I have a question, I have a hot springs sovereign hot tub being delivered sometime this month or beginning of April. I had my last hot tub on a fairly new patio, which is pitched to drain water off of patio, like any patio would be. I noticed the tub was not perfectly level and the water would climb up higher on one side, not drastically, but noticeable. My question is should , I have the dealer level the new tub ? Can this be done safely and what type of item would you use to level it ? , without having critters or insects having a open door into my tub. The sovereign is a 2013, I don't know if the bottom is completely sealed. Looked at a Grande in the showroom and I could see the foam, but maybe that was for demonstration purposes. I would think, it does not make a difference if it is not exactly level, am I looking to much into this ? All replies appreciated, as always.