These so called consumer awards are actually paid advertisements from the manufacturer or trade organizations.

I've written consumer reports asking them to consider testing premium hot tubs, I'd be very interested in their unbiased reporting to clear up the numerous sales pitches you hear from different products.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 11:31:32 pm by Jacuzzi_Kirra »


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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #39 on: June 19, 2013, 10:57:54 am »
When we first started looking for a hot tub last year, I found and liked the MAAX Collection 781, it's the old Coleman series. I really like the design of the jets in the lounge, the foot jets have a bottom and top jets, the only hot tub with that design that Im aware of. You'd have to look at the actually brochure you can download to see the unique details.

We have a Maax tub in our main bathroom and are very happy with it. Maax is like Jacuzzi, as they have products in the higher end homebuilding market for showers, tubs, etc plus hot tubs.

Only problem with the 781, almost every dealer wanted $14,500 to $15,000 in my area for the 781 and no one had one I'm stock to wet test. And every dealer was a Hot tub and fireplace store. Personally, I'd been very happy with the 781 if it were to be purchased at a reasonable price. For that price you can custom order a Jacuzzi 470 or 495 and Sundance 880 Maxxus and still have a money left over. The Maax warrantee looks good comparable to Jacuzzi and Sundance, but I doubt it components compares to the top of the line Jacuzzi or Sundance models.  Jacuzzi and Sundance probably have a better support system than Maax. Interesting fact, both Jacuzzi and Sundance models role off the same assembly line in Mexico as Jacuzzi moved productions to save overhead cost. Maax collections spas are built onsite in Chandler, Arizona.

Be very caution in letting dealers float the bs about consumer digest model of the year or anything other consumer choice awards. Do your research online and you'll find none of them are a non-profit, unbiased, and purchased at full price and tested by engineers and scientist like our friends at consumer reports.  These so called consumer awards are actually paid advertisements from the manufacturer or trade organizations.

I've written consumer reports asking them to consider testing premium hot tubs, I'd be very interested in their unbiased reporting to clear up the numerous sales pitches you hear from different products.

Maax's product and warranty is not in the same class as Jacuzzi...also consumer reports will never review hot tubs because as a whole the industry does not sell enough units per year to be considered for review (and its not even really close)


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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #40 on: June 19, 2013, 01:31:17 pm »
Maax's product and warranty is not in the same class as Jacuzzi...

I'm not sure that is an accurate statement.
I don't have the paperwork in front of me, but I believe the Maax warranty was actually on par with the Jacuzzi when I looked at them.
Warranty definitely influences my buying decisions and wouldn't have considered the Maax if the warranty wasn't in the same class as other tubs I looked at.

Also I think this is another one of the reasons to go with a respected dealer, a good warranty won't be worth much if you don't have someone locally to service it.


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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #41 on: June 20, 2013, 06:34:12 pm »
Maax's product and warranty is not in the same class as Jacuzzi...

I'm not sure that is an accurate statement.
I don't have the paperwork in front of me, but I believe the Maax warranty was actually on par with the Jacuzzi when I looked at them.
Warranty definitely influences my buying decisions and wouldn't have considered the Maax if the warranty wasn't in the same class as other tubs I looked at.

Also I think this is another one of the reasons to go with a respected dealer, a good warranty won't be worth much if you don't have someone locally to service it.

Not as far off as I originally thought, but there are some differences I've noted below, most notably a very weak 2 yr warranty on Maax's cabinet...they don't seem to have much faith in it comparatively speaking vs. Hot Spring/Sundance/Jacuzzi who all have 5 yrs on the cabinet on spas in similar price range

Cabinet on Jacuzzi = 5 yr...Maax 2yr
Diverter Valves, Filter Lids, headrests on Jacuzzi = 2 yr...Maax 90 day
Stainless Jets on Jacuzzi = 2yr....Maax 1 yr
component is 5 yr on both
shell is 7 yr on both
structure is 10 yr on both


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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #42 on: June 21, 2013, 11:48:23 am »
Maax's product and warranty is not in the same class as Jacuzzi...

I'm not sure that is an accurate statement.
I don't have the paperwork in front of me, but I believe the Maax warranty was actually on par with the Jacuzzi when I looked at them.
Warranty definitely influences my buying decisions and wouldn't have considered the Maax if the warranty wasn't in the same class as other tubs I looked at.

Also I think this is another one of the reasons to go with a respected dealer, a good warranty won't be worth much if you don't have someone locally to service it.

Not as far off as I originally thought, but there are some differences I've noted below, most notably a very weak 2 yr warranty on Maax's cabinet...they don't seem to have much faith in it comparatively speaking vs. Hot Spring/Sundance/Jacuzzi who all have 5 yrs on the cabinet on spas in similar price range

Cabinet on Jacuzzi = 5 yr...Maax 2yr
Diverter Valves, Filter Lids, headrests on Jacuzzi = 2 yr...Maax 90 day
Stainless Jets on Jacuzzi = 2yr....Maax 1 yr
component is 5 yr on both
shell is 7 yr on both
structure is 10 yr on both

Thanks for the information T.C.

 I ruled out maax & bulfrog now, down to hotsprings & dimension one spas. I like the latitude d-1 I'm 6'2" and not sure if the lounge will be comfy ?  + interested in several models on the hotsprings line. Viewing more h.s. & d-1 models next week.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 12:03:35 pm by mike »


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Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #43 on: June 21, 2013, 12:01:13 pm »
Maax's product and warranty is not in the same class as Jacuzzi...

I'm not sure that is an accurate statement.
I don't have the paperwork in front of me, but I believe the Maax warranty was actually on par with the Jacuzzi when I looked at them.
Warranty definitely influences my buying decisions and wouldn't have considered the Maax if the warranty wasn't in the same class as other tubs I looked at.

Also I think this is another one of the reasons to go with a respected dealer, a good warranty won't be worth much if you don't have someone locally to service it.

Not as far off as I originally thought, but there are some differences I've noted below, most notably a very weak 2 yr warranty on Maax's cabinet...they don't seem to have much faith in it comparatively speaking vs. Hot Spring/Sundance/Jacuzzi who all have 5 yrs on the cabinet on spas in similar price range

Cabinet on Jacuzzi = 5 yr...Maax 2yr
Diverter Valves, Filter Lids, headrests on Jacuzzi = 2 yr...Maax 90 day
Stainless Jets on Jacuzzi = 2yr....Maax 1 yr
component is 5 yr on both
shell is 7 yr on both
structure is 10 yr on both

Thanks for the information T.C.

 I ruled out maax & bulfrog now, down to hotsprings & dimension one spas. I like the latitude d-1 + several models on the hotsprings line. Viewing more h.s. & d-1 models next week.

Take you time and by all means wet test.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: BullFrog vs Maax
« Reply #43 on: June 21, 2013, 12:01:13 pm »


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