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Author Topic: Question about Nature2  (Read 3550 times)


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Question about Nature2
« on: March 18, 2013, 11:44:14 am »
I just bought my first hot tub (2007 hot springs envoy) and I'm trying to wrap my mind around all the chemicals and stuff that go in the water.

I read about a combo of a nature2 ion stick and the nature2 cense. Is this a good sysyem?
Not sure of the advantages of this vs other systems. I've read a lot of horror stories about people having all sorts of problems balancing their
Water. I don't want it to turn into a nightmares. It will just be my (mostly) using the hot tub and from time my wife and 2 year old son. 
I don't know what kind of load we'll be putting on the hot tub, but I think we're pretty clean people. :-)

I just wanted to learn about this nature2 system and get feedback if this is a good way to go.

Thanks so much.

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Question about Nature2
« on: March 18, 2013, 11:44:14 am »


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Re: Question about Nature2
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2013, 05:22:24 pm »
This is my experience with the Nature2 product:

I've been using Nature2 in spas for as long as I can remember (and in a pool for 5-10 years).
I would say 15-20 years but honestly I don't remember when I first found it.
3 spas (2 currently), always good results.
I can say is that I have very few problems with water when using Nature2 that aren't related to high bather load (like a all day party with heavy tub use by multiple people).
Another thing that makes me believe in it's effectiveness is that I have been using it on a hot tub at my father's house forever. This hot-tub routinely goes through extended periods (sometimes weeks) with no chemical maintenance. If there is maintenance it is usually just MPS occasionally if I'm not the one doing it, no-one adds chlorine but me.
The water is nearly always odor free and not far out of balance if at all.  Since the residual chlorine is typically at 0, I figure either I'm one lucky guy or the Nature2 does a really good job.  Also note that this tub can be filled or partial filled from city, well, or cross-filled from the pool so I'm pretty sure great water isn't the source.

How I manage my water using Nature2:
(to my knowledge Cense is just MPS with an aroma added, I prefer my MPS odorless)
Fill and balance water - Hardness, then PH/alkalinity, finally optionally establish low residual chlorine. Make sure to take enough time to get the hardness and alkalinity worked out. I haven't had metal issues in the spa, but you may want to test your source water one time to make sure it won't be a problem.
Add Nature2 cartridge - I mount inside my filter cartridge on my tub and in the skimmer at my father's.
Add initial dose of MPS - Usually between 1-3 tablespoons depending on when I plan on using tub.
Enter tub 15 minutes later.
Weekly I hit with 1-2 tablespoons dichlor for peace of mind sanitization. Keep an eye on cyanuric acid, too much dichlor and this can climb pretty quick. Under the conditions you mention and a method along these lines, you should easily go between fills just using dichlor and a method similar to mine.
Daily I might add a tablespoon of MPS 15 minutes before and 1-3 tablespoons after use, but I'm by no means religious about it.

Typically the only time I would add more chlorine is after heavy bather load when scuzzy bubble start to appear. I might hit with 1-2 tablespoons to start and re-check after an hour to see if bubbles still appear. I usually 1-2 punch it with MPS and don't ever add more than 4 tablespoons of chlorine total in 24 hours because it will have it smelling like a public pool for days afterwards.

In daily practice though my chlorine registers 0.0 and 0.5 starting from day 2 or 3 after the last time I used it. My water stays clean and clear with Nature2 and these levels. Note: you can't measure chlorine immediately after adding MPS as it spikes, measure before or more than 30 minutes after adding and spa has been running.
Honestly I just started regularly using chlorine in the past year or so after reading these forums. Prior to that it was only used at start-up and in rescue situations, I have relied on Nature2 + MPS for extended periods of time with very few issues.

I have noticed that for both spas there is a tendency for the PH and Alkalinity to stabilize at the low end of the spectrum around 7PH and 60-80ppm Total Alkalinity.  If they look like they are getting any lower, or I'm in the mood I may add 1-2 tablespoons of alkalinity up just to get them clearly in the OK range on the test strips.

I use only test strips to gauge the chemistry and the ones I use test for chlorine, I find the MPS strips useless.

I have been pretty fortunate with this set-up and not had too many water problems for day to day normal usage.

Nature2 cartridge replaced about every 4-6 months (a bit on the long side).

I can't say there isn't a better way because I've been on Nature2 so long I don't know. I do think some people look at this system as a one stop shop for spa care and that isn't the case at all. A normal spa should be low maintenance, but it can be easy to get neurotic about it.

Also, if I got a pre-owned tub I'd give it a solid cleaning ahead of use. (1-2 day process)
Wash/scrub all surfaces including cover with a diluted chlorine or bleach (normal plain jane bleach) solution.
Use a spa purge type product, wipe off any residue.
Superchlorinate for a minimum of 4 hours or longer.
Drain (polish if you want, but not required)
Adjust chemicals.

Also make sure to clean the cover and possibly apply a protectant.

The filter(s) should be new, if they aren't get new ones to install with the post cleaning fill.
A second filter(s) can be useful. That way next water change you can take your time to clean the filter, or clean it and let it dry so you can vacuum/shake out any junk that didn't come out with the hose or a brush.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 05:26:04 pm by rin-spa-aic »


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Re: Question about Nature2
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2013, 05:52:54 pm »
I also use Nature2.  I use a bit more chlorine and a bit less MPS because I have Ozone.  I keep my chlorine between .5-1 or 2 and throw in MPS once a week or so.  I use Dichlor for about 2 weeks to build up CYA to about 30 then switch to 6% Clorox (6% Clorox is a registered pool and spa sanitizer when used correctly).  Other than that, I do the same thing as far as balancing the water first. 

I'll sometimes go a few days without throwing in chemicals, especially in the colder weather when I am not in as often, and the Chlorine can dip pretty low. I try and keep at least .5 though.  The N2 gives some peace of mind that something is in there sanitizing.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Question about Nature2
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2013, 05:52:54 pm »


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