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Author Topic: Glow vs Bolt Advice Needed...and Hot Spring New 2013 Products or Improvemnets??  (Read 7685 times)


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Hi! I'm in the market for my first tub...been researching and came across this forum and read the past year's worth of posts. Very informative to someone like me who knows zilch about hot tubs. There's a Hot Spring dealer 3 miles from my house and I'm impressed with the sales rep...very knowlegable, genuinely interested in helping me in my decision process, showed me many models with pros/cons, suggested a wet test, etc. I am interested in a 4 person tub and am leaning toward the HS Glow or Bolt...also like the Marquis Spirit. I was wondering what your thoughts were between Glow vs Bolt (Is $1,100 price difference worth the extra pump and jets) Also, any thoughts about the Spirit? AND, as the subject line says...does anyone know of new 2013 products or improvements with the Hot Spring line?

« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 11:49:15 am by Jas »

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Re: Hot Spring New 2013 Products or Improvemnets??
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2013, 11:51:15 am »
Hi! I'm in the market for my first tub...been researching and came across this forum and read the past year's worth of posts. Very informative to someone like me who knows zilch about hot tubs. There's a Hot Spring dealer 3 miles from my house and I'm impressed with the sales rep...very knowlegable, genuinely interested in helping me in my decision process, showed me many models with pros/cons, suggested a wet test, etc. I am interested in a 4 person tub and am leaning toward the HS Glow or Bolt...also like the Marquis Spirit. I was wondering what your thoughts were between Glow vs Bolt (Is $1,100 price difference worth the extra pump and jets) Also, any thoughts about the Spirit? AND, as the subject line says...does anyone know of new 2013 products or improvements with the Hot Spring line?


(Is $1,100 price difference worth the extra pump and jets)....imo yes, although this is slightly subjective based on your soaking preferences, some customers don't need extra jets/pump, some prefer a "minimalistic" soaking approach

as far as 2013 updates, dealer meetings are coming up in the next 2 weeks and that is when most "updates" are released so there will be more information at that point.


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Hi! I'm in the market for my first tub...been researching and came across this forum and read the past year's worth of posts. Very informative to someone like me who knows zilch about hot tubs. There's a Hot Spring dealer 3 miles from my house and I'm impressed with the sales rep...very knowlegable, genuinely interested in helping me in my decision process, showed me many models with pros/cons, suggested a wet test, etc. I am interested in a 4 person tub and am leaning toward the HS Glow or Bolt...also like the Marquis Spirit. I was wondering what your thoughts were between Glow vs Bolt (Is $1,100 price difference worth the extra pump and jets) Also, any thoughts about the Spirit? AND, as the subject line says...does anyone know of new 2013 products or improvements with the Hot Spring line?


The extra pump is mostly there because there are extra jets. I doubt the extra pump makes the jets feel that much better than the jets in the spa that has one pump, its added mostly because it has to make up for the fact that now there are more jets and you need the second pump to feed those extra jets. So just ask yourself whether the extra jets (and size of the spa if thats the case as well) will matter to you. If you don't think it will then save the money, if you think it will or even think it might matter to you then I'd personally spend the extra.

When making that final decision there is often the question of "should I get the bigger one with more jets or the smaller one and save the difference". In the end no salesman, dealer, spa technician, friend ... can really answer that for you. However, from my experience working with new owners, when you are sitting in a new tub and replaying in your head that decision after having owned for the spa a month or two, the only thing worse than saying to yourself "I think I might have gotten more spa than I needed" is to say to yourself "I think I should have gotten more spa than I did".
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 02:01:07 pm by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Hi! I'm in the market for my first tub..

Welcome to the forum.  I see you have a couple of good replies.  Let me ask, how many people are living in your home?   You say you are looking at a 4 person spa.   Are you looking for 4 people?  To me the typical 4 person spa is actually 3 people comfortably.  We just downsized from what was a 6 person spa (4 comfortably) to what's listed as 5 person spa (I think) and I consider it 3-4 comfortably.
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current


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Hi! I'm in the market for my first tub..

Welcome to the forum.  I see you have a couple of good replies.  Let me ask, how many people are living in your home?   You say you are looking at a 4 person spa.   Are you looking for 4 people?  To me the typical 4 person spa is actually 3 people comfortably.  We just downsized from what was a 6 person spa (4 comfortably) to what's listed as 5 person spa (I think) and I consider it 3-4 comfortably.

In my home, it's just me. I have a 14 yr old daughter that visits me every other weekend when I'm in town (I travel somewhat and am gone 2 months at a time sometimes). And, I have an occasional girl friend or two that may pop by when I'm home. The other week, I was considering a small two person tub like the Hot Spot TX but now that I've done a little research I'm thinking my best option may be the 4 person tub for the comfort of soaking 2 long legged women plus myself simultamiously...not likely, but could happen.  :-X


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A 4 person tub sounds like a good idea then.
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current

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Hi! I'm in the market for my first tub..

Welcome to the forum.  I see you have a couple of good replies.  Let me ask, how many people are living in your home?   You say you are looking at a 4 person spa.   Are you looking for 4 people?  To me the typical 4 person spa is actually 3 people comfortably.  We just downsized from what was a 6 person spa (4 comfortably) to what's listed as 5 person spa (I think) and I consider it 3-4 comfortably.

In my home, it's just me. I have a 14 yr old daughter that visits me every other weekend when I'm in town (I travel somewhat and am gone 2 months at a time sometimes). And, I have an occasional girl friend or two that may pop by when I'm home. The other week, I was considering a small two person tub like the Hot Spot TX but now that I've done a little research I'm thinking my best option may be the 4 person tub for the comfort of soaking 2 long legged women plus myself simultamiously...not likely, but could happen.  :-X

The Bolt and Glow are both really good options and for a single person with an occasional guest or two they're sized just right. There really isn't any major difference between them so if the cost difference is an issue in any way I'd say you'll be fine to get the Bolt and save the $1100 toward your next trip or to offest the cost of a 14 year old to whatever degree it can lol.


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We got our Bolt this past Monday n absolutely LOVE it!   :). Don't know what took us so long 2 get a hot tub?!...


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here is a thought. when u are shopping for a hot tub look for the 5 women one man hot tub. that size is about right for all occasions.
The wife especially will like that one. ha ha to all the wives out there!

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