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Author Topic: Cheapest place to buy a replacement 30 amp gfci for hot springs sub panel  (Read 11285 times)


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I think I need to replace my 30 amp gfci that goes in my hot springs hot tub.

I have a envoy tub. The dealer sells them for almost 200 dollars but said I could buy a replacement online for much much less.

Any thoughts on this?  Also would a local hard ware store sell a replacement I can use?


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home depot/RONA/etc. pull it out and go to a supplier.


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Does Home Depot sell one rang will work?

I was under impression it had to be the exact one that was in the sub panel.


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Does Home Depot sell one rang will work?

I was under impression it had to be the exact one that was in the sub panel.

if you just need the single breaker itself you can get them almost anywhere, Home Depot, Lowes, Grainger, etc


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 I think I have a bad gfci. Is that what I need, the single breaker?

Does it need to be the same brand? I believe it's GE.


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i am def no expert..but if the gf is tripping off 99.9% of the time its because you have some sort of short or perhaps un even electric flow..i dont see how changing a breaker is going to solve that..jmo


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Actually that's not correct. The gfci's go bad and need to changes out.


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i find it highly unlikely that the tub was working fine at the previous owners house and a day or 2 later he hooks it up at his house the gf is tripping because it went bad..but again im no expert..jmo


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Actually that's not correct. The gfci's go bad and need to changes out.

GE is the most common in the Hot Spring panels from what I have noticed, just checked all mine in store here and they are all GE


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What's weird is it works fine all day until I get ok and then the jets on and let it run for a little while. It looks like it isn' able to handle the load.



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What's weird is it works fine all day until I get ok and then the jets on and let it run for a little while. It looks like it isn' able to handle the load.


kind of seems that way, circ. pump alone draws next to nothing, of course the amperage increase from using the jet pumps could push it over the top...did the electrician mention anything about your panel being undersized or anything like that when he was running the 50amp service?


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twin cities..if hes using the same breaker as the previous owner and it was wired correctly ,why would he be tripping off but not the previous owner?..thats what leads me to believe he has maybe a short perhaps when another pump come on?


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Nope. Not at all.

Do you think there could be a leak that happens when I turn on a jet that's doing it somehow?

If so it's strange because the first few days we got the tub we were in there for multiple hours at a time. Running all jets. The gfci didn't flip. Now it is starting to. Sometimes after 10 minutes of being in with the jets on, sometimes after 30 minutes.


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Nope. Not at all.

Do you think there could be a leak that happens when I turn on a jet that's doing it somehow?

If so it's strange because the first few days we got the tub we were in there for multiple hours at a time. Running all jets. The gfci didn't flip. Now it is starting to. Sometimes after 10 minutes of being in with the jets on, sometimes after 30 minutes.

couple things,,,,its an Envoy right? try and use process of elimination by unplugging 1 jet pump at a time and then verify operation/does the breaker hold with 1 pump running, otherwise could be a faulty breaker but "typically" a faulty breaker will instantly trip once its turned on


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Thanks. Could I also just turn one pulp on at a time as well?

It powered off when I hit the clean button this morning after it ran for 10 or so minutes. What pump does the clean button control?

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