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Author Topic: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?  (Read 7651 times)


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Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« on: February 15, 2013, 05:06:25 pm »
Any thoughts on what whether I should repair a leak in my 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade it in for a new one?

Estimate to repair leak is $2,000.
I've been happy with the Niagara over the last eight years.
The Niagara has had a few minor issues through the years, but the only major expenses have been a replacement cover two years ago and a replacement control board last year.
I don't have a quote on a new tub (haven't shopped yet), and I don't really know how my dealer handles trade-ins.
If I keep my 2005 hot tub, I don't relish the thought of spending around $1,000 or so per year on repairs going forward.

I know that not having specific costs for each option makes it hard to judge what would be best, but I wonder if anyone can give me some guidance on my situation.


Hot Tub Forum

Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« on: February 15, 2013, 05:06:25 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2013, 06:26:14 pm »
 2000 for a estimated leak repair seems pretty high in my opinion!  You might talk to some dealers and see what they may offer for a trade in.  It really varies across the board.     If it's in decent shape other than the leak, they will most likely resell it for more than they give you, which is pretty standard..


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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2013, 08:48:21 am »
I should have mentioned that the leak is "in the foam", so the dealer would take it back to the shop and repair it there, and then deliver it back to my backyard.  Yeah, it's pricey, but that's they only option they offered me.  They will not do the repair on site.

Other than the leak, the tub is in good shape.

If the dealer is selling used hot tubs that are somewhat comparable to mine for about $5,000, I wonder if I could expect them to buy it from me in a trade-in for about $2,500 or so.  I guess part of it depends on how eager they are to make a new sale.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2013, 01:18:48 pm »
I should have mentioned that the leak is "in the foam", so the dealer would take it back to the shop and repair it there, and then deliver it back to my backyard.  Yeah, it's pricey, but that's they only option they offered me.  They will not do the repair on site.

Other than the leak, the tub is in good shape.

If the dealer is selling used hot tubs that are somewhat comparable to mine for about $5,000, I wonder if I could expect them to buy it from me in a trade-in for about $2,500 or so.  I guess part of it depends on how eager they are to make a new sale.

   Best guess is by them saying it will be 2000 to fix it, either one they know you will say no it's not worth it, or two if you say yes they are not going to eat it on the job.      Feel them out and talk to them what they will give you for it. 2500 doubtfull but its worth a try.      The other route is find a local repair guy that might do it on site vs haul it to the shop. 


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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2013, 02:13:31 pm »
Thanks, Jacuzzi Jim!  You've given me some things to think about.

Hot Spring Ace

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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2013, 06:00:50 pm »
I should have mentioned that the leak is "in the foam", so the dealer would take it back to the shop and repair it there, and then deliver it back to my backyard.  Yeah, it's pricey, but that's they only option they offered me.  They will not do the repair on site.

Other than the leak, the tub is in good shape.

If the dealer is selling used hot tubs that are somewhat comparable to mine for about $5,000, I wonder if I could expect them to buy it from me in a trade-in for about $2,500 or so.  I guess part of it depends on how eager they are to make a new sale.

   Best guess is by them saying it will be 2000 to fix it, either one they know you will say no it's not worth it, or two if you say yes they are not going to eat it on the job.      Feel them out and talk to them what they will give you for it. 2500 doubtfull but its worth a try.      The other route is find a local repair guy that might do it on site vs haul it to the shop.

Well said.

Hot Tub Guru

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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2013, 02:27:32 pm »
If you are going to replace this spa because of a $2000 fix.  Check out Arctic Spas as the same leak will cost much less! 


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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2013, 06:43:14 pm »
But my salesman told me that full foam holds the plumbing in place so that it doesn't leak..........As much as some people would like to pretend that this isn't an issue......it is.  $2000 to repair a leak!?!?!?   


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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2013, 06:57:47 pm »
But my salesman told me that full foam holds the plumbing in place so that it doesn't leak..........As much as some people would like to pretend that this isn't an issue......it is.  $2000 to repair a leak!?!?!?

Hopefully he didn't say it could "never" leak but instead said that it is less likely to leak.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2013, 03:07:31 pm »
All that jostling around in the transit of an aged fully foamed tub would bother me.

What's to say something brittle gets knocked loose and a few months from now you develop another $2k leak?

IMO the price seems expensive for off-site work.

At least they gave you that pricey option to make you think.
Most places around here would just tell you they can't fix it!


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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2013, 05:15:05 pm »
I think I'll try to speak with another dealer to get a quote.  I saw that another dealer carries the Marquis line.  I don't know if they're comparable in quality to Hot Springs or Caldera.  I'm sure there are plenty of opinions on this.

My experience makes me wonder how often these kinds of in-foam leaks occur.


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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2013, 09:39:43 pm »
I'm not going to touch which companies tub is better. 

I have a tub with foam.  In my mind it is the best system out there.  My opinion.  I have no idea how often leaks occur with a foam tub. I have had two different tubs with foam for a total of 13 years so far and no leaks.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2013, 12:05:41 am »
 Leaks can happen anytime, anywhere!  New spa, old spa, leaks happen.

  I also don't care what brand, Sundance/Jacuzzi or even the yes dare I say Hot Springs.   All it takes is one guy/gal on the line that misses something. These things are not all built by machines, there will alway be human error.   I also don't care how many times it gets checked, most times when things go wrong, it's months/years after the build or in many cases within the first week or so.

 It also doesn't matter how much you spend or what the sales guy told you or again what brand ( well some matters)  WHATS IMPORTANT IS THAT THE DEALER TAKES CARE OF YOU!!  DO YOU HEAR THAT BUYERS.  THE DEALER NEEDS TO TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!!!    This is probably one of the biggest factors in picking a spa. 

  I do think that full foam is better than not, but both can and may leak at some point.    Don't even get me going on equipment!     Anyway sorry to be harsh but crap like this always drives me crazy!


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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2013, 05:33:29 pm »
Hey Jacuzzi Jim jump in your jet fly on over here. I have a beer waiting for you.  And some nice deep Utah powder to ski in.   :)

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2013, 09:35:49 pm »
Would love that!   My golf clubs are in the garage pissed I am not playing with them, much like my wife  :-X
  Actually we have been pretty good up here, mucho rain, which in your neck of the woods is turning to snow as it's moving across the country.. Sorry!

 I quit skiing after high school, I was stationed in Florida and just never got back in to it. That being said I also lived in Dutch Hbr Alaska for 12 years.. Go figure  ;D    Kinda sad because I live an hour away from Mt Baker and 3 hours from Whistler, next ta Utah some of the best skiing in the US! 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Repair leak in 2005 Caldera Niagara or trade in for a new tub?
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2013, 09:35:49 pm »


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