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Author Topic: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging  (Read 9449 times)


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J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« on: October 30, 2012, 10:03:26 pm »
Got a new 2012 J-470 6 months ago and and have been having problems with flo errors which will be a big issue this winter.  Seems to be a filter problem since I get adequate flow if I remove the circulation filter.  It seems to be caused by the depth filter clogging.  If I replace the depth filter, it works fine for about a month and then has sparadic flo erros.  I replaced the main filter with no change in behavior.  Only the depth filter seems to be restricting flow

Should the depth filter be clogging so quickly?
Is it safe to run without a depth filter?
Is the pump failing and not creating enough pressure?

Replacing the depth filter every month seems a bit drastic so am not sure what to do next.
Any suggestions?

I have had spas for 20 years without these kind of filter problems although it is my first one with a depth filter.  I have city water and the spa chemistry is fine.  I use my spa mostly in the winter so it is only getting used maybe once a week the last several months.

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J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« on: October 30, 2012, 10:03:26 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2012, 10:17:57 pm »
That DL filter does a really good job but yes it does clogg a bit quick.  Personally I would just remove the hour glass one (DL)  and just use the one above it.   Are you running that circ pump 24/7 ? 


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Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2012, 09:04:20 am »
System set to run circulation pump for 8 hours starting at midnight.  During the 3 months of summer (100+ day 80's at night) I had it down to 4 hours because of issues with overheating.  Starting to kick in more often to heat the system now that it is getting below freezing at night.


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Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2012, 06:44:48 am »
I'm glad I had read this post a few weeks ago before I took delivery of my tub.
I just received a j-480 and seem to be having the sames issue on my startup. I first thought something was wrong with the floating skimmer as it wouldn't pull it down.  I have been able to get it started by removing the skimmer and one the pump gets going reinstall.
 I'm was wondering if this issues is just because it's a fresh start for me and there is lots a stuff in the water to filter out? The filter does look pretty dirty already.
Should I pick up a couple of these as the are "disposable"? Any idea on the micron rating on these compared to the pleated filters?


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Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2012, 11:47:46 am »
The solution is easy, get rid of those ridiculous micron filters. They aren't doing you any good anyway and they'll always clog up quickly. They're basically designed so that you'll have to replace them quickly thus creating cash flow to those selling them. There should be a 1 piece filter that replacing the combo of the standard filter and the micron filter, if th dealer doesn't know about it call the manufacturer.
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Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2012, 12:28:47 pm »
Let's not blame the efficiency of the micron filter that is doing it's job.  Yes it accumulates matter out of the water causing flow restrictions when it "gets full" of matter (dirt). That is what it is supposed to do.  Either replace it regularly, or change to a Unicel C-8326 which allows flow suction at both ends to accomodate the circulation pump and the primary pump.  Your dealer has them in stock.

This is not a disposable filter, but one you can regularly clean.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2012, 06:39:10 pm »
The point is you do not need a micron filter. By definition they clog quickly and you have to replace them regularly and they're not cheap when doing so regualrly. There is no need to have a disposable filter when the regular ones work fine and lasts for years.
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Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2012, 11:20:19 am »
We have sold dozens of the Unicel C-8326 filters to replace the $pecial micron filter. I can imagine that there might be a certain customer who needs that type of filtration, but I have yet to meet one. And since the local Sundance dealer went out of busines a few years ago, I have been selling the one-piece replacements.

Yes, I do sell the Micron filters, but very few. Those customers who are big on keeping them take special care:

  • They do NOT allow others into their tub
  • They shower before every soak
  • They have a small plastic tub near the steps to rinse feet as they get in.

I think those customers of mine who keep the micron filter simply haven't tried life without one yet...


Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2012, 05:04:13 pm »
The point is you do not need a micron filter. By definition they clog quickly and you have to replace them regularly and they're not cheap when doing so regualrly. There is no need to have a disposable filter when the regular ones work fine and lasts for years.

this...all they are good for is getting residual income from a customer


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Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2013, 06:45:01 pm »
I have some questions about this Unicel C-8326.  The stock j-480 filter is threaded on the bottom and has a twist lock cap covering the hole on top.  The c-8326 looks like it a slip type on the bottom and a open top. Question is with this work with replacing the 2 pease depth filer? How does one plug the holeon top of the c-8326? Does the slip bottom just fit the female threads on the tub?

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2013, 06:53:15 pm »
 The 8326 is for a Sundance spa not Jacuzzi.  You can put the std pleated filter in the J-470 if you want I can't remember the number though.. 


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Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2013, 11:22:09 am »
I have been running for months now without the depth filter with no flow or water quality issues so will probably never go back to using it. 

The pleated filter/plastic depth filter compartment/depth filter assembly seems a bit of a waste and prone to leakage if I am not going to use the depth filter.  Does anyone know the number for a pleated filter only replacement for a 2012 Jacuzzi J-470 spa without the depth filter compartment?

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2013, 03:41:17 pm »
  2540-383 J-400 replacement filter,  the number for the filter under the polishing bag is  2540-387


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Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2013, 08:38:59 pm »
I guess I'm just one in a million according to some on here because my micro filter is doing what it should be doing.....keeping the water clean.  I have now had my tub for four months and have as much tub time in those four months as some may have in a year.  I do remove both filters and spray them both off every week. 

As far as what was stated above

•They do NOT allow others into their tub
•They shower before every soak
•They have a small plastic tub near the steps to rinse feet as they get in

My hot tub is not a bath tub.  I have had 23 different people in my tub since I bought it beside my wife and I. I keep a record of how many people are in the tub for how long each time it is used.  This helps me to know exectly how much chemicals to put in after.  I have rules for the hot tub and I take great pride in my water condition.  If I have worked in the yard and IM dirty I WILL take a shower before getting in the tub.  Every one that uses my tub knows to wash their swimsuits without using any soap.  I even tell any one getting in the tub to take a hand full of water out of the tub as they stand on the top step to clean off the bottom of their feet.  It is amazing what the bottom of some ones feet can pick up walking 20 feet from the back door to the tub on cement. 

The greatest compliment is a person that uses my tub and says "your tub has no weird smell when the cover is opened and no chlorine smell at all"

I for one will keep my filter system the way it came from the factory.  I guess  "I'm that certain person"

Hot Tub Forum

Re: J-470 Depth Filter Clogging
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2013, 08:38:59 pm »


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