Back ground. I was in the market for a new tub. It was Hot Springs Vanguard, Aria and Grandee Vs Sundance Cameo and Optima. Did a wet test on all but the Grandee. My wife is NOT a big fan of hot tubs. She doesn't like HOT WATER and she floats away from any seat if the jets are on high. So my job was to some how sell her on a tub. The HOT WATER part is easy one to fix....don't have it hot. We tested all tubs at 98 degrees. That seem to work for her. The second problem was a hard one to fix. One dealer said to just not have the jets on high. She really liked the way the jets on high felt on her sore back but I had to help her stay in the seat. Not good!
The last tub we tested was the Sundance Optima. I saw a smile on my wife's face that I did not see in any other tub. She could push against the raised foot rest in the middle of the tub and stay in the seat with the jets on full blast. She even said that she could get used to having a hot tub. I loved the tub. One really big surprise to me was the stereo the Optima had. Even my wife said she wanted the hot tub to have the stereo. The price on the Optima was higher then all the others but the owner of Backyards of America here in Salt Lake City worked some magic and in two weeks we will have a 2013 Sundance Optima spa.
A happy mama bear makes the world a great place