We have our wireless interenet ready for when we get our hot tub. I will be able to soak and read the board at the same time.

Anyway... I was at the neighbors accross the sreet tonight talking to them about the sex offender. She wanted me to show them the website. I got on their computer and was shocked when I realized they are using our wireless internet connection. I don't really care, but it had me question a few things...
Should I be concerned with other people being on my connection? Can they hack into my computers? If they commit crimes (i.e. child porn) while on the web with my IP addy would that come back to me, even though its not my computer/hard drive? Do we need to somehow make it that you have to have a password to connect to our wireless or is it not realy a concern?
Like I said as long as they can't steal our info or get us in trouble I don't care that they use our net.