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Author Topic: Two questions for the smart ones  (Read 17791 times)


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Re: Two questions for the smart ones
« Reply #45 on: February 12, 2013, 11:04:27 am »
OK I guess I will never get a true answer so I need to come up with another question to get people all excited and thinking.   See what happens when there is snow on the ground and I can't play golf. I find things to get people all riled up on here. 

Last thing, I respect everything that was written on this topic.  Even if no one can show proof   ;)

This is also called trolling.  I'm bored.

Trolling ...screw you.  I asked a question as a consumer because I could not find the answer anywhere. My dealer could not answer it and none of the Hot Springs guys on here could show me any proof either. I hope others who will ask the exact same question in the future don't get the base answer, "it's the best in the industry"  If it is the best which it just might be, show me proof that it is.  It's not that hard of a thing to do.

Sorebikr if you took the time to look at all my post I have been all over on this site.  I try to help others when I can. I am learning about hot tubs so I might in the future be able to help others.    Again if you took any time to read my post I have stated numerous times I would have bought the Hot Springs if my wife would have liked it.  How does that make me a troll? 

I have been on this planet for many years.  I have seen to many times people believe what ever is told to them and don't think for themselves. If some one would have posted that Consumers Reports or any other trusted independent company did a test on five major hot tubs and Hot springs was the best at keeping the water clean then this thread would have ended after the second post.  It never happened did it sorebikr? 


Hot Tub Forum

Re: Two questions for the smart ones
« Reply #45 on: February 12, 2013, 11:04:27 am »


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Re: Two questions for the smart ones
« Reply #46 on: February 12, 2013, 12:12:56 pm »
OK I guess I will never get a true answer so I need to come up with another question to get people all excited and thinking.   See what happens when there is snow on the ground and I can't play golf. I find things to get people all riled up on here. 

Last thing, I respect everything that was written on this topic.  Even if no one can show proof   ;)

This is also called trolling.  I'm bored.

Trolling ...screw you.  I asked a question as a consumer because I could not find the answer anywhere. My dealer could not answer it and none of the Hot Springs guys on here could show me any proof either. I hope others who will ask the exact same question in the future don't get the base answer, "it's the best in the industry"  If it is the best which it just might be, show me proof that it is.  It's not that hard of a thing to do.

Sorebikr if you took the time to look at all my post I have been all over on this site.  I try to help others when I can. I am learning about hot tubs so I might in the future be able to help others.    Again if you took any time to read my post I have stated numerous times I would have bought the Hot Springs if my wife would have liked it.  How does that make me a troll? 

I have been on this planet for many years.  I have seen to many times people believe what ever is told to them and don't think for themselves. If some one would have posted that Consumers Reports or any other trusted independent company did a test on five major hot tubs and Hot springs was the best at keeping the water clean then this thread would have ended after the second post.  It never happened did it sorebikr? 

Why are you still so worked up about something a salesperson told you? You disliked the presentation and walked away, fine. Why do you continue to beat it to death? Something just doesn't add up quite frankly.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 12:15:10 pm by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Two questions for the smart ones
« Reply #47 on: February 12, 2013, 03:53:37 pm »
Well boys and girls it's time to put this to bed.  After 4 pages of remarks and answers NO ONE could show an independent study showing that Hot Springs  no bypass and 5 filter system keeps the water cleaner then the other top manufactures. It is up to the consumer to decide if it does. 

I'm just a normal...well my wife doesn't think IM normal.....guy.  I had a question that I'm sure has and will be asked many many more times.  If you sell HS then your system is the best. If you sell something else then your system is the best.  This is how every thing works.  Ford trucks vs Chev truck.  Which is better?  My brain works a little different. If I'm told that a product is better then some one else you better have proof because I will call you on it.  Hot Springs was the ONLY company that told me that their system was better then every one else. I said prove it. They couldn't. 

I would recommend Hot Springs spas to any one who asked me.  Great company and hot tub.  I would also recommend other companies  because they have different features then HS. Thank god for competition it is a great thing.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Two questions for the smart ones
« Reply #47 on: February 12, 2013, 03:53:37 pm »


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