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Author Topic: Hot Spring highlife vs Limelight  (Read 9583 times)


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Hot Spring highlife vs Limelight
« on: February 07, 2013, 07:04:09 pm »
I have a deposit on an Envoy but even though it's a 2012 floor model clearance, you all know these spas aren't cheap. I am tempted to cancel my order for a cheaper limelight model like the Flair. I am curious about opinions on if you think the jet variety in the Envoy is worth the extra $2k? What other features make it worth the difference in price to you? Thanks!

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Hot Spring highlife vs Limelight
« on: February 07, 2013, 07:04:09 pm »


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Re: Hot Spring highlife vs Limelight
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2013, 07:27:39 pm »
Have you wet tested the two spas?  The HS Envoy is a great tub. My wife and I liked it when we wet tested it but two things for us on the Envoy we didn't like.   Hard to get in and out for my wife and no cool down seat.  The Flair, we did not wet test that one so I have no opinion on it.  In my opinion from what we felt in the Envoy it was worth the extra money.   What I learned was the wet test is one of the most important thing you can do when deciding on a tub.  I don't care what you spend if you do not enjoy being in the tub it doesn't matter what you spent on it. 

Hot Spring Ace

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Re: Hot Spring highlife vs Limelight
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2013, 07:31:34 pm »
I have a deposit on an Envoy but even though it's a 2012 floor model clearance, you all know these spas aren't cheap. I am tempted to cancel my order for a cheaper limelight model like the Flair. I am curious about opinions on if you think the jet variety in the Envoy is worth the extra $2k? What other features make it worth the difference in price to you? Thanks!

There is no easy answer, its really about opinions, what you're looking for ... but I'll give you some of my thoughts though its tough to put a price tag on these differences.
-The Envoy is bigger and its noticeable if you're inside each of them. The Flair is a good sized spa at 7'x7' but the Envoy is 7'5" x 7'9" which may not seem like a big difference on paper but you'll notice it unless there is only 1 or 2 people going in it and then it really doesn't matter much.
-I like the moto massage in the Envoy a lot and like the Envoy jetting a bit more overall but the jetting is excellent in both.
-The Flair uses a standard filtering system like every other spa out there and it works fine but the Envoy uses a no-bypass filtration that I think is second to none but while I prefer it I’m not discounting the Flair, tis works very well, I'm just defining the differences.
-The Envoy's control head has a very nice and has an easy to use display which is an upgrade over the Flair's but the "brains" of the spas are the same, its really just the interface/display that differs.
-The lounge in the Envoy is a little longer which probably won't matter unless someone in the family is tall.
-The lighting is different in them but really kind of equal.
-They insulate differently but both do it well.

I could probably go on a bit more, there are certainly reasons why the Envoy is more expensive but the thing is you have to weigh the differences and decide for yourself whether that difference matters. If you wet test them you may find further differences that you notice and it may become more obvious which is right for you.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 09:16:20 pm by Hot Spring Ace »


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Re: Hot Spring highlife vs Limelight
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2013, 07:46:29 pm »
i am very impressed by the changes made to the limelights when they were given the hot spring name plate.  if i was in need of a new spa i wouldn't hesitate to choose the flair.  here are some of the main differences.
* envoy has no bypass filtration as opposed to the flair's traditional filtration.
* both have led lights, but the envoy's are much cooler imo.
* the envoy's top mounted controls are much easier to use, and look better.
* the envoy features some great jets that the flair doesn't have.  big edge here for envoy.
* the envoy is substantially bigger.  the lounge would be a much better fit for someone 6'2" or taller. 
* the envoy comes standard with an ozone machine that is worth around $300.
* the warranties are essentially the same.  the components are the same.
if it was me i would go for the envoy, as long as it was not displayed full for any length of time.


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Re: Hot Spring highlife vs Limelight
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2013, 09:13:38 pm »
Thanks for the replies super helpful for me. Planning on a test soak this weekend so hopefully all goes well. The envoy model I have on hold was an empty floor model, but test soaking at another location. I have read that the lounger in the envoy makes entry into the spa a little tricky, but putting steps on one of the sides is probably the route I will go. I guess when I think about the extra cost spread out over 15-20 years, it really is no big deal. I was originally really interested in the Aira, but impossible to find a 2012 floor model clearance near the price I am getting for the envoy. Too bad because it really would have been perfect for my family size wise if it didn't cost so much more. I will take the advice of test soaking and make my decision from that. I will report back later :)


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Re: Hot Spring highlife vs Limelight
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2013, 11:14:27 pm »
Just wanted to reply back for any future buyers curious as to how the test soak was. Decided to go with the Envoy because the jet variety was amazing. I loved how each seat in the Envoy is a completely different experience. I know many struggle with to lounge or not to lounge, and now realize why the test soak is so important. My husband loved loved the lounger his favorite spot in the spa no doubt. He is 6' & his second favorite spot the captains chair (why did they not put a headrest in this seat?). I did struggle a bit being only 5'4",but I could still enjoy the moto-massage dx and wow did my aching back feel terrific after our test soak. I moved from seat to seat playing with the controls and have to say, I really was impressed. We test soaked in a "mood room" which was dark and the lights are super cool. Call me a sucker for pretty fancy lights.

 I do agree with Bimmerdog on this one major flaw of design with the spa.....the front entry is very difficult being a lounger with the sloping angles you have no sure footing. We will put our spa steps on the side as entry to the spa. We did test soak the Flair and it was really nice too, just didn't offer the variety that we felt in the Envoy.

Wish us luck hoping to take delivery in a few months!


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Re: Hot Spring highlife vs Limelight
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2013, 04:11:35 pm »
Fantastic you guys will be so happy when the tub finds your home.  You made a great choice. 


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Re: Hot Spring highlife vs Limelight
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2013, 04:31:56 pm »
Just wanted to reply back for any future buyers curious as to how the test soak was. Decided to go with the Envoy because the jet variety was amazing. I loved how each seat in the Envoy is a completely different experience. I know many struggle with to lounge or not to lounge, and now realize why the test soak is so important. My husband loved loved the lounger his favorite spot in the spa no doubt. He is 6' & his second favorite spot the captains chair (why did they not put a headrest in this seat?). I did struggle a bit being only 5'4",but I could still enjoy the moto-massage dx and wow did my aching back feel terrific after our test soak. I moved from seat to seat playing with the controls and have to say, I really was impressed. We test soaked in a "mood room" which was dark and the lights are super cool. Call me a sucker for pretty fancy lights.

 I do agree with Bimmerdog on this one major flaw of design with the spa.....the front entry is very difficult being a lounger with the sloping angles you have no sure footing. We will put our spa steps on the side as entry to the spa. We did test soak the Flair and it was really nice too, just didn't offer the variety that we felt in the Envoy.

Wish us luck hoping to take delivery in a few months!

good choice...I love the Envoy and often use the one we have "wet" at my store....entry isn't bad if you have the ability to enter on the side with the water feature or the opposite side if you want to step down onto the bench seating...cool down seats are nice but as you probably noticed when you wet tested the the Flair (cool down seat and lounger) it often takes away from your foot well space...congrats on the purchase, please post some pics when it arrives!!!


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Re: Hot Spring highlife vs Limelight
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2013, 04:33:13 pm »
Glad you love your Envoy.  We are first time buyers and also purchased a 2012 floor model and expecting delivery next week. 

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Re: Hot Spring highlife vs Limelight
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2013, 04:33:13 pm »


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