What's the Best Hot Tub

Author Topic: A Question for the Hot Tub Gods or a Knowledgeable Hot tub dealer will do !  (Read 2139 times)


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I have  a question, I have a routine of cleaning my filters in my Hot Springs Sovereign once a week, I take them out and rinse them off with a hose, which is supplied by my well. I went out and purchased a filter for my hose for topping off the tub. I started using it, then left it on the tub and it fell and broke, i topped off the rest with regular well water, what a mistake, i ended up with green tinted water and cloudy, i shocked it, cleaned filters three times, water is crystal clear now, although my free chlorine is very high and my ph slightly elevated, i have added the ph decrease which will bring it down, its at 8.0.  My question is, should i be using the water filter , I bought from my hot springs dealer for rinsing off the filters, does it matter ?  I would not think enough well water would absorb into filter to screw my water up, but hey, that is why I ask the experts.  I do plan on cleaning the filters once a month with the cleaner solution, which removes the oils, plan on doing that this weekend.  all replies will be greatly appreciated.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 07:03:09 pm by kurt6137 »

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Rinsing with the hose should be fine especially since you are soaking monthly

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