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Author Topic: Anyone want to sell me a new hot tub? I need a knowledgeable dealer!!  (Read 8986 times)


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My daughter lives in Florida now - I would be happy to cut you a deal on a HotSpring Portable tub and deliver it to LA. She said she'll come that far and help with the delivery. We haven't seen her in months!

I could say 'hey' to Chris Ogden while I was passing through. Win win!

However, this is the busy season, and I couldn't get away for that many days right now. Are you in a hurry?

Let me know...


I'm eager, the sooner the better, but I've already been looking for several months. I'll wait as long as it takes to get the right tub at the right price.  Aren't you in California?  That's a pretty hefty distance away from Louisiana.  But if you're serious about this, give me quotes (private message if you prefer) on a Vista, Envoy, and Vanguard.

I'm having our contractor come out next week to give us a quote for a concrete pad and the electrical work.

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Be sure your contractor knows about wiring HotSpring Portable Spas - they come with a sub panel which contains two GFI breakers. He will need to run a 50 amp (four wire) service to the sub panel, and then he will have to run six wires from the sub panel to the spa: two #10 wires, three #12 wires, and a ground.

You can download a "pre delivery instruction" booklet from the HotSpring.com website, under "For Owners" tab near the top right. That should give him the info he needs.

And yes, I'm at least over halfway serious - but I don't know if we could pull this off. Yes, I AM in California, and yes, our daughter really did relocate to Florida, yes, I would love a road trip, but yes, the factory would require that I handle warranty work (or have it done by a local repair person).

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Thanks for the info about the electrical.  We probably won't have the wiring done until we've actually ordered a tub, just in case we end up going with something other than HS (blasphemous, I know!)  :o  But your info will help our contractor to at least give us an estimate at this point.

Such a long-distance delivery would be a bit complicated, and costly, unless the fact that you'd get to see your daughter makes it worth it.  Any idea how much you'd charge me for the travel cost?


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keep us updated please...I'm hoping you can find someone to take care of you around your area...good luck


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even though watkins can't force the dealer to get with the program i'm sure they are taking notes.  if someone else came along with the cash and motivation to do it right you'd find the previous hss dealer selling super custom fallsburgs or something.
 if the east tx dealer isn't comfortable delivering to you try connecting with a reputable spa moving company.  i'm sure the tx dealer would be very willing to deal on a tub they just had to load onto a truck.  deals can be worked on warranty too i'm sure.  you may have to agree to a hefty travel charge, but that doesn't mean you can't negotiate a better deal on the tub to offset any future expenses. 

edit: and like its already been said, i have been amazed many times by the way Watkins has gone above and beyond to satisfy customers once they've purchased tubs.  they obviously place great stock in their reputation.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 07:30:56 pm by Flyonthewall »

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