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Author Topic: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas  (Read 43706 times)


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Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« on: May 09, 2013, 11:33:33 am »
I recently purchased a Barefoot Model 88BL from the Hawkeye display at our local Home and Hot tub show.  It looked nice and the price was okay ($8800).  That was the last time I was happy with it.  I ordered it on February 22, 2013.  The salesman called to confirm they had 2 in stock in the model and color we wanted.  Because we were getting some upgrades (lights, sound system, etc) we were told 5-6 weeks for delivery.  We were told to pay half up front and half on delivery.  After we did that, I read all the fine print and found that they will not set up a delivery out of state (outside VA) without having full payment.  I called the company to ask and got nowhere.  No one answers their phones and most voice mail is non-existant or full.  So I sent an e-mail.  I received a response that my order was in production and they did indeed need full payment before they could schedule a delivery.  This was about March 22, 2013....4 weeks after ordering it.  About 2 weeks later I had still not heard about a delivery date, though my full payment was now in their hands.  Same problems getting through to people, but eventually got through to a gentleman in the Production department named Scott.  Scott told me that the tub was ready except for a couple pieces that were back ordered from the factories that supply them, but that they should be in by the next week.  The next week came and went with no communication from them.  The following week I started calling again and finally got hold of Scott again.  He told me that the factory that made the lucite for the tub has been backordering and that they expected my piece of Lucite in by Thursday.  So the story has now changed from tub in production to tub ready except for some pieces to tub is nowhere near ready and never was.  And we are now on week 8 since my order.  I was furious.  He did call me back later and told me that the lucite for my tub did come in and he would call me the next day (Friday) to let me know an estimated time it would be complete.  No call Friday, Sat, or Sun.  I called back on Monday, got the same run-around trying to get hold of someone and finally sent an e-mail to a person named MATT who is apparently Scott's boss.  I told him I was totally unhappy with the service I had received so far and had decided to cancel my order and that he could send me my money back immediately.  This is now into week 9 since I ordered it.  I have only received two communications from this company...one was when I asked about money and the other was after I chewed Scott out and he called me back.  Now I got another communication, this time again about money.  Matt says they are not going to refund my money and they will get around to finishing my tub and sending it to me.  I stated that he was basically saying I needed to take legal action to get my money back.  His response was that if I did that they would find it hard to give me service later on.  I have since filed a complaint with the BBB and with the VA OAG - consumer protection bureau.  Last week (week 10 since ordering) I got a call from the delivery contractor that stated he was looking to be delivering some time this week and he would call me on Monday to set up a time.  Today (Thursday of week 11) he finally calls to tell me he will be delivering tomorrow morning between 9 and 12.  Not "is this a good time", Not "what would be a good time", nothing.  He did tell me that if I could support tomorrow morning it would be June at the earliest before they could support delivery.  I would like to tell you about the tub itself but since I haven't seen it I cannot honestly tell you.  But I would HIGHLY recommend you don't fall prey to their ridiculous idea of customer service.  Go with a reputable company.

Hot Tub Forum

Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« on: May 09, 2013, 11:33:33 am »


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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2013, 12:18:01 pm »
Not really surprising given the company.  Have tried ordering parts from them before and nobody does ever call you back

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2013, 02:14:30 pm »
   After all that there is no way in he-- I would take the spa.   Call your credit card company and see if they can do something for you. 

 Good luck! 


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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2013, 05:05:15 pm »
Does it say anything about delivery date in your contract?  I'm with Jim I wouldn't take that, for what you paid their are much better options as I would consider Hawkeye a low end tub


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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2013, 05:08:39 pm »
   After all that there is no way in he-- I would take the spa.   Call your credit card company and see if they can do something for you. 

 Good luck!

Agree, if you paid with a credit card call him back and deny delivery and continue your dispute. I'd take the day off and sit in my driveway to make sure they don't show up.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2013, 12:59:34 pm »
Unfortunately we paid basically with cash.  I filed with the Office of the Attorney General in VA, but they jacked around for 3+ weeks.  Longer than for the delivery to get here.  I was set up with a case of refusing the tub on a chance that the OAG could/would actually do something for me.  And then, there was no guarantee that I would get my money back.  And if I refused delivery, it would be months before it came.  I basically had to accept delivery.  Now it is hooked up and there is a leak on one of the pumps and the lights don't work on it.  Piece of garbage from a marginal company.  Please feel free to spread the word and send any curious people that might be thinking of dealing with this company my way.


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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2013, 04:29:57 pm »
What I would do... buy a URL "hawkeyespasstink.com" or something like that, and tell your story.  Start posting links to places on the internet like this forum, and make sure to let the company know you are doing it as well. 


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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2013, 04:52:09 pm »
Piece of garbage from a marginal company.

No piece of garbage from a crappy company. They will be selling to Costco soon to boost sales. LOLOL :D


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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2013, 07:42:46 pm »
Piece of garbage from a marginal company.

No piece of garbage from a crappy company. They will be selling to Costco soon to boost sales. LOLOL :D

At least at Costco you will be able to return it for a full refund......LOLOL  ;D


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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2013, 05:30:37 pm »
Will do, I hate to say it, for that price you could have got a Hot springs, Sundance, etc... and a Dealer, second to none to go with those brand tubs,  Why Hawkeye, were there no reputable top brand dealers located close by to you. Its too bad, you had to learn the hard way. I hope you have good luck with it, but from what it sounds like, you already have problems. It really is disgusting, how these companies can get away with this type of practices. Any way, you have my sympathies.


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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2013, 10:29:43 am »
I have had my barefoot swim spa from Hawkeye since Jan. 2010 and although my warranty is still in effect, it's impossible to get warranty service.  I have had numerous problems with the spa, ie leaks, parts breaking, circulation motor going out, jets going out.  The last time I had it serviced it took from March (first email) until June to get any service.  They told me to find my own repairman to check it out and then call them to tell them what part was needed.  I did that and they started trying to blame me for the problem, then wanted to send someone else out.  I told them I wouldn't pay for two service calls and the parts manager got nasty with me.  They then tried to get my repairman to say it was my fault that the pump went out. When they finally sent the motor I had to go ahead and pay the repairman because he's had trouble getting his money before from some spa companies.  I did that and can't get my money back from Hawkeye per my warranty.  No one answers emails, phone calls or complaint letters.  The receptionists extension is no longer working and neither are a lot of the other extensions.  Some new people have taken over the company and are supposedly trying to straighten it out, but they're worse than the old people.  My warranty is worthless from what I can see.  Do not deal with this company or you'll regret it.


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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2013, 02:32:11 pm »
This is a shame and gives our industry a bad rap.  I'm sorry that you guys are experiencing these issues.  I would definitely post your story anywhere and everywhere.  Go to pissedconsumer or whatever that website is.  Go to every hot tub forum you can find.  I don't know how companies like this stay in business.


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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2013, 07:47:08 am »
I am also a very unsatisfied new Hawkeye Spa owner after purchasing my tub at the Pittsburgh Spa Expo in June.  I tried calling the number for 10 days and each time received the general voicemail but never received a reply.

Using the power of the internet, I did a google search for "@hawkeyemfg.com" and found a 2 email addresses.

I sent a strongly worded email to each of these contacts outlining how frustrated I am with the lack of response from them and surprisingly I received a phone call from Kyle Ring (kring@thermalinvestments.com) this morning apologizing for the lack of customer service.  He seems truly apologetic and offered to help.

He told me that I could use a local service rep to do the warranty work and sent me a Hawkeye Spa (Thermal Investments LLC)- "Warrant Pre-Authorization Form".

I tried attaching the file to the forum but I'm not sure how to do it.  If anyone would like, I can email you a copy of the form.  Send me an email to stillerfan32@hotmail.com and I'll reply with the form.

Hopefully you can get the customer service you need as well.  I sent my form to Kyle on Friday so my fingers are crossed that he delivers on the customer service that he promised.



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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2013, 07:08:54 pm »
Be wary.  In my area no one will work on the Hawkeye/Barefoot spas.  The issue is that Hawkeye did not pay the service technicians and they were stuck with the bill!!!  So, if you pay the technician yourself you may be stuck with the bill.  I have also spoken with Mr. Ring.  Its been a month and he doesnt even respond to emails.  Hope you have better luck then I.  My spa has been there for months.

Surely, there is something that can be done about this company.  I have seen so many people stating that they have problems with Hawkeye Spas.  And these things arent cheap. 


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Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2014, 12:24:42 pm »
The Barefoot Spa brand was owned by "Hawkeye."  Hawkeye went out of business after the owner died.  A new company has taken over the Barefoot Brand, and pledged to honor the remaining warranty of any "Barefoot Spa" brand.  If you have a Hawkeye Branded spa you are on your own... the (804) 231-7727 is never picked up.  The new companies Barefoot Spa customer service number is (804) 349-4241.  They will require that you sign a new terms and conditions with them, but at least they are trying to do the right thing by the customers that would otherwise be screwed.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Avoid Hawkeye Manufacturing - Hawkeye and Barefoot spas
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2014, 12:24:42 pm »


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