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Author Topic: Any regrets getting a hot tub?  (Read 16912 times)


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Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« on: January 28, 2013, 05:16:06 pm »
The reason I ask is I've been told from a few workmates that they know people who have tubs and just don't use them much. They say there to much maintenance and can get costly. They admit they used them a lot once they got them, but after a couple years it lost the charm. So is this the norm for many, or just a few? It's a big purchase, so I don't want to have thoses feelings in a couple years.

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Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« on: January 28, 2013, 05:16:06 pm »


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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 05:42:56 pm »
I know what you mean and think it is the spa industry that is to blame. The way they have people maintain hot tubs is insane. There is a way to have an enjoyable hot tub year in and year out that they don't want you to know about because it costs them money.


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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 05:51:27 pm »
The reason I ask is I've been told from a few workmates that they know people who have tubs and just don't use them much. They say there to much maintenance and can get costly. They admit they used them a lot once they got them, but after a couple years it lost the charm. So is this the norm for many, or just a few? It's a big purchase, so I don't want to have thoses feelings in a couple years.

It varies, I know people who've owned a spa for decades literally and still go in multiple times a week if not almost daily. A lot of it depends on the individual and their personality. My wife and two of my sons this time of year go in 2 to 4 times a week in our 12 year old spa, I go in weekly maybe and my other son just once in a while.

You want to buy it to relax, not to sit in it and worry about what it cost to buy, to heat ... but I understand. Sometimes poeple who have this reservation will buy a used spa to see if they really like it before spending 10k on a new one.
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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2013, 05:52:24 pm »
There is a way to have an enjoyable hot tub year in and year out that they don't want you to know about because it costs them money.

Huh? Is there a sales pitch to follow?
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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2013, 06:01:38 pm »
I have had my tub since 2005. We bought it because I had Lyme disease and believed that soaking in the hot water would help. It did and I credit the tub with giving me a life..Lyme can be a terrible disease and the resulting arthritis is really helped by the hot soaks..That said, my kids and my husband also loved the tub when we got it. We would spend wonderful family time with the kids and my husband and I would enjoy morning coffee and watch the birds and wildlife from the tub.  We loved soaking in the snow and star gazing when it was bone chilling cold...but when the kids  went in different directions and my husband took a job in Europe, I wasn't inclined to soak alone. So for long stretches no one went into the tub.  I did however keep it  because when I threatened to sell it, my family protested and would then would  have a renewed interest and start using it again. I guess some people never get back into the mode to use the tub, but it seems for my family that we are always drawn back to it.

As far as maintence being an issue..I use the spa frog and I think my Marquis tub has excellent filtration because I can go for long periods of time and not even open the cover and the tub stays clean. If I know we won't be using it for a while, I lower the temperature and it seems to maintain very well. I don't spend much for chemicals so the only real expense is electric to heat the water.

My two boys actually come home from college now to use the tub..and sometimes that isn't so cool..but..

If I was asked if I would do it again, yes in a heart beat...no only for the health benefits but for times spent with my family. And for all of the great people that I have met on this forum.. ;)
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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2013, 06:26:38 pm »
It is like anything you buy.  The new car smell wears off and it gets boring.  The people I know that have a hot tub sitting in the back yard empty are the same people that hate to take care of just about anything. 

I would love to have a nice motor home but it would not get used enough to justify buying one and I can go rent one any time I need to.  If I didn't think I would use my hot tub enough to justify buying it I could go sit in my bathtub and soak instead. 

As far as the cost.  Do your home work.  If you use your tub a lot of course it will cost more then if you use it once a week.  If you go to a movie four times a week it will cost you more then if you go to one movie a week.  It is the enjoyment of soaking in a hot tub and spending quality time with family or friends.


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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2013, 08:28:33 pm »
no regrets at all!!!!... have owned a tub for 7 years and use it almost every day... I am now on my 2nd hot tub... My only regret was not doing research before purchasing my 1st tub, and looking for the best bargain.. My 1st tub was a low cost budget model, which I did enjoy thoroughly, but it was an energy hog!.. after 5 years with my 1st tub, and much research, I finally decided to pay the big bucks and get a higher end model!... couldn't be happier now!... my advice to 1st time buyers would be to do lots of research, WET TEST is at all possible, and remember that you get what you pay for... paying the big bucks now will save you lots in the long run, and the better built tub will last many more years!


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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2013, 05:43:19 am »
An pessimist will tell you it cost 10,000 dollars to buy and thousands a year to maintain. An optimist will say 6000 dollars to buy and hundreds a year to maintain. You pick. Sounds like you talked to a few pessimists. (spelling)


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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2013, 09:18:37 am »
An pessimist will tell you it cost 10,000 dollars to buy and thousands a year to maintain. An optimist will say 6000 dollars to buy and hundreds a year to maintain. You pick. Sounds like you talked to a few pessimists. (spelling)

Others would say that if you have concerns about being able to afford the upkeep, then you can't afford a hot tub.  (Relative to other likely expenses you have on your plate).  Its hardly ranks up there with food, shelter and health insurance. 


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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2013, 09:34:08 am »
If you invest in a quality tub, with good insulation and are in tune with your tub, the costs to keep it can be minimized..I turn the tub down a bit (not so low that it would freeze real fast in a power outage)..when no one is using it. That saves on chemicals and electric. Im not taking about doing this on a daily basis..but if you know no one will be in the tub for two weeks, turn it down a bit.  Seriously, if you are diligent about your water quality, the cost of chemicals is not that much. I guess it is all relative, but I say it's not that much.

I use a spa blanket to increase insulation, prevent evaporation and most importantly to extend the life of my cover.

My tub is set on economy mode..that is winter, summer all the time. The only time I switch it to standard is when I am heating it after cleaning it. It works just fine and has always maintained temperature.

If you have any hesitation, just imagine the time of day that you would use the tub. Then block that time every day for a couple of weeks. If you can find the time, then that is one consideration. If other things prevent you from having that time, maybe you wouldn't make time to soak either. Think of the benefits and if they don't outweigh the cost considerations then don't jump into a purchase. Are you sure you even know the benefits?  Are you at a time when you expect changes in your life style or your life in general? Like I said before, my tub usage decreased when my husband was traveling. Some people are fine with enjoying the tub by themselves, others need company. Then maybe think about other high dollar items that you may have "needed". Did they live up to your expectations and did you use them/enjoy them like you did when you first got them?

Guess I have rambled on, but since you asked..My regret right now is that I have to clean the tub for the second time in less than 3 weeks because I shared it with my son's friends who didn't know the rules..When it's pristine again, I think I will start a routine in the morning, by myself..thanks for helping me remember why I got this thing in the first place  ;D
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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2013, 09:53:12 am »
I bought my hot tub because I was spending approximately $100 per year on those inflatable ring top pools.  I would use the pool from the Summer through late fall when it would get too cold and all I was doing was soaking in it to relax.  Finally, this last year I decided what I really wanted was a hot tub.  I used it two and three times a day at first then the weather got cold.  I love being in the tub in the cold, but I hate getting out (it's a fairly long walk to my house from where I placed the tub).  I still use it two or three times a week and I anticipate going back to more frequent use once spring hits. 

To maintain it, I use the 6% Clorox method (2 weeks of dichlor, then shift to liquid chlorine) N2, Ozone and occasional Non Chlorine Shock.  I just throw the liquid chlorine or shock in before a soak (I used to do it after a soak, but it is just easier and warmer to do it before I get wet).

I don't worry too much about the electrical usage because I have solar panels.

I love my hot tub.  I don't see that changing.


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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2013, 10:17:52 am »
If you're really uncertain, maybe consider one of the higher quality moldcast type spas like the Freeflow Spas line, they cost less, are well insulated, long lasting and did I mention they cost less?


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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2013, 12:34:31 pm »
The reason I ask is I've been told from a few workmates that they know people...............

I hear that statement most from people with no actual experience and in some part its jealousy. Sure some people do decide its not for them.  I know more people who lost their hot tubs in divorce, or had to move to another location, or the economy forced them out of their home.
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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2013, 03:59:29 pm »
And Bill, you are a perfect example of someone who can't be without a tub. You use yours all the time
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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2013, 08:48:42 pm »
No regets now, as I just ordered a Jacuzzi J-470. ;D

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Re: Any regrets getting a hot tub?
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2013, 08:48:42 pm »


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