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Author Topic: Cost of building vault for hot tub.. Reasonable?  (Read 11720 times)


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Cost of building vault for hot tub.. Reasonable?
« on: April 07, 2013, 02:40:41 pm »
I just got an estimate for the cost of building a vault for my hot tub.  The idea was to sink it down about 24 inches to give it a nicer more streamlined look in our small yard.  I just received a quote for $5000 for the job (not including electrical).  The fellow who gave the quote said that the drop between the back yard and the street was about 18 inches and therefore a vault of 24 inches would have to have a sump pump incorporated into it.  He also made a big point about the fact that the Jacuzzi brand spas were much better for vaulting than the hot springs spas due to a "bottom pan" or something like that which helped protect the jacuzzi brand from flooding but not the hot springs spas.  He further advised me that if water damage occurred to my hot springs in the vault it would not be covered by hot springs' warranty (whereas it would by Jacuzzi).  I was very surprised because i assume there must be thousands of vaulted hot springs spas and surely it can't be such an issue?  Any advice appreciated (about the cost and the advice in general)

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Cost of building vault for hot tub.. Reasonable?
« on: April 07, 2013, 02:40:41 pm »


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Re: Cost of building vault for hot tub.. Reasonable?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2013, 03:06:19 pm »
I just got an estimate for the cost of building a vault for my hot tub.  The idea was to sink it down about 24 inches to give it a nicer more streamlined look in our small yard.  I just received a quote for $5000 for the job ......would have to have a sump pump incorporated into it.....He also made a big point.....the Jacuzzi brand spas were much better for vaulting than the hot springs spas due to a "bottom pan" .....which helped protect the Jacuzzi brand from flooding but not the hot springs spas.  He further advised me that if water damage occurred to my hot springs in the vault it would not be covered by hot springs' warranty (whereas it would by Jacuzzi).  I was very surprised because i assume there must be thousands of vaulted hot springs spas and surely it can't be such an issue?  Any advice appreciated (about the cost and the advice in general)
You seem intent on recessing your spa, but could you please explain to us how service will access the equipment when needed.  Assuming the spa is recessed 24" that leave maybe 12" above the walking level.  I might suggest recessing it 12" leaving 24" above the walking level for your invited guests, or the ladies, to "sit" on the edge of the spa allowing their feet to swing in and find a stable foundation on which to stand in the water when entering.  Imagine stepping into a water hole when the bottom is more than 12” deep.

IF the spa is recessed, I don't care if you have a pan or not, IF the vault floods with water, Jacuzzi will not cover it under warranty, regardless of what he says.  Check with your dealer for good advice.

BUT, more importantly, I have been there to see these recessed setting, and as nice as they are, they are very upsetting to the consumer who has to extract from the recess to make access for service.  This is something you should give serious consideration to.

As an alternative approach, set it on the walking surface and create an environment around it that can be moved away from the spa, giving you a surface for beverage trays etc.  Just a thought.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: Cost of building vault for hot tub.. Reasonable?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2013, 06:15:10 pm »
:THanks Clover:
Not quite sure I understand all your points.  The vault would obviously include a perimeter of 2 feet all around the spa for access (and possible 3 feet for front access).  The area between the vault and the spa would have some kind of decking inbetween the gap.  The vault floor would be level where the spa is sitting but the perimeter would be sloped downward for drainage.  The drainage could be gravitational or via sump pump. 

I can't quite visualize the second scenario that you mentioned ie:set it on the surface and create an environment that can be moved away?  Could you explain that a little more.


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Re: Cost of building vault for hot tub.. Reasonable?
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2013, 10:48:00 am »
Good, you are creating a vault / pit larger than the spa to accommodate getting it in and out, and for any reason, like service or moving to a new home.  I have been there where the spa was 92" square and the recess was 96" square.  The owner expected access to be "my" problem.  He wasn't happy with reality.

You are going to deck around the spa for a flush level fit, that's good.  One thing to consider is what you are going tot do with the cover.  You will have a 12" height from deck to top of the spa,  IF it were 24" you could simply fold the cover in half and teeter tauter the cover in a standing position with easy access to pull it back down on top of the sp to close, just a thought.

My suggestion was to put steps in front of the spa, flower boxes around the corners, and side bars at the upper level of the spa on which to place trays for beverages or what snacks.  Maybe even a pergola over the top for hanging baskets.   IF you ever have to access anything from the side or lower reaches of the spa, you can easily pull away the steps, side bars, flower boxes etc.  This may only affect 20% of the spas installed, so it’s up to you to figure if you are in the 80% or the 20% of people in life that have to deal with it.

As for entry into the spa, at 12" you are stepping down into the water hole, will it be flat or slopped as foot begins to accept the weight of the body; keep in mind there is nothing to "grab" onto to keep your balance or equilibrium, especially something to think about for invited quest.

You concept of recessing it is to remove the large object from sight for a pleasing esthetics.  Just don't paint yourself into a corner.

The “wizard”, who overruled my suggestions once, installed his spa recessed at the basement level walk out, with an 18 foot slope 30' back in his back yard.  Get the picture.  He was the "builder" and he wasn't open minded about changing his point of view, because he installed a sump pump in the recess to insure against any accumulation of water.  Before construction was complete, the sump plugged up with construction debris, and that was when he found out that the 1,000 pound object actually floated, plus it was winter and it all froze as he hadn’t moved in yet. 

I only found out in the spring when he wanted me to change out the electrical components under warranty because some wouldn't work and the pumps were screeching.  The plumber and the building inspector filled me in as to what happened.  Now I must admit, this is the only customer that I have never talked to again, because he got mad with me after I repaired everything and gave him the bill he know was coming, imagine that, he never paid the bill either.  There is a price we all pay for education.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: Cost of building vault for hot tub.. Reasonable?
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2013, 11:16:50 am »
Thanks Clover.  I think I am leaning towards your suggestion of NOT recessing it but simply beautifying the exterior ie: flowers, steps etc.  Do you have any suggestions of where to get "side bars" and matching extended steps etc?  For example, instead of a sidebar to put drinks I would prefer a sidebar where one could actually lounge or sit on.  I don't know if they sell such things but I have't been able to find it by searching on the internet.


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Re: Cost of building vault for hot tub.. Reasonable?
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2013, 01:44:18 pm »
http://aandbaccessories.com/ This will give you some ideas about decks, steps and flower boxes etc.  check with the Hot Springs dealer or the Jacuzzi dealer as they both should have recommendations on surrounds, pergolas, side bars, etc.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Cost of building vault for hot tub.. Reasonable?
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2013, 01:44:18 pm »


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