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Author Topic: 2012 Optima or 2013 J-470  (Read 12758 times)


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Re: 2012 Optima or 2013 J-470
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2013, 02:39:47 pm »
I don't think having a stereo built into the hot tub is a bad idea. People will say it is just one more thing that can go wrong with the tub.  If you have that feeling about it then why do we have power windows, power seats,  in cars?  We don't need a lot of what we buy. For some people it is nice to be able to have the choice to buy them.   

I remember when I got my first vehicle with heated and cooling seats.  It was an option that I though was a stupid idea till I got it.  Now ever car I have has it.  We as Americans what more and more " extra things" in everything we buy. 

It is a choice. If you like it, want it, can afford it, buy it.

You misunderstand why I'm not a fan of stereos in spas. I'm not saying the idea of music in a spa is stupid, to each his own. I'm not someone who responds with something like "Relax in your spa, you don't need music or a TV...". I don't try to regulate what people want, I respond more based on how I think it'll work out for them

Power windows, seats etc. in cars perform well over time. I'm speaking from experience when saying stereos in spas have a very poor history the past decade, to put it mildly, due to the overall environment they reside in. There is a reason they always come with a 1 year warranty as many have learned the hard way.

Again, if someone wants one fine but I'm just relaying what I think about how it'll hold up. Maybe that wil change in time but until it does I'd skip it
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: 2012 Optima or 2013 J-470
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2013, 02:39:47 pm »


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Re: 2012 Optima or 2013 J-470
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2013, 03:10:30 pm »
From what I read from many here, I decided not to get the stereo. The spa will be right off my deck, so a nice set of outdoor speakers will be next. No neighbors to really worry about.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: 2012 Optima or 2013 J-470
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2013, 04:08:19 pm »
  Nice purchase and fantastic price!    I was going to reply to your PM but by the time I read it you already purchased.   As far as the stereo I like them, but I don't push them for the very reason Spatech mentioned.   We don't replace many but if they fail out of warranty your stuck.    What color did you go with? 


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Re: 2012 Optima or 2013 J-470
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2013, 04:43:46 pm »
  Nice purchase and fantastic price!    I was going to reply to your PM but by the time I read it you already purchased.   As far as the stereo I like them, but I don't push them for the very reason Spatech mentioned.   We don't replace many but if they fail out of warranty your stuck.    What color did you go with?

No Problem. My wife like the Platinum with the Chestnut. And you know she's the boss. ;D


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Re: 2012 Optima or 2013 J-470
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2013, 02:11:55 am »
Congratulations!  The 470 is a fantastic tub.   8)


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Re: 2012 Optima or 2013 J-470
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2013, 05:21:03 pm »
We purchased a 2012 J-480 back in June of 2012.  We had compared it with the Sundance Cameo and almost bought the Cameo until I wet tested both models side by side in a store.  I liked the force of the jets in the J-480 far greater than the Cameo.  And the Cameo was almost 200 gallons fewer than the J-480 when comparing the filling guides vs brochures. 

As to the radio, orginally I was not going to spend the money for a radio in the spa, as I wanted the Bose outside speakers near the spa.  The dealer through in the sound system for free since I bought the floor model during a truck load event.  Now that I have had the spa for six plus months, I would have gladly paid $600 to $800 for the system. 

And the J-1000 control system on Jacuzzi's 400 series is far more efficient and user friendly that the Sundance 880 series.  Although Sundance has a few nice features that would be great if Jacuzzi installed them on the 400 series.  We bought ours for $7,999 plus tax and delivery since I was almost 100 miles from the dealer.

We've recently had problems with our filters and the flow control and I'm on my 3rd set of filters in 4 months.  I finally contacted Jacuzzi corporate office last week and they informed me that they had made changes to the filters since many customers were having problems with the flow control errors.  They offered to send me a couple complete new sets of filters for free.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: 2012 Optima or 2013 J-470
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2013, 05:21:03 pm »


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